Cores Capital, Inc.

Cores Capital, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Marco Island. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Oct 9, 2020.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Cores Capital, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateOct 9, 2020
FEI Number65-0481568
Principal Address
851 Collier Ct #3
Marco Island
FL 34145

Cores Capital, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Cores Capital, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Cores Capital, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Hershberger D. Roy Director Roy Hershberger
1083 N Collier Blvd #315
Marco Island
FL 34145
(Collier County)

Roy Hershberger
851 Collier Ct #3
Marco Island
FL 34145
(Collier County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Roy Hershberger
Hobbes Holdings, Inc. - Registered Agent
Hershberger Kathleen C Officer (PS) Kathleen Hershberger
1083 N Collier Blvd #315
Marco Island
FL 34145
(Collier County)

Kathleen Hershberger
851 Collier Ct #3
Marco Island
FL 34145
(Collier County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Kathleen Hershberger
Batonberg, LLC - Officer (AMBR)
Hobbes Holdings, Inc. - Officer (PS)
Hershberger D.Roy Registered Agent D.Roy Hershberger
851 Collier Ct #3
Marco Island
FL 34145
(Collier County)

Principal Location

Cores Capital, Inc. is located at 851 Collier Ct #3 in Marco Island.

Companies Located Nearby

Dpm Investments, Inc. (845 Collier Court Unit 501) Tropical Isle Condominium, Inc. (845 Collier Ct) Filtereze.Com LLC (845 Collier Ct) Nautilus Condominium, Inc. (848 Collier Ct) Cgu Holdings, LLC (848 Collier Ct) Pat Wilkins Real Estate LLC (599 S Collier Blvd) Michael C. Bates, P.L. (599 S Collier Blvd) Sweet Pollys Inc. (599 S Collier Blvd) Marco Island Seafood And Music Festival, Corp. (1102 N Collier Blvd) America Travel Arrangements, Inc. (1116 N Collier Blvd) Michael B. Schulman, D.C.P.A. (1069 N Collier Blvd) Procraft Exteriors Inc. (1083 N Collier Blvd) Bioenergy Technology Inc. (1083 N Collier Blvd) Sealyon LLC (1083 N Collier Blvd) Seitz Writes LLC (1083 N Collier Blvd) Eli Contracting, Inc. (1083 N Collier Blvd) 1c Productions, Inc. (1083 N Collier Blvd) Podpair, Inc. (1083 N Collier Blvd) Batonberg, LLC (851 Collier Ct #3) Hobbes Holdings, Inc. (851 Collier Ct #3) R & B Retail Real Estate, LLC (851 Collier Ct) Sun Harbour Club Condominium Association, Inc. (851 Collier Ct) Kristin Pasternak, LLC (893 Collier Ct) Fairfield Capital Group, LLC (893 Collier Ct) Puder Limited Partnership (870 Collier Ct) Boat Club Of Marco Island Condominium Association, Inc. (870 Collier Ct) Florida Gulfshores Realty LLC (167 N Collier Blvd) Marco Island Rental Properties, Inc. (237 N Collier Blvd) Caribbean Sun LLC (1000 N Collier Blvd) K.L. Gandy, Pllc (1000 N Collier Blvd) Island Escapes Of Swfl LLC (1000 N Collier Blvd) Electric Light Properties, LLC (1000 N Collier Blvd) Electric Light Spirits, LLC (1000 N Collier Blvd) Electric Light Ventures, LLC (1000 N Collier Blvd) Pink Hibiscus LLC (1000 N Collier Blvd) Island Eyes Inv. Svc. Inc. (1000 N Collier Blvd) Trotter Consulting International, LLC (720 N Collier Blvd Unit 201) 301 Ssnw LLC (1104 N Collier Blvd) 460 Battersea LLC (1104 N Collier Blvd) J. Kutzke Landscaping, LLC (1104 N Collier Blvd) D. C. Hughes & Associates, LLC (1104 N Collier Blvd) Mangrove Maniacs, LLC (1104 N Collier Blvd) Lagoon 52, LLC (1104 N Collier Blvd) Davelli Investments, LLC (1104 N Collier Blvd) Ludlow 1585, LLC (1104 N Collier Blvd) Trouble Industries LLC (1104 N Collier Blvd) Marco Island Shakespeare Festival, Inc. Shakespeare Island Style (1104 N Collier Blvd) Twin Dolphins I Condominium Association, Inc. (1104 N Collier Blvd) Zanahoria Investments, Inc. (1104 N Collier Blvd) Bordon Properties, Inc. (1104 N Collier Blvd) Marco Island Construction, Inc. (1104 N Collier Blvd) H.K. Investment Ag, Inc. (1104 N Collier Blvd) Nice & Real Estates, Inc. (1104 N Collier Blvd) Marco See-Thru Window Cleaning, Inc. (1104 N Collier Blvd) Naples Extreme Cleaning LLC (190 N Collier Blvd) Pmk Media Inc. (100 N Collier Blvd) Marco Custom Closets, LLC (681 S Collier Blvd) Marco Island Factory Blinds, LLC (681 S Collier Blvd) Marcos Petroleum LLC (1095 N Collier Blvd) The Summit House Condominium Of Marco Island, Inc. (280 S Collier Blvd) An Consulting Services LLC (280 S Collier Blvd) Knbconstruction, LLC (247 N Collier Blvd Suite 202) Ludu Inc (239 N Collier Blvd) Schoen Survey Research LLC (350 S Collier Blvd) Douglas E. Schoen Nyc LLC (350 S Collier Blvd) Tlc Marco, L.L.C. (760 N Collier) Eurosportours , Inc. (220 S Collier Blvd) Crows Nest Condominium Association, Inc. (881 Panama Ct) Marbelle Club Of Marco Island Condominium Association, Inc. (840 S Collier Blvd) Properties In Paradise Team LLC (840 S Collier Blvd) Sea Winds Of Marco, Inc. (890 S Collier Blvd) Paradise Property Management, Inc. (909 S Collier Ct) The Voyager Of Marco Condominium Association, Inc. (908 Collier Ct) Billable Solutions, LLC (174 S Collier Blvd) The Marco Island Safe Boating Association, Inc. (905 Collier Ct)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.