Smith Michael Engraving Inc.

Smith Michael Engraving Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Orlando. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 21, 2019.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Smith Michael Engraving Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateMar 21, 2019
FEI Number
Principal Address
2449 Flowering Dogwood Dr
FL 32828

Smith Michael Engraving Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Smith Michael Engraving Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Smith Michael Engraving Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Gerard Angela Registered Agent Angela Gerard
2449 Flowering Dogwood Dr
FL 32828
(Orange County)

Angela Gerard
3464 Avalon Park East Blvd
(Orange County)

Angela Gerard
4019 Avalon Park E Blvd
(Orange County)

Angela Gerard
Po Box 780562
FL 32878
(Orange County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Angela Gerard
Avalon Management, Inc. - Director
Avalon Park Lease Inc. - Registered Agent
Hope On The Street Inc. - Registered Agent
Gerard Garrett Officer (SEC) Garrett Gerard
2449 Flowering Dogwood Dr
FL 32828
(Orange County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Garrett Gerard
Avalon Park Lease Inc. - Officer (SEC)
Gerard John Officer (VP) John Gerard
1260 Se 24th Ave
Pompano Beach
FL 33062
(Broward County)

John Gerard
2449 Flowering Dogwood Dr
FL 32828
(Orange County)

John Gerard
2660 Ne 7th Ave
Pompano Beach
(Broward County)

John Gerard
Po Box 780562
FL 32878
(Orange County)

The following companies have a director or officer called John Gerard
Avalon Park Lease Inc. - Officer (VP)
Jg Shell Inc - Officer (Pres)
Smith Michael Investment Group LLC - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Smith Michael Engraving Inc. is located at 2449 Flowering Dogwood Dr in Orlando.

Companies Located Nearby

Spanish Baytown, LLC (1111 Brickell Avenue Suite 2175) Smith Michael Investment Group LLC (2449 Flowering Dogwood Dr) Hope On The Street Inc. (2449 Flowering Dogwood Dr) 1801a Property Holding LLC (2250 Nw 114th) Acosgamba, Inc (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Inversiones Yolanda, Inc. (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Sudamerica Business Retail, LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Goncalves Properties, LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Aventura Marina Investments 1119 LLC (2250 Nw 114 Ave Unit 1c) Syt Ca, LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Insurance Assist LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Lifted Vision Holdings LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Brewed Concepts LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Ultimate Industrial Services LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Epri Supply Corp. (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Vencode Computer Center, Inc. (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Distribuidora Fit 23, Corp. (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Athenea Development, Inc (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Gty LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Ytg, LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Cgt 2969 Investments LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Icon Tower 608 LLC (2250 Nw 114 Ave #1p) A&S Investment Offices, LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) G Home Furniture,LLC (19580 W Dixie Hwy) Jeda Painting,Maintenance & Locksmith LLC (19580 W Dixie Hwy) Cobre Max Florida LLC (19580 W Dixie Hwy) Sun Cars Transport Corp (19580 W Dixie Hwy) Laura Montilla P.A. (19580 W Dixie Hwy) G Controls, LLC (2250 W 114th Ave Unit 1-C) La Campellana LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Cg Supply LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Tequesda Corp (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Millenium Florida Import, Inc. (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Doral 87 Group LLC (2260 Nw 114 Ave) 97 Property LLC (2260 Nw 114 Ave) Freeport Distributors, Inc. (2260 Nw 114 Ave) Gbn Global Business Network, LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Acr Enterprises, LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Raderca Investments, Inc (2250 Nw 114 Avenue) Cata & Nine, Inc. (2250 Nw 114th Ave) 2085 N.W. 115th Avenue, Unit 9 And 10, LLC (2244 Nw 114 Avenue) Innovation Computers, Inc. (2244 Nw 114 Avenue) 1 Shop Direct.Com, Inc. (2244 Nw 114 Avenue) Sunshine Computers And Software, Inc. (2244 Nw 114 Avenue) Tona Property Investment LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Horacio Blanco Productions LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Textilan Group LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Mariana Investments, Inc. (2240 Nw 114th Ave) Normandy Investors Corporation (2240 Nw 114 Ave) Clarium Managed Services, LLC (2244 Nw 114th Avenue Suite A) Ruli & Stasi, LLC (2240 Nw 114th Ave Unit 5h) Zoom International Courier, Inc. (2240 Nw 114th Ave) Zoom Ocean Freight LLC (2240 Nw 114th Ave) Zoom Logistics, Inc. (2240 Nw 114th Ave) Logic Supply, LLC (2240 Nw 114th Ave) Pluraltech, Corp. (2240 Nw 114th St) Dunestag 4678 LLC (2250 Nw 114 Ave) Centisolutions LLC (2250 Nw 114th Avenue Unit 1c) 2244 N.W. 114th Avenue, LLC (2244 Nw 114th Ave) 2244 N.W. 114th Avenue, Unit North, LLC (2244 Nw 114th Ave) Bteq Condominium Association, Inc. (2244 Nw 114th Ave) Ceutanel LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Docnurse LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Car & Mat Corporation (2250 Nw 114th Ave) As Group International Corp (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Brain For Sale, LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave) Sc Gutidaher, LLC (2250 Nw 114th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.