Pasco County Real Estate - New Port Richey

New Port Richey is in the Tampa Bay region of Florida. It's population as recorded in the 2010 Census was 14,911. New Port Richey is approximately 26 miles from Tampa (population 335,709) and around 33 miles from Saint Petersburg (population 244,769).

The median age for residents of New Port Richey is 46.5. Around 22% of New Port Richey households include school aged children and 36.6% of households include individuals aged 65 years or over. Census records indicate 88.9% of the New Port Richey population are White, 3% are Black or African American, .4% American Indian, 1.4% Asian and 2.7% are Two or more Races.

There are 8,693 housing units in New Port Richey. 1,763 (20.2%) of these were reported as vacant in the 2010 Census. New Port Richey is a tourist destination, 29.4% (520) of it's vacant housing units were classed as seasonal, recreational or for occasional use. There are 3,458 residential rental units in New Port Richey. 2,846 of them were occupied in 2010 providing a residential rental vacancy rate of 17.2%.

New Port Richey links:

Pasco County

Pasco County is part of the Tampa Bay region of Florida, along with Manatee, Polk, Hillsborough, Pinellas, Hernando, Citrus and Sarasota counties. Pasco County lists agri-business, logistics, defense, and medical/biomedical/life sciences as its targeted industries. Pasco County's largest public sector employers are Pasco County School District, Pasco County Government, Pasco County Sheriff, State of Florida, and the Federal Government. Main private sector employers are Pall Aeropower Corporation; Zephyrhills Spring Water Co; VLOC, Subsidiary of II-VI, Inc; Zephy Egg LLC, and Preferred Materials, Inc. Pasco County cities include Aripeka, Bayonet Point, Crystal Springs, Dade City (County Seat), Elfers, Gulf Harbors, Holiday, Hudson, Lacoochee, New Port Richey, Odessa, Port Richey, San Antonio, Trinity, and Zephyrhills.

Neighboring Properties

AddressTypeSq FtClass 
6011 Montana Ave Single Family 680 C
6015 Montana Ave Multi-family - less than 10 units 2,622 C
5947 Montana Ave Single Family 1,272 C
6023 Montana Ave Multi-family - less than 10 units 2,986 B
6204 Madison St Vacant Residential 0 L
6004 Montana Ave Mixed use - store and office or store and residential or residential combination 1,044 C
6145 Madison St Single Family 668 C
6027 Montana Ave Single Family 1,389 C
5943 Montana Ave Single Family 960 C
6209 Madison St Single Family 888 C
6016 Missouri Ave Single Family 1,804 C
6016 Montana Ave Single Family 1,246 C
6212 Madison St Vacant Residential 1,667 B
6020 Missouri Ave Single Family 1,875 C
6033 Montana Ave Single Family 1,804 C
5937 Montana Ave Single Family 1,252 C
6020 Montana Ave Single Family 3,042 C
6116 Madison St Single Family 943 C
5946 Missouri Ave Single Family 1,691 C
6026 Missouri Ave Single Family 1,800 C
5940 Missouri Ave Single Family 1,141 C
5940 Montana Ave Single Family 1,738 C
6026 Montana Ave Single Family 1,798 C
5929 Montana Ave Single Family 1,520 C
5936 Missouri Ave Multi-family - less than 10 units 1,676 C
6041 Montana Ave Single Family 1,218 C
6032 Montana Ave Single Family 1,622 C
5927 Montana Ave Single Family 948 C
6040 Missouri Ave Single Family 3,339 C
5932 Missouri Ave Vacant Residential 0 L
5930 Montana Ave Single Family 1,638 C
6040 Montana Ave Single Family 1,346 C
6017 Missouri Ave Single Family 989 C
6100 Madison St Multi-family - less than 10 units 1,920 B
6011 Delaware Ave Single Family 1,140 C
6017 Delaware Ave Single Family 1,217 C
5926 Missouri Ave Single Family 1,040 C
6021 Missouri Ave Forest, park or recreational area 2,762 C
5921 Montana Ave Single Family 1,232 C
5926 Montana Ave Single Family 1,340 C
5947 Delaware Ave Multi-family - less than 10 units 1,828 B
6232 Madison St Office building, non-professional service building, multi-story 4,820 B
6011 Missouri Ave Single Family 1,361 C
6027 Delaware Ave Single Family 1,234 C
6115 Monroe St Single Family 1,657 C
5941 Delaware Ave Single Family 1,300 C
5947 Missouri Ave Vacant Residential 0 L
6051 Montana Ave Single Family 1,728 C
6033 Delaware Ave Single Family 1,856 C

Local Household Income

The median household income in this part of Florida is $51,244. The bottom 10% of the population earn less than $17,485 per year. The top 10% earn more than $125,943 per year. The top 1% earn more than $406,880 per year. Most renters earn between $27,444 (20th percentile) and $47,016 (80th percentile) per year. Someone earning the median household income in this area is likely to qualify for a mortgage between $102,488 and $128,110.

The tax assessed value of this property places it in percentile 64 of all properties in this area. This suggests it would appeal to someone earning around $67,335 per year who should qualify for a mortgage between $134,670 and $168,338.

Source: US Census American Community Survey - 2008-2012 ACS 5-year PUMS estimates

Local Rents

The median monthly rent in this part of Florida is $882. Most renters earn between $2,287 and $3,918 per month. They typically spend 33% of their monthly income on rent. Most rents fall in the $651 (20th percentile) to $1,173 (80th percentile) range. The residential vacancy rate is 7%.

This property falls in percentile 64 of all properties in this area. This corresponds to a rent of $997 per month and a monthly household income of $3,421 ($41,052 per year)

Nearby Companies

Davis-Clarke, Inc.
5946 Missouri Ave
Modglin, Inc.
5946 Missouri Ave
Now Time With Glen LLC
6232 Madison St
Shell Bay Properties, LLC
6212 Madison St
B-Fly Charter Company LLC
6116 Madison St
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