Wallis Engineers, Inc.

Wallis Engineers, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Jacksonville. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Apr 3, 1992.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Wallis Engineers, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateApr 3, 1992
FEI Number593120915
Principal Address
8825 Perimeter Park Blvd Suite 301

Wallis Engineers, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Wallis Engineers, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Wallis Engineers, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Mcmenamy, William B. Registered Agent William Mcmenamy
50 N Laura St
(Duval County)

William Mcmenamy
245 Riverside Ave
FL 32202
(Duval County)

William Mcmenamy
50 N Laura St
FL 32202
(Duval County)

Wallis, Joseph R. Officer (TPSD) Joseph Wallis
14591 Marsh View Dr
Jacksonville Beach
FL 32250
(Duval County)

Principal Location

Wallis Engineers, Inc. is located at 8825 Perimeter Park Blvd in Jacksonville.

Companies Located Nearby

Imethods, LLC (8787 Perimeter Park Blvd) Chint Properties, LLC (8787 Perimeter Park Blvd) Mochint Properties, LLC (8787 Perimeter Park Blvd) Hire Purpose Foundation, Inc. (8787 Perimeter Park Blvd) Hire Methods, Inc. (8787 Perimeter Park Blvd) Freedom Conversions, Inc. (8787 Perimeter Park Blvd) Jacksonville Title And Trust, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) Bramildon, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) Snowy Egret Trading Company, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) Purple Martin Trading Company, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) Fleming Island Properties, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) Baymeadows Trading, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) Perimeter Park, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) Mohawk Trading Company, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) Spoonbill Trading Company, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) J. Weiss Enterprises, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) Childers Beach Life, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) Coastal Curations, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) William Houston Sharp Jr Pa (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) Sharp Mortgages, Inc. (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd) Pension Management Properties, LLC (8771 Perimeter Park Ct) Investment Management Group, LLC (8771 Perimeter Park Ct) Pension Management Inc (8771 Perimeter Park Ct) Allen Edwards & Associates, Inc. (8771 Perimeter Park Ct) Detlefs & Associates, Inc. (8771 Perimeter Park Ct) Edwards Retirement Planning Inc. (8771 Perimeter Park Ct) Perimeter Park Business Center Association, Inc. (8771 Perimeter Park Ct Ste 103) Ald Investment Management, LLC (8771 Perimeter Park Ct Suite 103) Detlefs Financial Services, Inc. (8771 Perimeter Park Ct) St. Johns Vein Center Of Port Orange, Pllc (8767 Perimeter Park Bvld) Mark Real Estate Holdings, LLC (8773 Perimeter Park Ct) Cbc Real Estate Holdings, LLC (8773 Perimeter Park Ct) Jacksonville Hospitalists Building 1, LLC (8773 Perimeter Park Ct) Jax Ivc Real Estate Holdings, LLC (8767 Perimeter Park Blvd) St Johns Vein Center, Inc. (8767 Perimeter Park Blvd) Sharc Real Estate, Ltd (8773 Perimeter Park Ct) Sbc Medical Management, LLC (8773 Perimeter Park Ct) Dynamic Health And Chiropractic, LLC (8773 Perimeter Park Ct) Medical Facility Partners LLC (8773 Perimeter Park Ct) The Healing Center Of Jacksonville, LLC (8773 Perimeter Park Ct) Pierce Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, P.A. (8773 Perimeter Park Ct) Lima Bean LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Operation New Uniform, Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd Suite 503) Lakes At Mill Creek Owners Association, Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Boulevard Suite 104) Sacred Spirit, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd #602) Inner Radiance Healing LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd #602) Judith A. Asermely, Lcsw, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Fort Family Investments, Inc. (8711 Perimeter Park Bldv Ste 11) Resolution Point, LLC. (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd Suite 701) Mindfulness Counseling Center Of Jacksonville, Inc. (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd Suite 701) Wallis Properties, Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) North Florida Foot And Ankle Center, P.A. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Guana View Properties, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Capital Asset Advisory, Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Trustwell Financial Advisors, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Selling Solutions, Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Jms Financial Management Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) The Driscoll Group, Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Proper Advantage, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Business Office Space Solutions, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Cyberauthorize.Com, L.L.C. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Life Counseling, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Transformational Counseling, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Life Counseling Center, Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Body, Art And Soul Center Affiliate Of Alliance Of Divine Love, Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Natural Resource Investment Group, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) St. Johns River Mitigation LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Alterra Partners LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Cavle Consulting LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Lowry Chiropractic LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Mill Creek Plantation North, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Smart Source It Solutions LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Balanced Healing Of Jacksonville, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Land Resource Group, Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Kopp'S Counseling And Consulting Services, Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Florida Healthy Minds, Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Hill, Boring & Associates, Inc. (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Pioneer Land Development Corporation (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Myofascial Pain Solutions, Inc (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd) Svntr Realty LLC (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd) Beauty Complexions Clinic Inc (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd) Emery Holdings Of North Florida, Inc. (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd) Realm Holdings Company (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd) Intracoastal Builders Corporation (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd) The Little Back Book, Inc. (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd) Hunt-White, LLC (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd) Ophthalmos Properties, LLC (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd Ste 203) First Coast Retina Center, P.A. (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd Suite 203) Arbor Referral Service Inc. (8833 Perimeter Park Blvd Suite 1101) 8774 Perimeter Park Blvd, LLC (8774 Perimeter Park Blvd) Bavarian Enterprises LLC (8762 Perimeter Park Blvd) Kids Triathlon, Inc. (8762 Perimeter Park Blvd) Harmony Land, Inc. (8762 Perimeter Park Blvd) Erwin, Fountain & Jackson, P.A. (8762 Perimeter Park Blvd) Cjbl Realty, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd #300) Deerwood Referral Network, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd #300) Curations Home Staging And Design, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd #300) Haven Trading, LLC (8785 Perimeter Park Blvd #300) Lowry Sep Ira LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd #101) The Alterra Group, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Orange Cove Investments LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Jp Performance LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Alterra Title, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Adz Management, LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd) Sandhill Mitigation LLC (8825 Perimeter Park Blvd)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.