Panthor Incorporated

Panthor Incorporated is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Dec 3, 1993.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Panthor Incorporated

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateDec 3, 1993
FEI Number650451438
Principal Address
10900 Nw 21st St Unit 190

Panthor Incorporated Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Panthor Incorporated. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Panthor Incorporated and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Sanchez Rafael A Officer (Dire) Rafael Sanchez
1119 Creekford Dr
FL 33326
(Broward County)

Rafael Sanchez
893 Aviary Bay Ct
(Seminole County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Rafael Sanchez
Els Processing LLC - Officer (MGR,)
Torres Antonio J Officer (Dire) Antonio Torres
2649 Crescent Lake Ct
FL 34786
(Orange County)

Antonio Torres
2945 St Augustine Dr
(Orange County)

Antonio Torres
2627 S Bayshore Dr
(Miami-Dade County)

Antonio Torres
1091 Golden Cane Dr
FL 33327
(Broward County)

Antonio Torres
1805 Creekbend Dr
(Polk County)

Antonio Torres
2342 Se 21 St
(Miami-Dade County)

Antonio Torres
10900 Nw 21st Street Unit 190
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

Antonio Torres
11264 Nw 54th Ter
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

Antonio Torres
1331 Brickell Bay Dr
FL 33131
(Miami-Dade County)

Antonio Torres
2000 Towerside Terrace Apt 1711
FL 33138
(Miami-Dade County)

Antonio Torres
2756 Grandbury Grv
FL 33811
(Polk County)

Antonio Torres
41 Se 5th St
FL 33131
(Miami-Dade County)

Antonio Torres
5900 Nw 99th Ave
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

Antonio Torres
5900 Nw 99th Ave Unit 4
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

Antonio Torres
9100 S Dadeland Blvd Ste 912
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Antonio Torres
At-Konsult, Inc - President
Branch 52 Investments LLC - Officer (AUTH)
Element Purchasing Group, Inc. - President
Toni Trucking Inc - Registered Agent
Viso Regina Officer (Dire) Regina Viso
1091 Golden Cane Dr
FL 33327
(Broward County)

Regina Viso
10900 Nw 21st St
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Regina Viso
Twolecas LLC - Registered Agent
Torres Domingo Registered Agent Domingo Torres
10900 Nw 21st St
(Miami-Dade County)

Domingo Torres
10900 Nw 21st St
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

Domingo Torres
10900 Nw 21st Street Unit 190
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Domingo Torres
Penstock, L.C. - President

