Freedom Aviation Services Inc

Freedom Aviation Services Inc is a Florida for profit corporation based in Doral. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 17, 2021.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Freedom Aviation Services Inc

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateMar 17, 2021
FEI Number
Principal Address
1807 Nw 79th Ave

Freedom Aviation Services Inc Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Freedom Aviation Services Inc. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Freedom Aviation Services Inc and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Reina Gustavo Registered Agent Gustavo Reina
15253 Sw 28 Terr
FL 33185
(Miami-Dade County)

Gustavo Reina
1807 Nw 79 Avenue
FL 33126
(Miami-Dade County)

Gustavo Reina
1807 Nw 79th Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Gustavo Reina
Freedom Air Industries Inc. - Officer (Pres)

Principal Location

Freedom Aviation Services Inc is located at 1807 Nw 79th Ave in Doral.

Companies Located Nearby

Euroimpianti Usa LLC (1817 Nw 79 Avenue) Lnj Capital Inc (1813 Nw 79th Ave) Florida Sujia Express Inc (1813 Nw 79th Ave) Eight3five Inc (1831 Nw 79 Ave) Amigofoods Corp. (1829 Nw 79th Ave) Protexin, Inc. (1833 Nw 79 Avenue) Arquetipo, LLC (1835 Nw 79th Ave) Unlimited Wraps Inc (1835 Nw 79th Ave) Diamond Artificial Grass Doral, LLC (1839 Nw 79th Ave) Terry Stone Inc. (1905 Nw 79th Ave) Piston LLC (1903 Nw 79th Ave) Thalia Fashion Ca LLC (1903 Nw 79th Ave) Pronto Moda Ca LLC (1903 Nw 79th Ave) Casa Saraya Ca LLC (1903 Nw 79th Ave) Troop International Inc (1903 Nw 79th Ave) Farmers' Trading Center, LLC (1901 Nw 79th Ave) Whiting World-Wide Inc. (1901 Nw 79 Ave) World Wide Cargo Consolidators, Inc. (1901 Nw 79 Ave) Universal Sales & Distribution, Inc. (1901 Nw 79 Ave) Auto Source Group LLC (1900 Nw 79th Ave) Simart Trading, LLC (2003 Nw 79 Ave) Natures Choice Foods LLC (2003 Nw 79 Ave) Natures Choice Products LLC (2003 Nw 79 Ave) Pronto Cargo Usa LLC (2003 Nw 79 Ave) Aerospace Accessory Services, Inc. (2001 Nw 79th Ave) Barahona'S Food Distributor, LLC (2003 Nw 79th Ave) F&B Distributors LLC (2003 Nw 79th Ave) United Latin America Distributor, LLC (2003 Nw 79th Ave) Super Barato, Inc. (2003 Nw 79th Ave) Ziruma Co. (2009 Nw 79th Ave) Jet Box Cargo, Inc. (2011 Nw 79 Ave) First Choice Transportation, Inc. (2011 Nw 79th Ave) True American Refiners LLC (1800 Nw 79th Ave) Mobimax, Corp. (1735 Nw 79 Avenue) Alb Cellular Inc. (1751 Nw 79th Ave) Electra'S Pizza, Inc. (1755 Nw 79th Ave) Fk Irons Inc (1771 Nw 79th Ave) Synthetic Lawns Of Miami Inc (1787 Nw 79 Avenue) Green Label Turf Inc (1787 Nw 79 Avenue) Cooper-General Corporation (1785 Nw 79 Ave) Eoc Parts, LLC. (1789 Nw 79 Ave) Atlas Insulation, LLC (1805 Nw 79 Ave) Janel Daniel Lmft Inc (1805 Nw 79 Ave) Top Level Living LLC (1805 Nw 79th Ave) Golden Wines, LLC (1815 Nw 79th Ave) Fahrenheit Services Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Inc (1925 Nw 79 Ave) Kairos Capital Enterprises, Corp (1925 Nw 79 Ave) Carvajal Freight Systems, Corporation (1913 Nw 79 Ave) Macoser International Corporation (1715 