Escambia County Real Estate - Pensacola

Pensacola is in North West Florida. It's population as recorded in the 2010 Census was 51,923.

The median age for residents of Pensacola is 42.6. Around 23.7% of Pensacola households include school aged children and 29.6% of households include individuals aged 65 years or over. Census records indicate 66.3% of the Pensacola population are White, 27.9% are Black or African American, .5% American Indian, 1.9% Asian and 2.3% are Two or more Races.

There are 26,848 housing units in Pensacola. 3,256 (12.1%) of these were reported as vacant in the 2010 Census. There are 10,359 residential rental units in Pensacola. 9,052 of them were occupied in 2010 providing a residential rental vacancy rate of 12.2%.

Pensacola links:

Escambia County

Escambia County is part of the Northwest region of Florida, along with Bay, Santa Rosa, Walton, Holmes, Jackson, Washington, Okaloosa, Calhoun, Liberty, Gulf, Franklin, Gadsden, Leon, Jefferson, and Wakulla counties. Escambia County is the westernmost county in Florida, located in the tip of the panhandle. It has a population over 450,000.

The most significant industries in Escambia County are military and defense, tourism, healthcare, education and construction. Pensacola, the county's seat and home to over 50,000, contains many military bases including Pensacola Naval Air Station, Naval Training Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Corry Station Naval, Naval Technical Training Center, and Air Station Whiting Field. Top private sector employers for Escambia County are Sacred Heart Health System, Baptist Health Care, Lakeview Center, Gulf Power Company, and Ascend Performance Materials. Major public sector employers include Escambia County Government, Federal Government, Florida State Government, and the University of West Florida.

A suburb of Pensacola, Ferry Pass, is home to the University of West Florida. In addition, Pensacola State College has campuses throughout the county. Troy University also has a campus just west of the city.

The military contributes significantly to the county?s economy. The Department of Defense spends an estimated $7.8 billion in Escambia. The defense industry is responsible for about 80,000 careers.

Escambia contains a major airport and seaport. The airport has an economic impact in excess of $550 billion and supports over 6,000 jobs. The Port of Escambia is a 50-acre facility with eight deepwater docking facilities and railroad access on site. Both fall within a foreign trade zone.

Neighboring Properties

AddressTypeSq FtClass 
108 S Palafox St Office building, non-professional service building, one story 4,642 B
100 S Palafox St Mixed use - store and office or store and residential or residential combination 11,429 B
114 S Palafox St Mixed use - store and office or store and residential or residential combination 9,416 B
100 S Palafox St Blk Vacant Commercial 0 L
100 E Romana St Blk Parking lot (commercial or patron) or mobile home park 0 L
116 S Palafox St Mixed use - store and office or store and residential or residential combination 3,785 B
101 S Jefferson St Mixed use - store and office or store and residential or residential combination 12,469 B
40 S Palafox St Office building, non-professional service building, multi-story 37,084 A
113 S Palafox St Professional service building 6,835 B
118 S Palafox St Enclosed theater or auditorium 15,836 B
130 S Palafox St Mixed use - store and office or store and residential or residential combination 11,901 B
36 S Palafox St Store, one story 16,323 B
101 S Palafox St Office building, non-professional service building, multi-story 13,708 B
43 S Palafox St Store, one story 14,580 B
1st Blk W Intendencia St Vacant Commercial 0 L
127 Palafox Pl Ste 300 Office building, non-professional service building, one story 1,228 B
127 Palafox Pl Ste 200 Office building, non-professional service building, one story 1,336 B
127 Palafox Pl Ste 400 Office building, non-professional service building, one story 670 B
127 Palafox Pl Ste 500 Office building, non-professional service building, one story 7,440 B
127 Palafox Pl Ste 100 Office building, non-professional service building, one story 2,797 B
26 S Palafox St Store, one story 6,206 A
1st Blk E Intendencia St Behind Vacant Commercial 0 L
29 S Palafox St Restaurant, cafeteria 17,877 B
121 S Palafox St Office building, non-professional service building, one story 13,510 B
200 S Palafox St Nightclub, cocktail lounge or bar 5,286 B
1 S Jefferson St Municipal Owned 106,680 B
22 S Palafox St Restaurant, cafeteria 14,929 B
202 S Palafox St Nightclub, cocktail lounge or bar 0 A
21 W Romana St Restaurant, cafeteria 6,672 B
10 W Romana St Store, one story 1,020 B
15 E Intendencia St Nightclub, cocktail lounge or bar 6,842 B
201 S Jefferson St Restaurant, cafeteria 2,083 B
16 S Palafox St Leasehold interests (government owned property leased by a non-governmental lessee) 1,557 B
16 S Palafox St Suite 200 Leasehold interests (government owned property leased by a non-governmental lessee) 3,960 B
25 W Romana St Office building, non-professional service building, one story 3,002 B
212 S Palafox St Store, one story 4,432 B
1st Blk S Jefferson St Right-of-way, street, road, irrigation channel, ditch, etc. 0 L
5 S Palafox St Office building, non-professional service building, multi-story 67,672 B
14 S Palafox St Office building, non-professional service building, multi-story 5,135 B
214 S Palafox St Restaurant, cafeteria 3,566 B
21 E Garden St Financial institution (bank, saving and loan company, mortgage company, credit services) 821 B
100 S Baylen St Office building, non-professional service building, one story 6,223 B
150 S Baylen St Parking lot (commercial or patron) or mobile home park 0 L
10 Palafox Pl Mixed use - store and office or store and residential or residential combination 7,349 B

