Agusta 1012,Inc.

Agusta 1012,Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Key Biscayne. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 17, 1997.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Agusta 1012,Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateMar 17, 1997
FEI Number650826105
Principal Address
445 Grand Bay Drive Unit 1002
Key Biscayne
FL 33149

Agusta 1012,Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Agusta 1012,Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Agusta 1012,Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Regalado Marcos Officer (PSD) Marcos Regalado
900 Sw 1 St
FL 33130
(Miami-Dade County)

Marcos Regalado
11620 Sw 98 Avenue
FL 33176
(Miami-Dade County)

Marcos Regalado
11620 Sw 98th Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Marcos Regalado
177 Ocean Lane Dr Apt 1012
Key Biscayne
FL 33149
(Miami-Dade County)

Marcos Regalado
445 Grand Bay Drive Unit 1002
Key Biscayne
FL 33149
(Miami-Dade County)

Marcos Regalado
501 East Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale
FL 33301
(Broward County)

Marcos Regalado
501 East Las Olas Blvd 3rd Floor
Fort Lauderdale
FL 33301
(Broward County)

Marcos Regalado
6101 Nw 31st St
(Broward County)

Marcos Regalado
900 Sw 1 St Suite 201
FL 33130
(Miami-Dade County)

Marcos Regalado
900 Sw 1 Street
FL 33130
(Miami-Dade County)

Marcos Regalado
900 Sw 1st St
FL 33130
(Miami-Dade County)

Marcos Regalado
900 Sw 1st St Ste 201
FL 33130
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Marcos Regalado
Aidant Professional Services, Inc. - President
Hispanic Heritage Chamber Of Commerce, Inc. - Officer (D/S)
Magomi, Inc. - Officer (VPS)
Riverside Science Inc. - Registered Agent
Spanish American League Against Discrimination, Inc. - Registered Agent
The Dhagali Foundation, Inc - Director
Vemacri Corp. - Officer (DVP)
Regalado Marcos Registered Agent Marcos Regalado
445 Grand Bay Dr
Key Biscayne
(Miami-Dade County)

Marcos Regalado
1867 Nw 97th Ave
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Marcos Regalado
Qsp Parking Services Corp - Officer (VP)

Principal Location

Agusta 1012,Inc. is located at 445 Grand Bay Drive Unit 1002 in Key Biscayne.

