Lovin' Therapy Inc

Lovin' Therapy Inc is a Florida for profit corporation based in Delray Beach. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Sep 1, 2021.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Lovin' Therapy Inc

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateSep 1, 2021
FEI Number872488722
Principal Address
1615 South Congress Ave Ste 103
Delray Beach
FL 33445

Lovin' Therapy Inc Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Lovin' Therapy Inc. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Lovin' Therapy Inc and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Anglade Moise Registered Agent Moise Anglade
4849 Lake Worth Rd
(Palm Beach County)

Moise Anglade
1483 South Federal Hwy
Boynton Beach
FL 33435
(Palm Beach County)

Moise Anglade
1501 Forest Hill Blvd Suite 103
West Palm Beach
FL 33406
(Palm Beach County)

Moise Anglade
1615 South Congress Ave
Delray Beach
FL 33445
(Palm Beach County)

Moise Anglade
1615 South Congress Ave Ste 103
Delray Beach
FL 33445
(Palm Beach County)

Moise Anglade
406 Ridgeview Dr
PA 17821
(Montour County)

Moise Anglade
4849 Lakeworth Rd
(Palm Beach County)

Moise Anglade
4849 Lakeworth Rd Suite 200
FL 33463
(Palm Beach County)

Moise Anglade
876 W Sugerland Hwy
FL 33440
(Hendry County)

Moise Anglade
9785 Hindel Ct
Boynton Beach
FL 33472
(Palm Beach County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Moise Anglade
Center For Advance Cardiovascular Medicine, Pllc - Registered Agent
Lovin' Arms Inc - Registered Agent
Mil Lake Wellness & Community Center, Inc - Officer (VP)
Sans-Souci Group, LLC - Officer (AMBR)

Principal Location

Lovin' Therapy Inc is located at 1615 South Congress Ave in Delray Beach.

Companies Located Nearby

Insurance For Students, Inc. (1690 South Congress Ave) Insurance For Students LLC (1690 South Congress Ave) Parkside Publishing LLC (1690 South Congress Ave) Upgrade Financial Services LLC (1615 South Congress Ave) Cohesive Community Association Management LLC (1615 South Congress Ave) Vergara Services LLC (1615 South Congress Ave) Yates Financial Planning, LLC (1615 South Congress Ave) Capparis Holdings Inc (1615 South Congress Ave) Jeuria Inc (1615 South Congress Ave) S And B Trader LLC (1615 South Congress Ave) Kingofheart LLC (1615 South Congress Ave) Double Aa Positive, LLC (1615 South Congress Ave) Harbour 1 Wireless Inc. (1615 South Congress Ave) Little Hearts Behavior Support 2, Corp. (1615 South Congress Ave) Amaranth Management Limited Partnership (1615 South Congress Ave Ste 103) Charmed Life Staffing, LLC (1615 South Congress #103) Troposphere Holdings, Inc (1615 South Congress #103) Pioneer Production Services, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Cajura Logistics, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Kingdom Advantage Logistics, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Azurrx Biopharma, Inc. (1615 S Congress Avenue Ste 103) Rknl Financial Group, Inc. (1615 S Congress Avenue Ste 103) Skyline Analytics LLC (1615 South Congress Avenue Suite 103) Keyword Dating, LLC (1615 South Congress Avenue Suite 103) Amaranth International Advisors L.L.C. (1615 South Congress Avenue Suite 103) Amaranth Advisors L.L.C. (1615 South Congress Avenue Suite 103) Amaranth Group Inc. (1615 South Congress Ave Suite 103) Aries Capital Management, LLC (1615 South Congress Ave Suite 103) Brooklyn Water Enterprises Gp, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave Suite 103) Brooklyn Water Bagel Franchise, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave Suite 103) Brooklyn Water Enterprises, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave Suite 103) Bwb Restaurant Fund No. 1 Gp, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave Suite 103) Anthem Of Grace, Corporation (1615 S Congress Ave Suite 103) Brooklyn Water Enterprises, Inc. (1615 S Congress Ave Suite 103) The Original Brooklyn Water Coffee & Creamery, LLC (1615 S Congress Avenue Suite 103) The Original Brooklyn Water Bottling, LLC (1615 S Congress Avenue Suite 103) Brooklyn Water Bagel Realty LLC (1615 S Congress Avenue Suite 103) The Original Brooklyn Water Pizza And Pasta, LLC (1615 S Congress Avenue Suite 103) Proceo, Inc. (1615 S Congress Avenue Suite 103) Streamray Inc. (1615 S Congress Ave Ste 103) Mbj Property Holdings LLC (1615 S Congress Ave Ste 103) G.K. Hendrick, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave Ste 103) Smjb Logistics, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave Ste 103) M And G Trucking Logistics, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave Ste 103) Suenos Travel LLC (1615 S Congress Ave Ste 103) Klexos, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave Ste 103) Wm4l Method, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave #103) Universal Security Guard Association, Inc. (1615 S Congress Ave #103) Dragon Cellars, LLC (1615 South Congress Ave) Sans-Souci Group, LLC (1615 South Congress Ave) Lovin' Arms Inc (1615 South Congress Ave) Viaggio Global Corporation (1615 South Congress Ave) 45 Buyers Group, Inc. (1615 S Congress Ave) Various, Inc. (1615 S Congress Ave) Interactive Network, Inc. (1615 S Congress Ave) Friendfinder Networks Inc. (1615 S Congress Ave) Future Programs Inc. (1615 S Congress Ave) Mb Payments Inc. (1615 S Congress Ave) Medley.Com Incorporated (1615 S Congress Ave) Aeroshare, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Rex Realty Services, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Borderless Technologies, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Lagrasso Management, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Marketing 51, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Risk Assurance Partners, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Liege Security LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Coastal Farms Partners, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Luxe Surgical, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Mad Legal Services, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Alliance Training Group LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Direct Health LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Delray Legal Services, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Impact 13 Medical, Pllc (1615 S Congress Ave) Songota LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Hickory Global Partners, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Townhomes At Pine Grove Homeowners Association, Inc. (1615 S Congress Ave) Sunbird Cruise & Travel Corp. (1615 S Congress Ave) Reina P. Carioti P.A. (1615 S Congress Ave) Scott Marine Surveryors & Consultants Of Florida Inc (1615 S Congress Ave) Enhanced Funding Inc (1615 S Congress Ave) Early Signs Therapy Center, Inc (1615 S Congress Ave) Easy Money Resolution, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Mb Tax Consultants LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Beach Day Delray, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Mavlet Medical LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Island Donkey LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Insight Pension, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Aging With Care, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Newtropin Connect, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Donovan Legal Pllc (1615 S Congress Ave) Julie Xmart, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Dr Batrony College Of Nursing, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Forward401k, LLC (1615 S Congress Ave) Zander Concepts Inc (1615 S Congress Ave) Nationwide Moving Services Inc. (1615 S Congress Ave) Well-Being Health Care Services Inc. (1615 S Congress Ave) Risk Assurance Partners Warranty Holdings LLC (1605 S Congress Ave) Red Hot Steam & Pressure, Inc. (2230c Spring Harbor Dr)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.