Local Household Income

The median household income in this part of Florida is $52,677. The bottom 10% of the population earn less than $15,071 per year. The top 10% earn more than $137,099 per year. The top 1% earn more than $431,029 per year. Most renters earn between $25,896 (20th percentile) and $45,588 (80th percentile) per year. Someone earning the median household income in this area is likely to qualify for a mortgage between $105,354 and $131,693.

Annual Income Distribution - All Households (Brown), Renters (Blue)

Source: US Census American Community Survey - 2008-2012 ACS 5-year PUMS estimates

Local Rents

The median monthly rent in this part of Florida is $846. Most renters earn between $2,158 and $3,799 per month. They typically spend 33% of their monthly income on rent. Most rents fall in the $619 (20th percentile) to $1,160 (80th percentile) range. The residential vacancy rate is 8%.

Rent Range - Gross Monthly Income (Blue), Gross Rent (Green)

Nearby Companies

One West Main, Inc.
201 S Jefferson St
Jordan Valley Cafe Of Pensacola Inc
201 South Jefferson St
Louden Plantation, LLC
125 E Intendencia St
Portofino Eat, LLC
125 E Intendencia St
W.G. & Sons, Inc.
214 Palafox Pl
Trip 7'S, LLC
200 S Palafox St
Shell, Fleming, Davis & Menge, P.A.
226 Palafox Pl 9th Floor
Cromey Law, P.A.
101 S Jefferson St
Rough Dyeman LLC
101 S Jefferson St
Beroset Law Firm, P.A.
11 E Romana St
Phs Baseball Booster Club, Inc.
Phs Baseball Booster Club Inc
Endry Properties, Ltd.
127 Palafox Pl
Jme Realty Company
127 Palafox Pl
Pine Forest Center, LLC
127 Palafox Pl
Mirabelle Properties, LLC
127 Palafox Pl
Midway Development, LLC
127 Palafox Pl
Berryhill, LLC
127 Palafox Pl
Summerdale, LLC
127 Palafox Pl
1018, LLC
127 Palafox Pl
Johnson 2010, LLC
127 Palafox Pl
Gulf Blue 30a, LLC
127 Palafox Pl
Pace-Hwy 90 Ventures, LLC
127 Palafox Pl
J.M.E. Management, Inc.
127 Palafox Pl
Calloway Coaching, LLC
101 East Romana St
Aerialwrap, LLC
101 E Romana St
Jo Rich Beauty
126 Palafox Pl
Bluetique, LLC
125 S Palafox Pl
Bto Media, LLC
121 S Palafox Pl
Zarzaur Law, P.A.
100 Palafox Pl
Steady Ndiaye Group, LLC
120 Thornberry Branch Ln
Earth Ethics, Inc.
101 S Palafox Place #12027
Earth Action, Inc.
101 S Palafox Place #12027
Maypop Solutions LLC
101 S Palafox Pl
Bayfront Parkway, LLC
226 Palafox Pl
5 Sisters Blues Cafe, LLC
226 Palafox Pl
Belmont Devilliers, LLC
226 Palafox Pl
Biloxi Development, LLC
226 Palafox Pl
Angelena'S, LLC
226 Palafox Pl
Pensacola Italian, LLC
226 Palafox Pl
Downtown Pensacola Alliance, Inc.
226 S Palafox Pl Ste 106
Inweekly Media, Inc.
226 Palafox Pl
921 North Palafox, LLC
226 S Palafox Pl
Camphor, LLC
40 S Palafox Pl
Cobb Exchange, LLC
40 S Palafox Place Suite 300
Sf Hillsborough, LLC
40 South Palafox Pl
Nf Bay, LLC
40 South Palafox Place Ste 400
Khon'S Asian Bistro, L.L.C
34 South Palafox St
V. Paul'S, LLC
29 Palafox Pl
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