Companies Located Nearby

601 Moras Inc. (445 Grand Bay Dr) Martin Z. Margulies Foundation, Inc. (445 Grand Bay Dr) Covadonga Property, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Somiedo Property, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Skyler Bach Family Limited Partnership, Lllp (445 Grand Bay Dr) Skyler Bach General Partner, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Pconde, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Porto Paradiso, Inc. (430 Grand Bay Dr) Ground Up Marketing LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr #804) Orion Pumpkin Cay, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Lr Contemporary & Applied Art, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Familia Boating, LLC (430 Grand Bay Drive Apt 1002) Intico Corporation (430 Grand Bay Dr) Kb Events, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Edviro, L.L.C. (445 Grand Bay Dr) Corners Interior Design LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Edviro Real Estate, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Locarra Capital LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Sebnic Holdings LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Bukiwi, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Evri Properties LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Vas Platinum LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Colombian Avocados LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Arlo Capital Holdings LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) 445 Grand Bay Unit 104, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Evri 3985 LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Bukiwi 10902 LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Evri 5172 LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Evri 4434 LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Evri 5301 LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Evri 1102 LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Evri 15951 LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Evri 10848 LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Vas 6380 LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Fblue Yacht And Charter LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) 2566 Trapp LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) G&J Usa LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Crs 007, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Gsz & Associates LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Tg Swing Golf Holdings, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Ski Point LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Grand Bay Residences Condominium Association, Inc. (445 Grand Bay Dr) Digital Media Solutions, Inc. (445 Grand Bay Dr) Rdm Productions, Inc. (445 Grand Bay Dr) Maxicale Corp. (445 Grand Bay Dr) Latam Smart Technologies Inc (445 Grand Bay Dr) Pronoia Ventures Inc. (445 Grand Bay Dr) Investments 0308172317, Inc. (445 Grand Bay Dr) R.L. Levitt Md, P.A. (445 Grand Bay Dr) Gb Florida 805 LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Costa Biscaya, Inc. (445 Grand Bay Dr) Front Porch On Berkeley, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Henriques Holding LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Bellini Developers, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Levitt Bcom, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Mega Ocean LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) G Khan Properties, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Genghis K Investors, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Broms Financial, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Mnca, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr #1001) Joseph D. Shein, Inc. (445 Grand Bay Drive Unit 203) Janet M. Shein, Inc. (445 Grand Bay Drive Unit 203) Pulver Enterprises, Inc. (445 Grand Bay Dr Phi-D) Green Capital Investments, LLC (445 Grand Bay Drive Apt 1101) Sandburst Capital Partners, LLC (445 Grand Bay Drive Apt 1005) Decorating With Style, Inc. (445 Grand Bay Dr Apt 509) Grand 317, Inc. (445 Grand Bay Dr Unit 317) Biscayne Sales And Marketing, Inc. (445 Grand Bay Drive #607) Golden Management Inc. (445 Grand Bay Drive Apt 609) Mega River LLC (445 Grand Bay Drive Apt 1101) Tarajano Properties LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Porto Cinco Inc. (430 Grand Bay Drive Suite 606) Alberni Consulting Group LLC. (430 Grand Bay Drive #306) Jesus Christ Network, Inc. (430 Grand Bay Dr Apt 1201) Producciones San Jose, Inc. (430 Grand Bay Dr Apt 1201) Commodore 105, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Lizzi Bay, Inc. (430 Grand Bay Dr) Cariela LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Fine Earth Travel, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr Apt 906) Reefguardian International, Inc. (303 Galen Dr) Mascarell Enterprises, L.L.C. (455 Grand Bay Dr) G.B. Resort Condominium Hotel Association, Inc. (455 Grand Bay Dr) Terranostral Limited, Corp. (455 Grand Bay Dr) Ritz-Kb 603, LLC (455 Grand Bay Dr) Tigre Viscayne, Inc. (455 Grand Bay Dr Unit 881) Xavier 307 Inc. (455 Grand Bay Drive Ste 382) Rlpm Properties, LLC. (455 Grand Bay Dr) Nandi Corporation (455 Grand Bay Dr) Ritzkey LLC (455 Grand Bay Drive #802) Men In Best LLC (455 Grand Bay Drive Suite 272) El Pinar Dos Ltd. L.L.C. (455 Grand Bay Dr Unit 702) Rfl Family Investments, LLC (445 Grand Bay Drive #806) Moscoe Unit 211, LLC (445 Grand Bay Drive Unit 607) Bird Grove, LLC (7 Coconut Ln) Casa Del Mar7-F, LLC (7 Coconut Ln) Magenta Limited Group LLC (1 Coconut Ln) Green Horse Investments LLC (1 Coconut Ln) Ldg Consumer Products And Services LLC (9 Turtle Walk) Dlv Express Corporation (9 Turtle Walk) Dlv Fast Corp (9 Turtle Walk) Flor De Loto LLC (6 Coconut Ln) Boon Blooms LLC (6 Coconut Ln) Scorpio Jewelers LLC (10 Coconut Ln) Albatroz Capital LLC (2 Coconut Ln) Weisson Consulting Group LLC (4 Coconut Ln) Son Vida LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Chou Chou 10021 LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr #1211) Blue Star Worldwide Usa Corp. (445 Grand Bay Dr #1101) 212 Fifth Ave 3a, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Sjs Marketing Advisers, LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Vas Family Group LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Staar Holdings LLC (445 Grand Bay Dr) Key Biscayne - Grand Bay 215, LLC (445 Grand Bay Drive #215) Orange Key Holdings, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Orange Key Consulting, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Orange Key Management, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Gypsycubana Investments, Lllp (430 Grand Bay Dr) Mehl Investments, Lllp (430 Grand Bay Dr) Mission Capital Group, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Golebozorg, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Fresh Arte, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Mehl Management, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Gypsycubana Management, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Aktibo LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Keycasas, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Trans Fer, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Baztan, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Ave Maria Resort, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Grand Bay Tower Condominium Association, Inc. (430 Grand Bay Dr) Intecorp, Inc. (430 Grand Bay Dr) Rosas Of Columbia, Inc. (430 Grand Bay Dr) Talento Corp (430 Grand Bay Dr) James T. Scatuorchio LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Opb Key Property Holdings, LLC (430 Grand Bay Drive Apt 703) Lj International, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr) Petus, LLC (430 Grand Bay Drive Ste 204) Sudab, LLC (430 Grand Bay Dr # 1203)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.