Blazing Scissors Ii, Inc.

Blazing Scissors Ii, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Lauderdale-By-The-Sea. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Aug 4, 1997.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Blazing Scissors Ii, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateAug 4, 1997
FEI Number650801186
Principal Address
219 Commercial Blvd

Blazing Scissors Ii, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Blazing Scissors Ii, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Blazing Scissors Ii, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Zingarelli Donna Registered Agent Donna Zingarelli
1021 Ne 24th Ave
Pompano Beach
(Broward County)

Donna Zingarelli
1021 Ne 24th Ave
Pompano Beach
(Broward County)

Donna Zingarelli
1021 Ne 24th Ave #15
Pompano Beach
FL 33062
(Broward County)

Donna Zingarelli
130 Cypress Club Drive # 327
Pompano Beach
FL 33060
(Broward County)

Donna Zingarelli
219 Commercial Blvd
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Blazing Scissors Ii, Inc. is located at 219 Commercial Blvd in Lauderdale-By-The-Sea.

Companies Located Nearby

Tiki Boutique & Gift Inc (4040 South Ocean Dr) Deep Blue Divers Inc. (4348 Ocean Dr) Lauderdale-By-The Sea Chamber Of Commerce, Inc. (4201 Ocean Dr) Twenty-One Twenty-One Condominium Association, Inc. (2121-2131 N Ocean Dr) Ohl Properties, LLC (4336 Ocean Dr Apt 4) Darius Enterprises, Inc. (4433 North Ocean Dr) Tacocraft Lbts, LLC (4400 N Ocean Dr) Delacaseas Cafe & Catering LLC (4404 Bougainvilla Dr) Delacaseas After Dark LLC (4404 Bougainvilla Dr) Jc & Ca Stores LLC (4400 Bougainvilla Dr) The Community Church Of Lauderdale By-The-Sea, Inc. (4433 Boungainvilla Dr) P. J. Rossi Jewelers, Inc. (217 Commercial Blvd) By-The-Sea Diner, Inc. (215 Commercial Blvd) Nutribenne Inc (213 B Commercial Blvd) Grim'S World Corp (211 Commercial Blvd) Canarias Cigars, Corp. (209 Commercial Blvd) B & R P Investments, LLC (4900 N Ocean Dr) 11sw11, LLC (4900 N Ocean Dr) Galt Ocean Rehab, LLC (4001 N Ocean Dr) Top Of The Mile North, LLC (4013 N Ocean Dr) Birds Of Paradise Of Fort Lauderdale Condominium Association, Inc. (224 Commercial Blvd Ste 310) Sader & Lemaire, P.A. (224 Commercial Blvd Ste 310) Mtholly, LLC (224 Commercial Blvd Suite 310) Kcol, LLC (224 Commercial Blvd Suite 310) Karpool, LLC (224 Commercial Blvd Suite 310) Foley Shell, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Kiwi Car Wash Holdings, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Kiwi Car Wash Gateway, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) 1648 Se LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Kiwi Car Wash Vero, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Kiwi Car Wash Gatlin LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Water Works Seawalls, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Orien Rose, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Bailee Madison Productions, Inc. (221 Commercial Blvd) Riley Talent Management, Inc. (221 Commercial Blvd) Chambliss Management, Inc. (221 Commercial Blvd) Bryan & Company, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) B & C Real Estate Holdings, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) J & C Real Estate Management, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) The Mediterranean Trading Company, Inc. (221 Commercial Blvd) James W. Bryan, C.P.A., P.A. (221 Commercial Blvd) Chambliss, Lllp (221 Commercial Blvd) Longstar Shell Of Davie, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Flagship Shell LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Weston Shell, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Sawgrass Shell, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) West Commercial Shell, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Hjc Investments "LLC." (218 Commercial Blvd Ste 106) Noble Eagle Engineering Inc. (218 Commercial Blvd) Master Painting And Remodeling Incorporated (218 Comercial Blvd) Bilodeau Enterprises, LLC (218 Commercial Blvd) Ksbt Group Inc (218 Commercial Blvd) Tropical Vacation Group, LLC (218 Commercial Blvd) Boundary Bay LLC (218 Commercial Blvd) Sky263 LLC (218 Commercial Blvd) 4340 Ocean Blvd. Associates, LLC (4340 N Ocean Dr) Thomas Stephen Breza Jr Md Pa (4341 Bougainvilla Dr) Oldstone Villas LLC (4337 Bougainvilla Dr) Manulla, Inc. (210 E Commercial Blvd) Belcarra, Inc. (210 E Commercial Blvd) Martin Torpey Pa (4326 Bougainvilla Dr) Beach Petroleum Inc (4353 N Ocean Dr) Tropical Management Group LLC (218 Commercial Blvd Suite 106) Blusky Luxury Rentals LLC (218 Commercial Blvd Suite 106) Paddleboard Of Florida LLC (218 Commercial Blvd) Gse By-The-Sea, LLC (227 E Commercial Blvd) Commercial Rare Coin LLC (219 Commercial Blvd) Doctor By The Sea, Inc. (231b Commercial Blvd) Craig Depodesta, D.O., P.A. (231 B Commercial Blvd) Carmen Maco Dmd Pa (231 Commercial Blvd) T & R Tackle, Inc. (228 Commercial Blvd) Louis C. Anderson, J.D., P.L. (224 Commercial Blvd Suite 310) P & O Global Technologies, Inc. (224 Commercial Blvd) Luce Luxury Salon, LLC (222 Commercial Blvd) Perfect Travel Planners LLC (222 Commercial Blvd) Utd Watersports Fort Lauderdale, LLC (222 Commercial Blvd) Dr. Juice Health Inc. (222 Commercial Blvd Suite 104) Cr8bibi Corp (4332 Sea Grape Dr) Ccc 4337 Seagrape, LLC (4337 Seagrape Dr) Lbts Holdings LLC (4342 Sea Grape Dr) Drn Hospitality Group, Inc. (4332 Seagrape Dr)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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