Principal Location

Panthor Incorporated is located at 10900 Nw 21st St in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Geo Trading Inc. (10900 Nw 21 St) Avocado Investors, LLC (10900 Nw 21st St) Central Park Emprendimiento, LLC (10900 Nw 21st St) Cami Electrical Export, Inc. (10900 Nw 21 Street) Usaco Worldwide, Inc. (10900 Nw 21 St #220) Greva, L.C. (10900 Nw 21st St) G'Van Investments, Inc. (10900 Nw 21st St) Prodek, Inc. (10900 Nw 21st St) Logrado Corporation (10900 Nw 21st St) Obonsoins Rx LLC (10900 Nw 21st St) Kavgo LLC (10900 Nw 21st St) Rjm Purchasing & Services, Inc (10900 Nw 21st St) Project St. Anne, Inc (10900 Nw 21 Street) Dls Cargo, Inc. (10900 Nw 21st St) Mekki Investments, LLC (10900 Nw 21st St Suite 200) Intek Computers Corp. (10900 Nw 21 Street) Electronic Datacomm Corporation (10900 Nw 21 Street) Tow Express Inc. (10849 Nw 22 Street) World Of Investments Unlimited, L.L.C. (10810 Nw 22nd St) T.L. Welding Corporation (10810 Nw 22nd St) Tl Welding And Supply Corp (10810 Nw 22nd St) Gomez & Son Fence Corp. (10805 Nw 22 Street) 163 St Executive Center LLC (10900 Nw 21th St) Sexual Essentials LLC (2308 Mission Rd) Fifo Wireless, Inc. (10900 Nw 21 St) Rose & Blanc Foundation, Inc. (10900 Nw 21 St) Cargo World Corp. (10900 Nw 21 St) Inversiones M&M 3000 LLC (10900 Nw 21st Suite 100) For U Mobile, Inc. (10900 Nw 21 Street) Ez Holdings, Inc. (10900 Nw 21st Street Suite 160) International Investment Raleyd, LLC (10900 Nw 21th St) Dover Leather Usa LLC (10900 Nw 21 St) Total Stock Computers, LLC (10900 Nw 21st St) Mcc Trading Group Inc (10900 Nw 21st Street Suite 230) 101 Biz, Inc. (10900 Nw 21st St) Fifo Designs, LLC (10900 Nw 21 St) Mekki Brothers, LLC (10900 Nw 21 St) Productive One, LLC (10900 Nw 21 St) Myme, Inc. (10900 Nw 21 St) Vizcaya 405, LLC (10900 Nw 21 St) Acidav LLC (10900 Nw 21 St) Gables Square 701, LLC (10900 Nw 21st St) Bti Computers, Inc. (10900 Nw 21 Street) Quality Logistic Group, LLC. (10900 Nw 21 Street) Infinity Auto Sales, LLC (10900 Nw 21 Street) Myme Unity, Inc (10900 Nw 21 St) Liro Services, LLC (10900 Nw 21st Street Suite 140) A&H Group, LLC (10900 Nw 21 St) Digiharmony, LLC (10900 Nw 21 St) Guanachi Management Company, LLC (10900 Nw 21 Street) Jade 1506, LLC (10900 Nw 21 Street) Skyline 1911, LLC (10900 Nw 21 Street) Wind 3606, LLC (10900 Nw 21 Street) Skyline 2605, LLC (10900 Nw 21 Street) Skyline 3506, LLC (10900 Nw 21 Street) Gables Square 700, LLC (10900 Nw 21 Street) Newbuilding 163, LLC (10900 Nw 21 Street) Vizcaya Villas Coconut Grove, LLC (10900 Nw 21 Street) Gc Investors Group Inc. (10900 Nw 21 Street) Pecrica, Inc. (10900 Nw 21 Street) Etc. Trading Corporation (10900 Nw 21 St) Florida Ten, LLC (10900 Nw 21st St) Belle Epoque Wine Imports, LLC (10900 Nw 21 Street #180) Luxocars Inc (10850 Nw 21th St) Despachos Mora Inc (10850 Nw 21th St) Brainco Inc. (10800 Nw 21st St) Tcp 78 Holdings LLC (10800 Nw 21st St #180) L.O. Investments Corporation (10800 Nw 21st St) Lo Capital Investments, LLC (10800 Nw 21st St) Intl Distributors Corp (10800 Nw 21st St) L.O. Trading Corporation (10800 Nw 21st St) Fila Chemicals U.S.A., Corp. (10800 Nw 21st St) Brainco Investment, LLC (10800 Nw 21 Street) Imidia Digital Technologies Inc. (10800 Nw 21 Street Suite 160) Un Solo Dolar, LLC (10800 Nw 21 Street) Yes You Cannabis LLC (10800 Nw 21 Street) Envia Facil, Inc. (10800 Nw 21 Street) Bax International, Corp. (10800 Nw 21st Street Ste #120) Firewall Solutions LLC (10800 Nw 21 St) Winner Always Corp (10800 Nw 21 St) Mediabiznes, Inc. (10800 Nw 21st St) Seg Miami Corp. (10800 Nw 21 Street) L O T Logistics Corporation (10800 Nw 21 Street) Ozmos Co. LLC (10800 Nw 21st St Unit 100) Wholesale Flooring Solutions Inc. (10850 Nw 21 St) Top Technology Corp. (10850 Nw 21 Street) Transcontinental Overseas, Inc. (10850 Nw 21st Street Ste 120) Solmed Latin America, LLC (10850 Nw 21st St) Parvani Investments LLC (10850 Nw 21 Street) 160 Fds, Inc. (10850 Nw 21st St) Parvani Commercial Group, Inc. (10850 Nw 21 Street) Worldwide Computers, LLC (10850 Nw 21 Street) World Depot, Inc. (10850 Nw 21 Street) Prime Trading, LLC (10850 Nw 21st) Aqualive, LLC (10850 Nw 21 Street #140) Clih Investments, L.L.C. (10850 Nw 21 Street #140) Sea Usa, Inc. (10850 Nw 21 Street) Zapateiro, LLC. (10850 Nw 21th St) Vishal Parvani P.A. (10850 Nw 21st Street Suite110) Tradesaver LLC (10850 Nw 21st St) 724 Group, LLC (10850 Nw 21st St) Mid Group LLC (10850 Nw 21st St) Concrete & Stones LLC (10850 Nw 21st St) Asx Warehousing LLC (10850 Nw 21st St) Guillo'S Tour, Inc. (10850 Nw 21st St) Alliance Global Forwarding Corp. (10850 Nw 21st St) Vlez Inc (10850 Nw 21st St) Vision Usa Investments Corp (10850 Nw 21st St) Mdi Inc (10850 Nw 21st St) W Prime Express Corp (10850 Nw 21st St) Sagreen Investments, LLC (10850 Nw 21st Street #150) Vp Warehouse West Condominium Association, Inc. (10850 Nw 21 Street) Vexden LLC (10850 Nw 21 St) World Guangdong Community Federation, Inc. (10850 Nw 21 Street) Anvic, LLC (10800 Nw 21st St) Grupo Vg, LLC (10800 Nw 21st St) Brba Investments, LLC (10800 Nw 21st St) Cellular World LLC (10800 Nw 21st St) Inversiones Viordaz LLC (10800 Nw 21st St) Free Gap, LLC (10800 Nw 21st Street Ste 100) 5058 Wynwood Investors, LLC (10900 Nw 21 St Unit 190) Prodek, LLC (10900 Nw 21 St Unit 190) Joseph D Gennaro LLC (6250 Holmes Blvd) Tecparts Us, LLC (10800 Nw 21 St Unit 190) Capital Well Corporation (10800 Nw 21st) Dlc Business Solutions LLC (10775 Nw 21 St) Avantel Sistemas Inc (10775 Nw 21 St)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.