Dixie County Real Estate - Cross City

Cross City is in North Central Florida. It's population as recorded in the 2010 Census was 1,728. Cross City is approximately 48 miles from Gainesville (population 124,354) and around 48 miles from Lake City (population 12,046).

The median age for residents of Cross City is 40.4. Around 33.2% of Cross City households include school aged children and 30.2% of households include individuals aged 65 years or over. Census records indicate 69.6% of the Cross City population are White, 27.4% are Black or African American, .2% American Indian, .4% Asian and 2% are Two or more Races.

There are 845 housing units in Cross City. 154 (18.2%) of these were reported as vacant in the 2010 Census. There are 284 residential rental units in Cross City. 244 of them were occupied in 2010 providing a residential rental vacancy rate of 12.7%.

Cross City links:

Dixie County

Dixie County is located in North Central Florida, along with Alachua, Madison, Hamilton, Taylor, Suwannee, Union, Bradford, Lafayette, Levy, Gilchrist, Marion, and Columbia counties. The main industries of Dixie County are building materials and seafood export. Major private sector employers for Dixie County are Suwannee Lumber Company, Knight's Products, Cross City Veneer, Anderson Columbia Construction, and Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturing. The top public sector employers include Dixie County School System, County Government, and Sheriff's Office. Cities in Dixie County are Cross City (county seat), Horseshoe Beach, Old Town, and Suwannee.

Neighboring Properties

AddressTypeSq FtClass 
421 Ne 210 Cir Ter 203-26 Condominium 1,060 B
422 Ne 210 Cir Ter 203-1 Condominium 912 B
421 Ne 210 Cir Ter 102-26 Condominium 1,060 B
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422 Ne 210 Cir Ter 102-1 Condominium 912 B
423 Ne 210 Cir Ter 204-25 Condominium 1,060 B
421 Ne 210 Cir Ter 204-26 Condominium 1,060 B
423 Ne 210 Cir Ter 201-25 Condominium 1,060 B
423 Ne 210 Cir Ter 203-25 Condominium 1,060 B
422 Ne 210 Cir Ter 103-1 Condominium 912 B
422 Ne 210 Cir Ter 201-1 Condominium 1,064 B
421 Ne 210 Cir Ter 201-26 Condominium 1,060 B
423 Ne 210 Cir Ter 103-25 Condominium 1,060 B
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422 Ne 210 Cir Ter 202-1 Condominium 912 B
422 Ne 210 Cir Ter 206-1 Condominium 1,064 B
421 Ne 210 Cir Ter 202-26 Condominium 1,060 B
422 Ne 210 Cir Ter 104-1 Condominium 912 B
422 Ne 210 Cir Ter 204-1 Condominium 912 B
421 Ne 210 Cir Ter 103-26 Condominium 1,060 B
422 Ne 210 Cir Ter 105-1 Condominium 912 B
421 Ne 210 Cir Ter 104-26 Condominium 1,060 B
422 Ne 210 Cir Ter 101-1 Condominium 1,064 B
423 Ne 210 Cir Ter 102-25 Condominium 1,060 B
423 Ne 210 Cir Ter 104-25 Condominium 1,060 B
422 Ne 210 Cir Ter 106-1 Condominium 1,064 B
426 Ne 210 Cir Ter 206-2 Condominium 1,064 B
426 Ne 210 Cir Ter 103-2 Condominium 912 B
426 Ne 210 Cir Ter 102-2 Condominium 1,077 B
426 Ne 210 Cir Ter 101-2 Condominium 1,064 B
426 Ne 210 Cir Ter 204-2 Condominium 912 B
426 Ne 210 Cir Ter 104-2 Condominium 912 B
426 Ne 210 Cir Ter 201-2 Condominium 1,064 B
426 Ne 210 Cir Ter 202-2 Condominium 1,077 B
426 Ne 210 Cir Ter 203-2 Condominium 912 B
426 Ne 210 Cir Ter 205-2 Condominium 1,077 B
426 Ne 210 Cir Ter 105-2 Condominium 1,077 B
426 Ne 210 Cir Ter 106-2 Condominium 1,064 B
431 Ne 210 Cir Ter 102-24 Condominium 1,060 B
431 Ne 210 Cir Ter 101-24 Condominium 1,060 B
430 Ne 210 Cir Ter 204-3 Condominium 912 B
435 Ne 210 Cir Ter 201-23 Condominium 1,060 B
430 Ne 210 Cir Ter 103-3 Condominium 912 B
430 Ne 210 Cir Ter 202-3 Condominium 1,077 B
431 Ne 210 Cir Ter 203-24 Condominium 1,060 B
434 Ne 210 Cir Ter 207-4a Condominium 1,064 B
434 Ne 210 Cir Ter 107-4a Condominium 1,064 B

Local Household Income

The median household income in this part of Florida is $63,623. The bottom 10% of the population earn less than $18,301 per year. The top 10% earn more than $212,078 per year. The top 1% earn more than $667,781 per year. Most renters earn between $34,452 (20th percentile) and $63,516 (80th percentile) per year. Someone earning the median household income in this area is likely to qualify for a mortgage between $127,246 and $159,058.

The tax assessed value of this property places it in percentile 40 of all properties in this area. This suggests it would appeal to someone earning around $51,125 per year who should qualify for a mortgage between $102,250 and $127,813.

Annual Income Distribution - All Households (Brown), Renters (Blue)

Source: US Census American Community Survey - 2008-2012 ACS 5-year PUMS estimates

Local Rents

The median monthly rent in this part of Florida is $1,324. Most renters earn between $2,871 and $5,293 per month. They typically spend 35% of their monthly income on rent. Most rents fall in the $947 (20th percentile) to $1,771 (80th percentile) range. The residential vacancy rate is 11%.

This property falls in percentile 40 of all properties in this area. This corresponds to a rent of $1,139 per month and a monthly household income of $3,433 ($41,196 per year)

Rent Range - Gross Monthly Income (Blue), Gross Rent (Green)

Nearby Companies

Hunter Design & Photography, LLC
426 Ne 210 Circle Ter
The Juan And Only Marquez Remodeling, Inc.
830 Nw 210 Street Suite # 204
Dc Home Repair Services Corp
446 Ne 210 Cir Ter
Phoenix Aviation Services, Inc.
18601 Sw 210th Street Pvt Home
Ww Appletree, LLC
474 Ne 210 Cir Ter Apt 204
Dynamic Dynasty, Inc.
430 Ne 210 Circle Ter
Chris Andres, Inc.
462 Ne 210 Circle Terr #203
195 Investments, LLC
434 Ne 210 Cir Terr #206
Grace And Harmony Consulting LLC
442 Ne 210 Circle Ter
Disclaimers and Disclosures

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