Toss Up Salads Fort Lauderdale Inc

Toss Up Salads Fort Lauderdale Inc is a Florida for profit corporation based in Ft. Lauderdale. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Apr 11, 2019.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Toss Up Salads Fort Lauderdale Inc

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateApr 11, 2019
FEI Number
Principal Address
706 S Federal Hwy
Ft. Lauderdale

Toss Up Salads Fort Lauderdale Inc Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Toss Up Salads Fort Lauderdale Inc. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Toss Up Salads Fort Lauderdale Inc and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Dotel Emil A Registered Agent Emil Dotel
12323 Sw 55 Street
Cooper City
FL 33330
(Broward County)

Emil Dotel
12323 Sw 55th St
Cooper City
FL 33330
(Broward County)

Emil Dotel
12323 Sw 55th Street Suite 1005
Cooper City
FL 33330
(Broward County)

Emil Dotel
8616 Griffin Rd
Cooper City
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Emil Dotel
Edma, LLC - Officer (MGRM)
Goji Juicery & Kitchen Cs Inc - Registered Agent
Goji Juicery & Kitchen Nm Inc - Registered Agent
Goji Juicery & Kitchen Pc Inc - Registered Agent
Goji Juicery & Kitchen Weston Inc - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Toss Up Salads Fort Lauderdale Inc is located at 706 S Federal Hwy in Ft. Lauderdale.

Companies Located Nearby

Stirrup Trouble, LLC (701 Se 8th St) Rio Vista Stables, LLC (701 Se 8th St) Laine Schmidt Coaching, Inc. (700 Se 8th St) Infante Development, LLC (712 Se 8th St) Benco Farms, LLC (633 South Federal Hwy) Y Knot Marine, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Platypi, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Nansea Marine, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Alaina Marine, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Marina Village 22b, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Xo Charters, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Fl 6945 Langosta, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) 2021 Natalie, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) College Downs Utah, LLC (633 South Federal Highway #400a) Queo Consulting, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Emergency Management Alliance, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) My Amelia L.L.C. (633 S Federal Hwy) Law Office Of Siam Joseph, P.A. (633 S Federal Hwy) King Lindsey, P.A. (633 S Federal Hwy) Jessica L Kopas, P.A. (633 S Federal Hwy) Accredited Title & Escrow, Inc. (633 S Federal Hwy) Reginald D. Hicks, P.A. (633 S Federal Hwy) John J. Scherer, P.A. (633 S Federal Hwy) Csj Investments Partnership, LLC. (633 South Federal Hwy) Scherer & Marx Pllc (633 South Federal Hwy) William R. Scherer, Iii, P.A. (633 South Federal Hwy) Michael E. Dutko, Jr., P.A. (633 South Federal Hwy) Courthouse Parking, LLC (633 South Federal Hwy) Russell R. O'Brien, P.A. (633 South Federal Hwy) Csd Investments LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) New River Parking LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) 685 Gulfstream Road, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Scherer Management And Development Realty, Inc. (633 S Federal Hwy) Scherer Realty, Lllp (633 S Federal Hwy) Js Jensen, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) 1346 Ponce, LLC (633 South Federal Hwy) 900 Se 9th Street LLC (633 South Federal Hwy) 1005 Se 9th Street, LLC (633 South Federal Hwy) Gulf Building, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy Ste 500) William R. Scherer, P.A. (633 S Federal Hwy) Hard Hatt, LLC (633 South Federal Hwy) Rcc-Gulf, A Florida Joint Venture, LLC (633 South Federal Hwy) 130 Nurmi Drive LLC (633 South Federal Hwy) 618 Se 11th Ave LLC (633 South Federal Hwy) Gulf Building, Hernandez Consulting A Joint Venture LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) John J Scherer Construction Consultants LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) J&J Venture Holdings, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Jc 500 Se 6th St LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Rd 500 Se 6th St LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Jay Mark 500 Se 6th St LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Gulf Keystar, A Florida Joint Venture, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) Jc Ventures 1346 LLC (633 S Federal Hwy) The Aspen Center For Social Values (Florida), Inc. (621 South Federal Highway Suite 5) Fort Lauderdale Little League, Inc. (621 S Federal Highway Suite 9) The Law Offices Of Catherine L. Roselli, P.A. (621 S Federal Highway Suite 6) Zvp LLC (621 South Federal Hwy) Ceiba Realty International LLC (621 South Federal Hwy) Cg Davie North LLC (621 South Federal Hwy) Cg Oakland Park LLC (621 South Federal Hwy) Cg Trust Holdings LLC (621 South Federal Hwy) Grand Birch LLC (621 S Federal Hwy) Fll Land Holdings LLC (621 S Federal Hwy) Dixie Land Holdings LLC (621 S Federal Hwy) Broward County Land Holdings LLC (621 S Federal Hwy) Ceiba Management LLC (621 S Federal Hwy) Ceiba Construction, LLC (621 S Federal Hwy) Era Carpet & Flooring International, LLC (621 Se 6th Ct) Brice B. Brown Insurance Agency, Inc. (611 South Federal Hwy) Adam E. Leisy, Md, P.A. (700 Se 6th Ct) Real Estate Mogul 1, LLC (701 Se 6th Ct) Federal Highway Holdings, LLC (777 South Federal Hwy) Page 32 LLC (777 South Federal Hwy) 700 S.E. 14th Street, LLC (777 South Federal Hwy) Whiddon Enterprises LLC (777 South Federal Hwy) Florida 1st Realty, Inc. (777 South Federal Hwy) Stephen H Wofford Pa (777 South Federal Hwy) Jane C Wofford Pa (777 South Federal Hwy) Florida Printing Corp. (777 South Federal Hwy) Wild Blue Yonder Inc (777 South Federal Hwy) Whiddon And Company, Inc. (777 South Federal Hwy) Primo Liquors & Fine Wine LLC (700 South Federal Hwy) La Vie En Blanc Home Decor, Inc. (701 South Federal Hwy) Fort Lauderdale Sports Cards LLC (704 S Federal Hwy) Sorensen Learning, Inc. (701 Se 7 Street) Jacaty & Associates, Inc. (724 Se 7th St) Mopi Inc. (725 Se 7 Street) New River Property Management, LLC (633 S Federal Hwy Suite 800) Villa Tuscany Homeowners Association, Inc. (510 Se 7th St) L&P Petroleum Mgt. Inc. (817 S Federal Hwy) 901 Condominium, Inc. (777 S Federal Hwy) Andrea Patnik Pllc (777 S Federal Hwy) Whiddon Family, LLC (777 S Federal Hwy) Madeline Cajote LLC (777 S Federal Hwy) Air & Sea Warehouse Association, Inc. (777 S Federal Hwy) Depot Warehouse Center Association, Inc. (777 S Federal Hwy) Lauderdale East Collection Owners Association, Inc. (777 S Federal Hwy) Philip Keagy P.A. (777 S Federal Hwy) Whiddon Realty Iii, Inc. (777 S Federal Hwy) Paul Ergon, Pa (777 S Federal Hwy) Whiddon Realty Iv, Inc. (777 S Federal Hwy) Bhg Marketing, Inc. (777 S Federal Hwy) Bhg Marketing Ii, Inc (777 S Federal Hwy) Harrison A. Whiddon, P.A. (777 S Federal Hwy) The W Company, Inc (777 S Federal Hwy) Eagle Real Estate Services, Inc. (777 S Federal Hwy) Whiddon Realty, Inc. (777 S Federal Hwy)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.