Tcrs, Corp.

Tcrs, Corp. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Hialeah. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 16, 2019.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Tcrs, Corp.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateJul 16, 2019
FEI Number
Principal Address
3690 W 18th Ave
FL 33012

Tcrs, Corp. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Tcrs, Corp.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Tcrs, Corp. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Aguiar Sylvia Registered Agent Sylvia Aguiar
11042 Nw 59 Pl
FL 33012
(Miami-Dade County)

Sylvia Aguiar
3690 W 18th Ave
FL 33012
(Miami-Dade County)

Aguiar Hiram A Officer (VP) Hiram Aguiar
11042 Nw 59 Pl
FL 33012
(Miami-Dade County)

Hiram Aguiar
11042 Nw 59 Place
FL 33012
(Miami-Dade County)

Hiram Aguiar
3690 W 18th Ave
FL 33012
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Tcrs, Corp. is located at 3690 W 18th Ave in Hialeah.

Companies Located Nearby

Laser Printer Solutions \ Fix A Fax, The Laser Doctor Corp. (1779 W 37 Street) Arda Services LLC (1767 West 37 Street) 1767 Investments, LLC (1767 West 37 Street) Home Draperies Corp (1767 W 37 St) Ollet Carpet, Corp (1745 W 37 St) Diaz Property Investment Management, Corp. (1745 West 37 St) Sound & Lighting Corp. (1745 W 37 St) Eli Fashion Inc (1745 W 37 St) La Colina LLC (1745 W 37th St) La Colina 60 LLC (1745 W 37 St) Accountants Associates Of Miami, Inc (1745 W 37 St Unit 3) Low Cost Services, Inc. (1745 W 37th St) F. Plasencia Investments Inc. (1745 W 37th St) Ferrey Electric Corp (1745 W 37th St) A&C Signs Solutions Corp (1745 W 37th St) Ferrey Property Management LLC 1 (1745 W 37th St) Ferrey Property Management LLC 2 (1745 W 37th St) Ferrey Property Management LLC 3 (1745 W 37th St) Ferrey Property Management LLC 4 (1745 W 37th St) Trust Security Services, Inc. (1745 W 37 St) Pandora Insurance Inc (3520 W 18th Ave) Kids & Adults Salon, Inc. (3520 West 18th Avenue Ste 110) Tech Media 2000, Inc. (3520 W 18th Avenue Suite 155) Diaz Brothers Liquors, Inc. (3520 W 18th Ave) Downstairs Iph, LLC (5667 Nw 36th St) Orion Pembroke, LLC (5667 Nw 36th St) Orion Cooper City, LLC (5667 Nw 36th St) Orion Gasoline Corp. (5667 Nw 36th St) Abc Jewelry Depot, Inc. (3580 W 18 Ave #100) Horizon Usa, Inc. (3580 W 18th Avenue Ste 115) Abba Coffee Shop LLC (3600 West 18 Ave) Jnll, Inc (3690 W 18 Ave) Iveluz Services LLC (3690 W 18th Ave) Executive Accounting Services LLC (3690 W 18th Ave) Gil Investment Group LLC (3690 W 18th Ave) Jp & Mn Home Solution LLC (3690 W 18th Ave) Precise Air Conditioning Corp. (1793 W 37 St) 1779 W 37 Street 13, LLC (1779 W 37 Street) Rodal And Associates Inc. (1779 West 37 Street) J9 Solutions, Inc. (1779 West 37 Street) Crew Outfitters, Inc. (4551 Nw 36th St) Ags Property Solutions LLC (46 Nw 36th St) Tonic Investments, LLC (46 Nw 36th St) The Print Studio Inc (46 Nw 36th St) Hylton Agencies, Inc (46 Nw 36th St) Cym International Group LLC (8181 Nw 36th St) Maryfred Enterprises LLC. (8181 Nw 36th St) Ach Financial Consulting LLC (8181 Nw 36th St) Kayros Academy And Coaching LLC (8181 Nw 36th St) Servicesmia Corp (8181 Nw 36th St) Royal Beauty Bar Incorporated (8181 Nw 36th St) S.T.M. Equipments Corp (8181 Nw 36th St) Fine Therapy Inc (8181 Nw 36th St) Dpg Value Investments, Corp. (8181 Nw 36th St) Dpg Marketing Group, Corp. (8181 Nw 36th St) Parmenter Realty & Investment Company (8750 Nw 36th St) Eventus Marketing LLC (8750 Nw 36th St) 3030 North Rocky Point Drive, LLC (8750 Nw 36th St) Primera Land Owner LLC (8750 Nw 36th St) Pgpc Island Center, LLC (8750 Nw 36th St) Pgpc Waterford Plaza, LLC (8750 Nw 36th St) Insuremobile, Inc. (8750 Nw 36th St) Gissen & Zawyer Process Service, Inc. (8750 Nw 36th St) Ocg & Associates, Inc. (8750 Nw 36th St) All Brands Autoparts Trading, LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) New York Group Of Florida L.L.C (8180 Nw 36th St) Mamtamoexa LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Nardi Group, LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Queen Travels & Services LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Insoft, LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Doral Blvd Holdings LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Naturallis Ingredients International LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Infise Atm LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Belmax LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Fercas LLC. (8180 Nw 36th St) 7220 Rue Notre Dame, LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Sky Software, LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Investments P&P LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) 1258 Marseille Drive, LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Passaway LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Ha Prosupplier LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Asesorias / Politicos / Legales Bh LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Sureca Usa LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Private Capital Loans, LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Interactive Accountants LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Perez Roman Law, Pllc (8180 Nw 36th St) Cibola Investments LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Rio - Miami Real Estate,LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) C&I Housewares LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Kapital Realty, LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Bh Advisers And Management LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) U.S. Defense Agency LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Body By Helen LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Arroba Group LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Staydoralpark LLC (8180 Nw 36th St) Arbah Condominium Association Inc. (8180 Nw 36th St) Yogi Tsoru Dechen Rinpoche Foundation, Inc. (8180 Nw 36th St) Bridge For Hope Inc, (8180 Nw 36th St) Bornote Investigations Group, Inc. (8180 Nw 36th St) Nasca Supply Inc. (8180 Nw 36th St) Workforce Solutions Evaluations, Inc. Of Florida (8180 Nw 36th St) Italian Imports, Inc (8180 Nw 36th St) A & C Associates Group, Inc. (8180 Nw 36th St) G & M Travel Services, Inc (8180 Nw 36th St) Aptech Networks Corp (8180 Nw 36th St) Mkc Management Inc (8180 Nw 36th St) Sfl Land Surveyors Corp (8180 Nw 36th St) Acosta-Rubio Beatriz P.A (8180 Nw 36th St) Rca Accounting Services Corp (8180 Nw 36th St) Esteban'S Place Beach Management, Inc (8180 Nw 36th St) Asl Advisers Inc (8180 Nw 36th St) Fabucredit Corp (8180 Nw 36th St) Carlos Valbuena Corp (8180 Nw 36th St) Planetec Solutions Corp (8180 Nw 36th St) Emilio Rivas Investments Corp (8180 Nw 36th St) Logistic Express Mr Inc (8180 Nw 36th St) U M V Foods Corporation (8180 Nw 36th St) Da Accounting Services Corp (8180 Nw 36th St) Continsur & Services Corp (8180 Nw 36th St) Grupo Romher Corp (8249 Nw 36th St Suite 114)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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