Nw 79 Avenue) Florida Fashion Focus, Inc. (1717 Nw 79 Ave) Tri-County Industrial Refrigeration, LLC (1715 Nw 79th Ave) Pasion Del Cielo Coral Gables LLC (1713 Nw 79th Ave) Pasion Del Cielo-Dadeland, LLC (1713 Nw 79th Ave) Pasion Del Cielo Midtown, LLC (1713 Nw 79th Ave) Pasion Del Cielo Franchise, LLC (1713 Nw 79th Ave) Pasion Del Cielo Holdings, LLC (1713 Nw 79th Ave) Pasion Del Cielo Brickell City Centre, LLC (1713 Nw 79th Ave) Pasion Del Cielo Brickell Ave, LLC (1713 Nw 79th Ave) Re Intermediary Florida, LLC (1713 Nw 79th Ave) Scm Coffee, Inc. (1713 Nw 79th Ave) Scrapy Land Inc. (1719 Nw 79th Ave) Doral Pharmamedics Inc. (1730 Nw 79th Ave) Duy Drugs, Inc. (1730 Nw 79th Ave) Rimaco Interamerican Inc. (1730 Northwest 79th Ave) Micro Bol Corp. (1725 Nw 79 Avenue) Rafa Buildings Solutions, Corp (1723 Nw 79th Ave) Monkey Land, Inc. (1733 Nw 79th Ave) Runners Adventures, LLC (1733 Nw 79th Ave) Hesed Investments, LLC (1735 Nw 79 Ave) Kerigma Investments LLC (1735 Nw 79 Ave) Betel Homes LLC (1735 Nw 79 Ave) Go Light LLC (1735 Nw 79 Ave) Jc Action Corp. (1735 Nw 79 Ave) Tcp Distributors LLC. (1735 Nw 79th Ave) Br Bike Shop LLC (1735 Nw 79th Ave) We Work Express LLC (1735 Nw 79th Ave) Fele Usa Inc (1735 Nw 79th Ave) Auspech Group, Inc (1735 Nw 79th Ave) Auspech Wireless, Inc (1735 Nw 79th Ave) Multisale Enterprises Inc. (1735 Nw 79th Ave) Romano Properties, Inc. (1733 Nw 79 Avenue) Protonik Usa, LLC (1701 Nw 79th Ave) Allegiance Van Lines, LLC. (1921 Nw 79th Ave) Skyroad International, Inc. (1921 Nw 79th Ave) Skyroad Miami Corp (1921 Nw 79th Ave) Exl Logistics, Inc. (1911 Nw 79th Ave) Granada Granite, LLC (1925 Nw 79th Ave) Cd Distribution International, Inc. (1924 Nw 79th Ave) Holex Usa Inc. (2119 Nw 79th Ave) Miami Flower Traders, Inc. (2119 Nw 79th Ave) Python Logistics LLC (1915 Nw 79 Ave) Zartemis LLC (1915 Nw 79 Ave) Digigraphix Advertising Co. (1707 Nw 79 Ave) Performance Property Management Services Inc (1709 Nw 79 Ave) Elvis Sicard P.A. (1709 Nw 79 Ave) Cms Auto Group, Inc. (1916 Nw 79th Ave) Wr Investments LLC (1924 Nw 79 Av) Wr Development Group LLC (1924 Nw 79 Av) Cd Distribution Group LLC (1924 Nw 79 Av) Karsten Enterprises LLC (1924 Nw 79 Av) Weku Enterprises LLC (1924 Nw 79 Av) Pc Audio LLC (1925 Nw 79th Ave) Chronos International Cargo Corp. (1925 Nw 79th Ave) Premium Outdoor Sports Corp (1925 Nw 79th Ave) Shop Ship LLC (1911 Nw 79 Ave) T&M Investments Of Miami, Inc. (1924 Nw 79 Ave) Beautiful Home Investments LLC (1908 Nw 79 Ave) Air Packet Services, Inc. (1908 Nw 79 Ave) Tecni-Partes Corp (1919 Nw 79th Ave) J.G. Trading, Inc. (1919 Nw 79th Ave) Roger'S Custom Upholstery Inc. (1932 Nw 79th Ave) Kase Logistics North America, LLC. (1917 Nw 79th Ave) Trace Express LLC (1917 Nw 79th Ave) Trade Management Services LLC (1917 Nw 79th Ave) Food Supply Solutions Corp (1917 Nw 79th Ave) Peniel Group, LLC (1920 Nw 79 Ave) Cargo Wings, LLC (1920 Nw 79 Ave) Gravity Lo Services LLC (1709 Nw 79th Ave) Cycle Monkey Fitness, LLC (1907 Nw 79th Ave) Cycle Bunny Fitness, LLC (1907 Nw 79th Ave) Df Training Co. (1907 Nw 79th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.