Glades County Real Estate - Moore Haven

Moore Haven is in South Central Florida. It's population as recorded in the 2010 Census was 1,680. Moore Haven is approximately 55 miles from Port Saint Lucie (population 164,603) and around 56 miles from Cape Coral (population 154,305).

The median age for residents of Moore Haven is 36.9. Around 36.2% of Moore Haven households include school aged children and 30.8% of households include individuals aged 65 years or over. Census records indicate 61.1% of the Moore Haven population are White, 24.8% are Black or African American, 0% American Indian, .4% Asian and 2.1% are Two or more Races. Moore Haven has a significant Hispanic population. 35.5% (598) of Moore Haven residents are of Hispanic or Latino origin. Of these 70.9% are of Mexican origin, 6.18% Puerto Rican, 7.02% Cuban and 15.88% are of other Hispanic or Latino origin.

There are 832 housing units in Moore Haven. 219 (26.3%) of these were reported as vacant in the 2010 Census. Moore Haven is a tourist destination, 47.4% (104) of it's vacant housing units were classed as seasonal, recreational or for occasional use. There are 256 residential rental units in Moore Haven. 212 of them were occupied in 2010 providing a residential rental vacancy rate of 16.4%.

Moore Haven links:

Glades County

Glades County is located in South Central Florida, along with Desoto, Hendry, Highlands, Okeechobee, and Hardee counties. The only incorporated municipality in Glades County is the city of Moore Haven, the county seat. Other communities include Buckhead Ridge, Lakeport, Palmdale, and Muse. The Brighton Seminole Indian Reservation is in Glades as well. The county is located just to the west of Lake Okeechobee. The population is in excess of 12,000.

The main industries providing employment are educational, health, and social services; agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; public administration; and construction. Major private sector employers in Glades County are Moore Haven Correctional Facility, Lykes Bros, Inc., Brighton Seminole Bingo, Glades Electric Co-op, and A Duda. The top public sector employer is Glades County School Board. Cost of living in Glades County is relatively low at 83.1, compared to the US average of 100.

A rural county, agriculture is important to the economy of Glades. More than 1.2 million commercial fruit trees in the county produce over 2.5 million boxes of citrus annually, the vast majority of which are oranges. Glades ranks number nine among Florida counties for number of cattle and calves. Aside from ranching, much of the county?s land is given over to pine tree farming.

Moore Haven, a city of over 1,500, is located on the southwestern shore of Lake Okeechobee, where it intersects with the Caloosahatchee Canal. The city hosts a head of the Lake Okeechobee Scenic Trail, which allows hikers and mountain bikers to view the lake and its wildlife around the 110-mile path. The city is home to the annual Chalo Nitka festival, one of the oldest festivals in the state, which is essentially a large county fair that showcases local culture and the culture of Seminole Indians.

Neighboring Properties

AddressTypeSq FtClass 
1101 Friendship Dr Mobile Home 2,171 B
42 Friendship Dr Vacant Residential 0 L
18 Friendship Dr Mobile Home 1,693 B
1059 Friendship Dr Vacant Residential 0 L
1115 Friendship Dr Miscellaneous Residential (migrant camp or boarding home.) 900 B
64 Friendship Dr Vacant Residential 0 L
1083 W Miller Dr Mobile Home 1,814 B
1065 W Miller Dr Miscellaneous Residential (migrant camp or boarding home.) 1,179 L
1029 Friendship Dr Vacant Residential 0 L
1145 Friendship Dr Vacant Residential 0 L
1037 W Miller Dr Mobile Home 1,192 B
1093 W Miller Dr Mobile Home 1,605 B
1161 Friendship Dr Mobile Home 1,477 B
1207 Friendship Dr Mobile Home 1,040 B
1021 W Miller Dr Mobile Home 1,307 B
E Miller Dr Vacant Residential 0 L
1175 Friendship Dr Vacant Residential 960 L
1001 W Miller Dr Mobile Home 1,932 B

Local Household Income

The median household income in this part of Florida is $44,029. The bottom 10% of the population earn less than $15,516 per year. The top 10% earn more than $109,632 per year. The top 1% earn more than $372,033 per year. Most renters earn between $21,636 (20th percentile) and $39,204 (80th percentile) per year. Someone earning the median household income in this area is likely to qualify for a mortgage between $88,058 and $110,073.

The tax assessed value of this property places it in percentile 52 of all properties in this area. This suggests it would appeal to someone earning around $45,537 per year who should qualify for a mortgage between $91,074 and $113,843.

Annual Income Distribution - All Households (Brown), Renters (Blue)

Source: US Census American Community Survey - 2008-2012 ACS 5-year PUMS estimates

Local Rents

The median monthly rent in this part of Florida is $727. Most renters earn between $1,803 and $3,267 per month. They typically spend 32% of their monthly income on rent. Most rents fall in the $494 (20th percentile) to $1,009 (80th percentile) range. The residential vacancy rate is 11%.

This property falls in percentile 52 of all properties in this area. This corresponds to a rent of $738 per month and a monthly household income of $2,506 ($30,072 per year)

Rent Range - Gross Monthly Income (Blue), Gross Rent (Green)

Nearby Companies

Lakeport Lawn & Tree, LLC
1199 Friendship Dr
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