Hendry County Real Estate - Labelle

Labelle is in South Central Florida. It's population as recorded in the 2010 Census was 4,640. Labelle is approximately 34 miles from Cape Coral (population 154,305) and around 15 miles from Lehigh Acres (population 86,784).

The median age for residents of Labelle is 35.3. Around 35.6% of Labelle households include school aged children and 37.7% of households include individuals aged 65 years or over. Census records indicate 68.3% of the Labelle population are White, 8.1% are Black or African American, .3% American Indian, .6% Asian and 1.6% are Two or more Races. Labelle has a significant Hispanic population. 47% (2,181) of Labelle residents are of Hispanic or Latino origin. Of these 87.75% are of Mexican origin, 3.25% Puerto Rican, 2.47% Cuban and 6.51% are of other Hispanic or Latino origin.

There are 1,981 housing units in Labelle. 428 (21.6%) of these were reported as vacant in the 2010 Census. Labelle is a tourist destination, 48.1% (206) of it's vacant housing units were classed as seasonal, recreational or for occasional use. There are 611 residential rental units in Labelle. 494 of them were occupied in 2010 providing a residential rental vacancy rate of 18.5%.

Labelle links:

Hendry County

Hendry County is located in South Central Florida, along with Desoto, Glades, Highlands, Okeechobee, and Hardee counties. Incorporated cities in Hendry County are Clewiston and LaBelle (the county seat). Hendry County is known to the U.S. Census Bureau as the Clewiston Micropolitan Statistical Area. The county's population is in excess of 35,000.

The largest industries by employment are trade, transportation, & utilities; public administration; and natural resources and mining. Major private sector employers include US Sugar Corp, Southern Gardens, A Duda & Sons, Hendry County Hospital Authority, and Alico, Inc. Top public sector employers include Hendry County School District, Hendry County, and Hendry County Sheriff's Office.

72.5% of the land in Hendry County is used for agriculture. Hendry County?s location on the southwest shore of Lake Okeechobee gives it access to the rich soil that was left after the partial drainage of the Everglades. The number one crop is citrus, with over 9 million trees in the county, followed by sugar cane and fresh vegetables. Watermelons are also grown in significant quantities in Henry County.

Located in the northeastern corner of the county, Clewiston is on the southwestern shore of Lake Okeechobee. The city known as ?America?s Sweetest Town? is home to over 6,000. The U.S. Sugar Corporation mill is located on the southern end of the city. It processes 700,000 tons of sugar cane each year.

Clewiston is also known as the Gateway to Lake Okeechobee. The 730 square-mile lake is full of opportunities for maritime recreation, including fishing. Largemouth bass is a popular target for fishers, and many bass tournaments are held in Clewiston. Fishermen and -women also fish the crappie. Fishing contributes millions of dollars to the local economy every year. The lake is also a prime spot for yachting and birding. Hikers can use the Herbert Hoover Dike that rings the water to view the lake and its wildlife.

Neighboring Properties

AddressTypeSq FtClass 
3002 Adcock Dr Vacant Residential 0 L
3004 Adcock Dr Vacant Residential 0 L
1451 Commerce Dr Light manufacturing 14,919 B
3006 Adcock Dr Vacant Residential 0 L
3098 E Briarwood Cir Vacant Residential 0 L
3001 Adcock Dr Vacant Residential 0 L
3008 Adcock Dr Vacant Residential 0 L
3096 E Briarwood Cir Vacant Residential 0 L

Nearby Companies

Keacrest LLC
1451 Commerce Dr
Shady Oaks Coach Homes LLC
1451 Commerce Dr
Soflo Land Development, LLC
1451 Commerce Dr
Suncrest Sheds, Inc.
1451 Commerce Dr
Kim Solutions, Inc
1451 Commerce Dr
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