Recsi LLC

Recsi LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Doral. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 14, 2011.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Recsi LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateMar 14, 2011
Principal Address
3022 Nw 79 Ave

Recsi LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Recsi LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Recsi LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Castaneda George Officer (MGRM) George Castaneda
3020 Nw 79 Avenue
(Miami-Dade County)

George Castaneda
3020-22 Nw 79 Ave
FL 33122
(Miami-Dade County)

George Castaneda
3022 Nw 79 Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called George Castaneda
Palmetto Doral Condominium Association, Inc. - Officer (PRES)
Garcia Carlos A Registered Agent Carlos Garcia
10401 Harbor Bluff Way
FL 33615
(Hillsborough County)

Carlos Garcia
13925 Sw 140 St
FL 33183
(Miami-Dade County)

Carlos Garcia
1748 51 St Sw
FL 34116
(Collier County)

Carlos Garcia
201 Alhambra Cir
Coral Gables
FL 33134
(Miami-Dade County)

Carlos Garcia
201 Alhambra Circle Suite 1205
Coral Gables
(Miami-Dade County)

Carlos Garcia
3397 W 91 St Ter
FL 33018
(Miami-Dade County)

Carlos Garcia
4778 Sw 75 Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Carlos Garcia
8391 Nw 7th St
FL 33126
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Carlos Garcia
Alchemidas Consulting Group, Inc. - Registered Agent
Boatservices , LLC - Officer (MGR)
Crespo Rain Gutters Corp. - Officer (Secr)
Nck Supplies & Services, LLC - Officer (MGR,)
Techniques Keeper Academy LLC - Officer (Mana)

Principal Location

Recsi LLC is located at 3022 Nw 79 Ave in Doral.

