Bosch Home Improvement, Inc.

Bosch Home Improvement, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Medley. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Oct 6, 1999.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Bosch Home Improvement, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateOct 6, 1999
FEI Number650958688
Principal Address
7196 Nw 77 Ter

Bosch Home Improvement, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Bosch Home Improvement, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Bosch Home Improvement, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Bosch William Registered Agent William Bosch
7196 Nw 77 Ter
(Miami-Dade County)

William Bosch
7196 Nw 77th Ter
(Miami-Dade County)

William Bosch
7196 Nw 77th Ter
FL 33136
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called William Bosch
Bosch Enterprises, LLC - Registered Agent
Bosch Martha Officer (SD) Martha Bosch
7196 Nw 77 Ter
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Bosch Home Improvement, Inc. is located at 7196 Nw 77 Ter in Medley.

Companies Located Nearby

M & E International Brokerage Group, Inc (7800 Nw 72 Avenue) V&P Diagnostic Supplies, LLC (7803 Nw 72nd Ave) Probus Centro De Diagnostico Integral Ca Corp (7803 Nw 72nd Ave) Aew Investment LLC (7807 Nw 72nd Ave) Aew International LLC (7807 Nw 72nd Ave) Er Imaging Inc. (7807 Nw 72nd Ave) Ati-Advanced Technologies, Inc. (7807 Nw 72nd Ave) Aew Management Inc (7807 Nw 72nd Ave) E R Management & Services Inc (7807 Nw 72nd Ave) Palm Investment Holdings L.L.C (7817 Nw 72nd Ave) Hr Engineering Services, Inc. (7815 Nw 72nd Ave) Medbron Investments, LLC (7805 Nw 72nd Ave) Gce Holdings, LLC (7805 Nw 72nd Ave) Waterpoint Investment, LLC (7801 Nw 72nd Ave) Magnitude L Holdings, LLC (7801 Nw 72nd Ave) Lebron Holdings, LLC (7801 Nw 72nd Ave) M.L. 3050 Investment LLC (7801 Nw 72nd Ave) Lebron Corp. (7801 Nw 72nd Ave) Ultimate Supply Inc. (7811 Nw 72nd Ave) International Bearings Corp. (7802 Nw 72 Avenue) J & S Cargo International Corp (7819 Nw 72nd Ave) Smooth Move Logistics Inc (7827 Nw 72nd Ave) Gama Exports LLC (7821 Nw 72 Ave) Jl Master Trade LLC (7821 Nw 72 Ave) Dgm Homes LLC (7821 Nw 72 Ave) For Express Usa LLC (7821 Nw 72 Ave) Gama Usa Homes, LLC (7821 Nw 72nd Ave) Gama Brothers, LLC. (7821 Nw 72nd Ave) Zoi Tech .LLC (7821 Nw 72nd Ave) Automation Systems Inc. (7821 Nw 72nd Ave) Supercarga Telotrae Corp (7821 Nw 72nd Ave) Us Defib Medical Technologies, LLC (7831 Nw 72nd Ave) Aureos Trading Group Automotive Parts, LLC (7833 Nw 72nd Ave) Expressmax, LLC (7829 Nw 72nd Ave) Apcn, Inc. (7829 Nw 72nd Ave) Emex, Inc. (7829 Nw 72nd Ave) Hemeva, Inc (7823 Nw 72nd Ave) Asecoexport International Inc. (7823 Nw 72nd Ave) Air Miami Purchasing Agency, Inc (7823 Nw 72nd Ave) Soltech Instrumentation Inc. (7823 Nw 72nd Ave) Rmp Miami Glass LLC (7825 Nw 72nd Ave) Serendipity 2019, LLC (7825 Nw 72nd Ave) Medina Real Estate LLC (7825 Nw 72nd Ave) A. J. J. Glass Work & Shower Inc (7825 Nw 72nd Ave) Tropical Furniture Distributors, Inc. (7250 Nw 77th St) Sam Ed Investments LLC (7250 Nw 77th St) Seya Investments, Inc. (7250 Nw 77th St) J & M Plastering Contractor, Inc (7227 Nw 78 Terrace) Ess Equipment Rentals, Inc. (7210 Nw 77 St) Southern Cartage, Inc. (7210 Nw 77 Street) Lo-Gar Condominium Association, Inc. (7210 Nw 77 Street) Southern Warehouse, Inc. (7210 Nw 77 Street) All Welding And Machine Shop, Inc. (7221 Nw 78 Ter) Jv Millwork Corp. (7217 Nw 78 Terrace) Santos Quiroz Corp (7217 Nw 78th Ter) Rjk Realty, LLC (7091 Nw 77th Ter) Rjk Realty, Inc. (7091 Nw 77th Ter) Aviation Quality Assurance, Inc. (7091 Nw 77 Terrace) Rollingdoors.Com Service, LLC (7214 Nw 78th Ter) Avolutions Inc. (7214 Nw 78th Ter) Xoez Import & Export, Inc. (7214 Nw 78th Ter) Traders West, Inc. (7212 Nw 78 Terrace) World Tech Financial, Inc. (7213 Nw 78 Terr) Jn Designs Enterprise Inc (7211 Nw 78 Terr) Vicky Enterprises Inc (7230 Nw 77th St) Cos Holdings Inc (7230 Nw 77th St) Prisaimex. Corp (7203 Nw 78 Terrace) Alex Handyman Solutions, Inc (710 S Park Rd) Upscale Lounge Inc (710 S Park Rd) J C Doors Installation, Inc (7203 Nw 78th Ter) The Town Of Medley Foundation, Inc. (7777 Nw 72nd Ave) Er Garage Door And Gate Corp (7752 Nw 72nd Ave) Mgm 21 Inc. (7750 Nw 72nd Ave) South Florida Cartage, Inc. (7210 Nw 77th St) Diversified Brana Investments, Inc. (7730 Nw 72nd Ave) A-All County Doors, Inc. (7730 Nw 72nd Ave) Jmg & Sons, Corporation (7705 Nw 72 Avenue) Pipe Designs Inc. (7710 Nw 72 Avenue) Bosch Enterprises, LLC (7196 Nw 77th Ter) Tropical Breeze Finance LLC (7601 Nw 72 Ave) Gt Diesel Parts, Inc (7601 Nw 72 Ave) 93rd Street, LLC (7601 Nw 72 Avenue) Lysa Properties, Inc. (7601 Nw 72 Avenue) D & A Leasing, Inc. (7601 Nw 72 Avenue) River Lake Holdings, Inc. (7601 Nw 72 Avenue) Logical Trucking, Inc. (7601 Nw 72 Avenue) Logica Enterprises Inc. (7601 Nw 72 Avenue) Palmetto Transport, Inc. (7601 Nw 72 Avenue) Lad Holdings, Inc. (7601 Nw 72 Avenue) Reinaldo Paint & Body Shop, Inc. (7700 Nw 72nd Ave) Paint Max Auto Transport LLC (7700 Nw 72nd Ave) Tulane Apts, LLC (7551 Nw 72 Ave) American Demolition And Equipment, Inc. (7150 Northwest 77 Terrace) Miami Restaurants Repairs, Inc. (7150 Nw 77th Ter) Opa, LLC (7150 Nw 77th Ter) Lex, Inc. (7155 Nw 77th Ter) Medley Distributors, LLC (7155 Nw 77th Ter) Super Fish Seafood Corp. (7101 Nw 77th Ter) Miami Quality Seafood, Corp (7101 Nw 77th Ter) Tuna Fish Company (7101 Nw 77th Ter) Our Dreams Corporation (7101 Nw 77th Ter)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.