Alabaster International Group Inc

Alabaster International Group Inc is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Apr 26, 2021.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Alabaster International Group Inc

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateApr 26, 2021
FEI Number
Principal Address
13208 Sw 131 St
FL 33186

Alabaster International Group Inc Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Alabaster International Group Inc. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Alabaster International Group Inc and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Pacheco Fabian E Registered Agent Fabian Pacheco
1016 Sw 147 Ave
Pembroke Pines
FL 33027
(Broward County)

Fabian Pacheco
1016 Sw 147 Avenue
Pembroke Pines
FL 33027
(Broward County)

Fabian Pacheco
13206 Sw 131 St
(Miami-Dade County)

Fabian Pacheco
13206 Sw 131 Street
(Miami-Dade County)

Fabian Pacheco
13208 Sw 131 St
FL 33186
(Miami-Dade County)

Fabian Pacheco
425 Ne 22 St Suite 606
FL 33137
(Miami-Dade County)

Fabian Pacheco
425 Ne 22 Street #606
FL 33137
(Miami-Dade County)

Fabian Pacheco
6606 Sw 115 Ct
FL 33173
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Fabian Pacheco
Casablanca Fragrances, Inc. - Registered Agent
Calderon Gomez Janneth L Officer (VP) Gomez Calderon
13202 Sw 131 St
FL 33186
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Alabaster International Group Inc is located at 13208 Sw 131 St in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

A&A Screws, Corp (13212 Sw 131st St) Direct Builders Of South Florida, Inc. (12974 Sw 132 Ave) Pal-Mac LLC (12972 Sw 132nd Ave) Custom Kolor, LLC (12972 Sw 132nd Ave) Italy Investments Group LLC (12972 Sw 132nd Ave) Luminous Decor LLC (13202 Sw 131 St) Ehl Supply LLC (13065 Sw 132 Ave) Instant Fences, LLC (13065 Sw 132 Ave) Better Promotions Group, Inc. (13025 Sw 132nd Ave) Cgp Enterprises LLC (13015 Sw 132 Ave) Novis Ii, Inc. (13192 Sw 130th Ter) Astrid, Inc. (12996 Sw 132 Avenue) Spray Miami LLC (12991 Sw 132 Ct) Ygos Holdings LLC (12991 Sw 132 Ct) Seer Cooling Systems Inc (12994 Sw 132nd Ave) Physicians Maintenance Services, Inc. (12987 Sw 132 Ct) Firenze Enterprises, Inc. (12987 Sw 132 Ct) Ecocare Building Solutions LLC (12988 Sw 132 Ave) Unicornis Publishing Company LLC (12975 Sw 132nd Ave) Alcione, LLC (12975 Sw 132nd Ave) Alcione Vines, LLC (12975 Sw 132nd Ave) Alcione Wines, Inc. (12975 Sw 132nd Ave) Dharma Publishing Company (12975 Sw 132nd Ave) Alcione Music Entertainment, Inc. (12975 Sw 132nd Ave) Capablanca Chess Academy LLC (12955 Sw 132 Ave) Geco Southern, Inc. (12945 Sw 132nd Ave) Grant'S Carpets & Decor, Inc. (13250 Sw 131 St) America Food Company (13250 Sw 131 St) Guerra Universal Upholstery Inc. (13250 Sw 131 St) Rd Funding And Investments LLC (13240 Sw 131 St) Our Father'S Place, Incorporated (13078 Sw 132 Ct) Spirit Of The Lord Fellowship, Incorporated (13078 Sw 132 Ct) Es Tu Fe Ministries, Inc. (13082 Sw 132nd Ct) Mission Miami, Inc. (13080 Sw 132 Ct) International Outreach Center, Inc. (13080 Sw 132 Ct) Comunidad Cristiana Agua Viva, Incorporated (13080 Sw 132 Ct) Iglesia Obra De Miami Ministerio Llamada Final, Inc. (13078 Sw 132nd Ct) Petal Cartel Co. (13238 Sw 131 St) Pro Clean Usa Solutions, Inc. (13084 Sw 132 Ct) Servidumpster Inc (13084 Sw 132 Ct) Hucaven Investments, LLC (13084 Sw 132 Court) Systems-Tech.Com, Inc. (13086 Sw 132 Court) Suntronics Mrs, Inc. (13237 Sw 131 Street) Cravs Property Management, Inc (13234 Sw 131 Street) Tecnoprint 2090 Corp (13234 Sw 131 St) Benetto Cabinets, Corp. (13225 Sw 131 St) Favarato Express, Inc. (13222 Sw 131 St) Clean Fresh Usa, Inc. (13220 Sw 131 St) Camila Mariana LLC (13221 Sw 131st St) Topdot Inc (13221 Sw 131st St) Innovative Printing And Design LLC (13216 Sw 131 Street) Bhitap, Inc. (13214 Sw 131 Street) All Parts Coffee, LLC (13213 Sw 131 Street) Art Printing Miami, Corp (13213 Sw 131 Street) Mapy Uniforms Corp. (13206 Sw 131 St) Arca Woodwork Designs Corp (13205 Sw 131 Street) Wrf Holdings LLC (13155 Sw 132 Avenue) Avionics Support Group, Inc. (13155 Sw 132 Avenue) Lakeside West Condominium Association, Inc. (13150 Sw 130 Terr) Best Office Coffee Service Inc. (13130 Sw 130 Terrace) Argo Air Supply LLC. (13220 Sw 132nd Avenue #A-7) Serez Building Contractor LLC (13220 Sw 132 Ave) Printing Professionals, Inc. (13220 Sw 132 Avenue) Lance Printers Service, Inc. (13220 Sw 132 Ave) Jbw Enterprises, LLC (13220 Sw 132 Avenue) Perpro Woodworks Inc (13210 Sw 132 Ave) Templo Sefardita Jerusalen Internacional, Inc. (13210 Sw 132 Ave # 15) Yeung'S Realty LLC (13210 Sw 132 Ave) Frontliner Cargo Corp. (13230 Sw 132nd Ave) 707 Tactical Gear Inc. (13230 Sw 132nd Ave B-18) Albazmex, Inc. (13230 Sw 132nd Ave) 13230 Sw 132 Avenue, B-32, LLC (13230 Sw 132 Avenue) Fonfi'S Home Inc (13230 Sw 132 Ave) Capital Construction Group Corp. (13230 Sw 132 Ave) Ej'S Auto Detailing Inc. (13230 Sw 132 Ave) Actives For Cosmetics Inc. (13230 Sw 132 Ave) Nebula Music Entertainment Group, Inc. (13230 Sw 132 Ave) Peace Enterprises, Inc. (13230 Sw 132 Ave) Central American Merchandising Corporation (13230 Sw 132 Ave) Op'Ra Dancewear Corp. (13230 Sw 132 Avenue) Accessgard, Inc. (13230 Sw 132 Ave) Cool-Breeze Air Conditioning Corporation (13120 Sw 130 Terrace) Fdc Group Corp. (13120 Sw 130 Terrace) Cb Sales International Inc. (13120 Sw 130 Terr)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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