Companies Located Nearby

Sar Usa Corp. (8007 Nw 29th St) Alfa Capital Investments, Inc. (8007 Nw 29th St) Kaye Capital Investment Corp. (8007 Nw 29th St) Sar Usa Corp. (8007 Nw 29th St) Trimline Graphics International, Inc. (3016 Nw 79 Avenue) 3022 Doral Palmetto, LLC (3020 Nw 79 Avenue) 3020 Palmetto, LLC (3020 Nw 79 Avenue) Ronmur, Inc. (3018 Nw 79th Ave) Transamerica Bpo Services,Inc. (3018 Nw 79th Ave) Onifled Inc. (3018 Nw 79th Ave) Morlic Engineering, Corp. (3020 Nw 79th Ave) Habitus Doral LLC (3028 Nw 79 Ave) Alfalit International, Inc. (3026 Nw 79 Avenue) Mater Tiles LLC (3030 Nw 79th Ave) Vision Optical Equipment Usa LLC (3026 Nw 79th Ave) Alfalit Realty Holdings, Inc. (3026 Nw 79th Ave) Integral Medical Solutions Inc (3026 Nw 79th Ave) Euphoria Distributors Inc (3030 Northwest 79 Avenue) Y & V Holding, Inc. (3031 Nw 79th Ave) Kavanayen LLC (3037 Nw 79th Ave) Kavana Group, LLC (3037 Nw 79th Ave) Kavana 1, LLC (3037 Nw 79th Ave) All State Plumbing Supply LLC (2920 Nw 79th Ave) Mart 2000 International, Inc. (2920 Nw 79th Ave) Ocean Decor International. LLC (7875 Nw 29th St) Ruben And Son'S Investments LLC (7871 Nw 29th St) Rubenet Marble, Inc. (7871 Nw 29th St) Doral Property Holdings LLC. (3101 Nw 79 Ave) La Bella Floors, Corp (3131 Nw 79 Avenue) Colt International Inc. (7855 Nw 29th St) Jcv Investment LLC (7855 Nw 29th St) Lfh Investments, LLC (7855 Nw 29 Street) Lopefra Corp. (7855 Nw 29 Street) Celope Corp. (7855 Nw 29 Street) Lopez Assets Corp. (7855 Nw 29 Street) Floreco, Inc. (7855 Nw 29 St) Pivatool LLC (7855 Nw 29th St) Lopez 220 LLC (7855 Nw 29th St) Tribeca Fashion Services, Inc. (7855 Nw 29th St) Wb Engineering Inc. (7855 Nw 29th St) Efco Usa Inc (7855 Nw 29th St) Proman Construction Co., Inc. (7855 Nw 29 Street Ste 182) Stone Collection Design Center LLC (2900 Nw 79 Ave) Tiles & Stone Collection LLC (2900 Nw 79 Ave) Miami Flooring & Wall Supplies LLC (2900 Nw 79 Ave) Trimer Usa LLC (2157 Nw 79th Ave) Isp Equipment LLC (2157 Nw 79th Ave) Rpm Telecom, Incorporated (2157 Nw 79th Ave) Rpm Wireless, Inc. (2157 Nw 79th Ave) Dabian Intl' Group Corp. (2157 Nw 79th Ave) Best Of Miami Export Corp. (2157 Nw 79th Ave) Rael International, Inc. (2862 Nw 79th Ave) Americhem Pharmaceutical Corp. (2862 Nw 79th Ave) Capitol Insurance Group LLC (2981 Nw 79th Ave) Sunshine Development Investment Group, Inc. (2981 Nw 79th Ave) Doral Fountain LLC (2981 Nw 79 Avenue) East 40 LLC (2981 Nw 79 Avenue) Casa Bella Miami, LLC (2981 Nw 79 Avenue) Kawama Marina Resort Inc. (2981 Nw 79 Avenue) Jsm Miami Inc. (2981 Nw 79 Avenue) West 40 LLC (2981 Nw 79 Ave) Bisazza North America, Inc. (2870 Nw 79th Ave) Three Thousand LLC (3000 Nw 79 Ave) Inexco Enterprise Group Corp (3000 Nw 79 Ave) American Wings, Inc. (3000 Nw 79th Ave) Gamma Associates, Inc. (3000 Nw 79th Ave) Agm Home Store, LLC (3002 Nw 79th Ave) Cp Holding Group LLC (3006 Nw 79 Ave) Tech Group Latin America. Inc (3006 Nw 79 Ave) Ipro Miami Inc (3006 Nw 79 Ave) Miami Fl Rent A Car Inc (3006 Nw 79 Avenue) Cacique Farms LLC (3010 Nw 79 Avenue) El Centurion LLC (3010 Nw 79 Avenue) Tropical Tobacco, Inc. (3010 Nw 79th Ave) Winsom, L.L.C. (3010 Nw 79th Ave) Cp World Cargo LLC (3008 Nw 79 Ave) Distribuidora Hdd Inc (3008 Nw 79 Ave) Andrea Prime Inc (3008 Nw 79 Ave) Chargers2go LLC (3014 Nw 79 Ave) 5gip LLC (3014 Nw 79 Ave) Ch2g Investments LLC (3014 Nw 79 Ave) C2gobb Investment LLC (3014 Nw 79 Ave) Ch2go Services LLC (3014 Nw 79 Ave) Ch2go Contractors LLC (3014 Nw 79 Ave) Inversiones Jjnk, Inc (3008 Nw 79th Ave) New Stone Age, Inc. (2981 Nw 79 Ave) Jorge Aloma J. J. J. Inc (2898 Nw 79th Ave) Stonica, LLC (2905 Nw 79th Ave) Jdt Doral Holdings, LLC (2905 Nw 79th Ave) Jdt Doral Land Holdings, LLC (2905 Nw 79th Ave) Jdt South Beach Holdings, LLC (2905 Nw 79th Ave) Ampar Investments, LLC (2905 Nw 79 Avenue) Major Tile & Stone, Inc. (7890 Nw 29th Ave) Builders Design, Inc. (7890 Nw 29th St) Aftemar Kitchen Cabinet, Inc. (7890 Nw 29th St) Ferimar Corp. (7890 Nw 29th St) Kitchen Trends, LLC (2913 Nw 79th Ave) Builders Solutions Corp. (7890 Nw 29th Street Suite D) Bathtrends LLC (2913 Nw 79 Avenue) Bcmm Holdings, LLC (2913 Nw 79 Avenue) Bathtrends Ip, LLC (2913 Nw 79 Avenue) Ocean Design Gallery, LLC (7875 Nw 29 Street)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.