Precision Installs Pro, Inc.

Precision Installs Pro, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Sunrise. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Apr 10, 2018.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Precision Installs Pro, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateApr 10, 2018
FEI Number
Principal Address
2925 Nw 126 Ave
FL 33323

Precision Installs Pro, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Precision Installs Pro, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Precision Installs Pro, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Tatis Carmen Officer (PD) Carmen Tatis
2925 Nw 126 Ave
FL 33323
(Broward County)

Carmen Tatis
3030 N Rocky Point Dr Ste 150a
(Hillsborough County)

Tatis Carmen Registered Agent Carmen Tatis
2925 Nw 126 Ave
FL 33323
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Carmen Tatis
R.A.D. Retail Architectural Design, Inc. - Officer (Exec)
Tatis Mark A Officer (VP) Mark Tatis
2925 Nw 126 Ave
FL 33323
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Precision Installs Pro, Inc. is located at 2925 Nw 126 Ave in Sunrise.

Companies Located Nearby

Clever Small Business Solutions LLC (2925 Nw 126 Ave) R.A.D. Retail Architectural Design, Inc. (2925 Nw 126 Ave) Nestorcover Production Inc (2925 Nw 126 Ave) A Pencil Accountancy Corp. (2901 Nw 126th Ave # 415) Cndp Marketing, Inc. (2925 Nw 126th Ave) Dynamic Seminars & Consulting, Inc. (2955 Nw 126 Avenue) Sped,LLC (2901 Nw 126 Ave) Aqualytics, LLC (2901 Nw 126 Ave) Dlb Of Miami, Inc. (2901 Nw 126 Ave) Jovic, Inc. (3055 Northwest 126 Avenue) Ruselton Group LLC (3055 Nw 126 Ave) Dca Investments Holdings LLC (2925 Nw 126th Ave) Roframi Management LLC (3170 Nw 126 Av) Lm Wood Floors Inc (3055 Nw 126th Ave) Pro-Reps Sales, LLC (2901 Nw 126th Ave Apt# 317) Orbiz Business Development And Investments, LLC (2925 Nw 126th Ave #1-221) Echo Roframi,LLC (3170 Nw 126th Ave) Anly4life, LLC (3031 Nw 126th Ter) Platinum Legacy, LLC (3031 Nw 126th Ter) Lillys4life, Inc. (3031 Nw 126th Ter) Jasbel Corp (3031 Nw 126th Ter) Grach, LLC (3121 Nw 126th Ter) Strizh, LLC (3121 Nw 126th Ter) Gafgvb1, LLC (3101 Nw 126 Terrace) Marco Spinelli P.A. (3149 Nw 126th Ave) Zhonghai Sheng Yang International Trading LLC (3261 Nw 126th Ter) Luxor Properties Group LLC (3055 Nw 126th Ave Ste 218) Lc Brickhouse LLC (2901 Nw 126th Ave #105) Atlantis 2gh LLC (3150 Nw 126th Ave) Aguero, Inc. (2925 Nw 126th) Unlimited Sports Management LLC (3101 Nw 126th Ter) Great American Financial Group LLC (3101 Nw 126th Ter) Payer Realty LLC (3101 Nw 126th Ter) Serge Payer Foundation, Inc. (3101 Nw 126th Ter) Norco LLC (3131 Nw 126 Terrace) Medsupply And Investment Corp. (3131 Nw 126 Terrace) Myittribe Corp (3320 Nw 126 Ave) Argcolus, LLC (3320 Nw 126 Avenue) Uniautos Inc. (3300 Nw 126th Ave) Outreach Global Sales Corporation (2901 Nw 126 Av) Sanar Health, LLC (3060 Nw 126 Ave) Euroline Usa Corp (2901 Nw 126th Ave) David A. Husson, P.A. (2925 Nw 126 Avenue) Luar Real Estate LLC (3200 Nw 126 Ave) Marasol Investments Corp. (3111 Nw 126th Ter) Heland Planners, Inc. (3160 Nw 126 Avenue) Manuel Farello P.A. (3055 Nw 126th Ave) Hialeah 8 "LLC" (3170 Nw 126 Th Ave) Roframi, LLC (3170 Nw 126th Ave) Roframi Investment, LLC (3170 Nw 126th Ave) Silir, LLC (3180 Nw 126th Ave) World Running Tours, LLC. (3055 Nw 126th Ave) Illovu LLC (2955 Nw 126 Ave) Ultimate Pressure Cleaning Services LLC (12638 Nw 14 Street) Isangie Shop LLC (12638 Nw 14 Street) David Carrier Corp (1479 Nw 126th Ter) American Green Software LLC (3300 Nw 126th Ter) Hummbee Software, Inc. (3300 Nw 126th Ter) Green Clover Venezuela Corp. (3300 Nw 126th Ter) Family & Children Faith Coalition, Inc. (550 Nw 42 Ave) Mimiche Corp (3370 Nw 126th Ter) J&A Enterprises Of Broward Inc. (12614 Nw 14 Street) Jon Ross Photography Inc (12611 Nw 14th St) Fdh Enterprises, LLC (12625 Nw 14th Ct) Inticorp, LLC (1408 Nw 126 Ave) Dec Global LLC (1408 Nw 126 Ave) Gold Generation LLC (1408 Nw 126 Ave) Prosper 8 Amide LLC (1408 Nw 126 Ave) Next Level Creations LLC (1408 Nw 126 Ave) Shop Jom LLC (1408 Nw 126 Ave) Escuderia Botafogo LLC (1408 Nw 126 Ave) Zadah Construction Services, Inc. (12619 Nw 14 Ct) Zoot Farms LLC (12610 Nw 14th Ct) Bpm Innovations Corp (12607 Nw 14th Ct) Express Global Solution, LLC (1424 Nw 126th Ave) Rc Aviation Group LLC (12677 Nw 14th Pl) Common Ground Consulting Services, Inc. (12659 Nw 14th Pl) Elohim Family Worship Ministries International, Inc. (12612 Nw 14 Pl) Elohim Family Worship Ministries, Inc. (12612 Nw 14 Pl) Robert Mozley Consultant, Inc (12612 Nw 14 Pl) Dance Adventures & Events Inc (2901 Nw 126th Ave) Suagatam Investments LLC (2925 Nw 126 Ave) Gervais Enterprise, LLC (7671 Country Run Pkwy) Top Notch Dispatching LLC (7671 Country Run Pkwy) Comunidad Biblica Cristiana Inc (12669 Nw 14th St) Glamour Development Enterprises, LLC (2925 Nw 126th Ave) Arie Tkacz LLC (2925 Nw 126th Ave) Vince'S Installations And Renovations, LLC (2925 Nw 126th Ave) D.Z.L. Aviation Training Services , Inc (2925 Nw 126th Ave) Fazzini Investments, Inc. (3360 Nw 125th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.