Seminole County Real Estate - Goldenrod

Goldenrod is in East Central Florida. It's population as recorded in the 2010 Census was 12,039. Goldenrod is approximately 7 miles from Orlando (population 238,300) and around 20 miles from Deltona (population 85,182).

The median age for residents of Goldenrod is 32.8. Around 25.3% of Goldenrod households include school aged children and 20.2% of households include individuals aged 65 years or over. Census records indicate 77.5% of the Goldenrod population are White, 9.1% are Black or African American, .3% American Indian, 3% Asian and 3.3% are Two or more Races. Goldenrod has a significant Hispanic population. 22.1% (2,671) of Goldenrod residents are of Hispanic or Latino origin. Of these 12.69% are of Mexican origin, 52.45% Puerto Rican, 7.56% Cuban and 27.29% are of other Hispanic or Latino origin.

There are 5,670 housing units in Goldenrod. 461 (8.1%) of these were reported as vacant in the 2010 Census. There are 2,954 residential rental units in Goldenrod. 2,642 of them were occupied in 2010 providing a residential rental vacancy rate of 10.4%.

Goldenrod links:

Seminole County

Seminole County is located in the East Central Florida region, along with Brevard, Orange, Volusia, Sumter, Lake, and Osceola County. Cities in Seminole County include Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, and Winter Springs. Seminole County?s population is over 420,000 despite being one of the geographically smallest counties in Florida.

Seminole County's major industries include agri-technology, aviation & aerospace, clean technology, and information technology. Top public sector employers in Seminole County are Seminole County Public Schools, Seminole State College of Florida, Seminole County Government, and Seminole County Sheriff Department. The largest private sector employers are Convergys, Florida Hospital, Chase Bankcard Services, Orlando Regional Healthcare, and American Automobile Association.

Known as the Historic Waterfront Gateway City because of its location at the confluence of Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River, Sanford is the seat of Seminole County. Historically a transportation hub for the production of nearby agriculture, Sanford was once known as "Celery City". Home to over 50,000, the city's economy is driven by the service industries and construction. The city's waterfront marinas are still home to commercial craft, but they also host plenty of recreational boats.

AAA (American Automobile Association) is headquartered in the unincorporated Seminole County community of Heathrow.

Neighboring Properties

AddressTypeSq FtClass 
5830 Red Bug Lake Rd Financial institution (bank, saving and loan company, mortgage company, credit services) 3,212 C
5885 Red Bug Lake Rd Service station 1,512 C
5775 Red Bug Lake Rd Financial institution (bank, saving and loan company, mortgage company, credit services) 5,836 C
5920 Red Bug Lake Rd Community Shopping Center 94,211 C
5700 Red Bug Lake Rd Service station 2,400 C
1445 Tuskawilla Rd Financial institution (bank, saving and loan company, mortgage company, credit services) 4,657 C

Nearby Companies

Minisimo LLC
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The Smart Sites LLC
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5840 Red Bug Lake Road #625
Custom Poster Works, Inc.
5840 Red Bug Lake Road #85
Rx Vapor Supply Company LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
Pcmoneymaking.Com LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd #610
Talksober LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd #610
Homepro Renovations, LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
International Magnet Schools Inc.
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
Advanced Lazer Technology, Inc.
5840 Red Bug Lake Road - Ste 85
Katapult Events LLC
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Elite Rad Radiology Services, Inc.
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
The Lapel Pins Plus Network, LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
Committee For Government Accountability, Inc
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd Suite 25
Shutterfreaks, LLC
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Musical Star LLC
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Mi Real Estate, LLC
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Lighthouse Beacon Trust, LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
Mqtq Enterprises LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
2204 Avenue X LLC
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Bravos International, LLC
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Keeper Lab LLC
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Vintage Alley Music, LLC
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Ma Mail Copy Plus, LLC
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Prosperity Life, LLC
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Prosperity Life Ii, LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
Prosperity Life Iii, LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
Prosperity Life Iv, LLC
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Holden & Holden LLC
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Kids Matter, LLC
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Space Frontier Operations, Inc.
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S. Avery Smith, P.A.
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
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The Domestic Marine Inc.
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Ta Studio, Inc.
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
Accurate Appraisals, Inc.
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
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Semmwa, LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
Marketing Analytic Trends Inc
5840 Red Bug Lake Road #1520
Seven Rivers Properties, L.L.C.
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Rapid Africa Plan Inc.
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Telemed America LLC
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Bm Insurance LLC
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Corgi Investments LLC
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Gator Tower Inc
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Green Thumb Petro, LLC
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Noray Investments LLC
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Pro Dips LLC
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Starline Limousines, Inc.
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Adirondack Woodshop LLC
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Themustanggroup LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
Salesfs LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
Salesforce Properties, LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
Genao Investments LLC
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd
August Rooster, Inc.
5856 Red Bug Lake Rd
Deja Shefrans LLC
5876 Red Bug Lake Rd
Tonic Inc.
5876 Red Bug Lake Rd
Scissor'D Inc.
5876 Red Bug Lake Rd
Cos.Em.Tology Inc.
5876 Red Bug Lake Rd
Dyna Nails And Spa, LLC
5888 Red Bug Lake Rd
D'Tails Pet Grooming, Inc.
5904 Red Bug Lake Rd
Dentists Of Winter Springs, Pa
5908 Red Bug Lake Rd
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