Collier County Real Estate - Marco Island

Marco Island is in South West Florida. It's population as recorded in the 2010 Census was 16,413. Marco Island is approximately 45 miles from Cape Coral (population 154,305) and around 47 miles from Lehigh Acres (population 86,784).

The median age for residents of Marco Island is 63.6. Around 10.8% of Marco Island households include school aged children and 60.6% of households include individuals aged 65 years or over. Census records indicate 95.8% of the Marco Island population are White, .5% are Black or African American, 0% American Indian, 1.1% Asian and .7% are Two or more Races.

There are 17,134 housing units in Marco Island. 8,931 (52.1%) of these were reported as vacant in the 2010 Census. Marco Island is a tourist destination, 79.8% (7,132) of it's vacant housing units were classed as seasonal, recreational or for occasional use. There are 2,206 residential rental units in Marco Island. 1,152 of them were occupied in 2010 providing a residential rental vacancy rate of 43.2%.

Marco Island links:

Collier County

Collier County is part of the southwest region of Florida, along with Lee and Charlotte counties. Collier County is Florida's largest county in area, though much of that territory is within Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve. Cities and towns in Collier County include Everglades City, Marco Island, and Naples. Collier County has a population over 300,000.

The major employment industries in Collier County are trade, transportation, and utilities; leisure & hospitality; and education and health services. Major private sector employers for Collier County are Wal-Mart, Marriott, Fifth Third Bank, Naples Grande Resort, and Barron Collier Partnership. Top public sector employers include Collier County Public Schools, Collier County Government, and Collier County Sheriff's Department.

Collier County is the site of the first oil well dug in the state of Florida. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Collier County was one of the communities in the nation most impacted by the foreclosure crisis of 2008, but it is slowly picking back up again. The coastal areas in the western portion of the county are the centers of population, while interior areas are more devoted to agriculture.

One of the ten wealthiest cities in the U.S. per capita, the county seat of Naples is home for around 20,000. The city?s population is heavy on retirees, with half of residents over the age of 62. Nonetheless, the city has a strong economy and is the headquarters for about 10,000 businesses, including ASG Software Solutions, Beasley Broadcast Group, and Newsbank.

Marco Island is located off the mainland coast. Nearly half of the 16,000 residents are over 65. The developed island is a tourist destination.

Neighboring Properties

AddressTypeSq FtClass 
530 Peacock Ter Single Family 1,671 C
541 Heathwood Dr S Single Family 2,047 B
531 Heathwood Dr S Single Family 2,169 C
520 Peacock Ter Single Family 6,418 C
521 Heathwood Dr S Vacant Residential 0 L
1400 Collingswood Ave Single Family 2,481 B
510 Peacock Ter Vacant Residential 0 L
1408 Collingswood Ave Single Family 0 B
511 Heathwood Dr S Single Family 2,286 C
540 Heathwood Dr S Single Family 7,054 B
560 Heathwood Dr S Single Family 8,690 A
1416 Collingswood Ave Single Family 3,180 B
530 Heathwood Dr S Vacant Residential 0 B
1319 Auburndale Ave Vacant Residential 0 L
1400 Winterberry Dr County Owned 525 B
1309 Auburndale Ave Vacant Residential 0 L
570 Heathwood Dr S Single Family 16,912 A
501 Heathwood Dr S Vacant Residential 0 L
520 Heathwood Dr S Vacant Residential 0 B
1424 Collingswood Ave Vacant Residential 0 L
510 Heathwood Dr S Single Family 3,272 B

Local Household Income

The median household income in this part of Florida is $66,335. The bottom 10% of the population earn less than $20,181 per year. The top 10% earn more than $218,235 per year. The top 1% earn more than $678,475 per year. Most renters earn between $28,956 (20th percentile) and $58,248 (80th percentile) per year. Someone earning the median household income in this area is likely to qualify for a mortgage between $132,670 and $165,838.

Source: US Census American Community Survey - 2008-2012 ACS 5-year PUMS estimates

Local Rents

The median monthly rent in this part of Florida is $1,012. Most renters earn between $2,413 and $4,854 per month. They typically spend 32% of their monthly income on rent. Most rents fall in the $769 (20th percentile) to $1,507 (80th percentile) range. The residential vacancy rate is 11%.

Nearby Companies

Turtle Bay Consulting LLC
530 South Heathwood Dr
Green Releaf & Wellness, LLC
530 South Heathwood Dr
D & H Support Solutions, Inc.
570 S Heathwood Dr
Mwfla, LLC
530 Peacock Ter
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