High Quality Therapy Corp

High Quality Therapy Corp is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Oct 5, 2017.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by High Quality Therapy Corp

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateOct 5, 2017
FEI Number
Principal Address
8345 Sw 40 St

High Quality Therapy Corp Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for High Quality Therapy Corp. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between High Quality Therapy Corp and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Catalan Juan J Registered Agent Juan Catalan
8345 Sw 40 St
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Juan Catalan
U.S.A. High Security Corp. - Registered Agent

Principal Location

High Quality Therapy Corp is located at 8345 Sw 40 St in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Golden Eagle Transport LLC (8335 Sw 39 St) P & P Pharmacy, Inc. (8381 Sw 40th St) Soul Wellness LLC (8354 Sw 40th St) Strictly Fish 'N', Incorporated (8373 Sw 40 St) Premier Value Family Medicine,LLC (8348 Sw 40 St) Rodes Printing, Corp (8369 Sw 40th St) Inkaholik Tattoos, Inc. (8367 Sw 40th St) Come Smoke With Us, Inc. (8353 Bird Rd) Ft 305 Investment Corp (8349 Sw 40 Str) U.S.A. High Security Corp. (8345 Sw 40 St) Watch Repair, Inc. (8345 Bird Rd) Melant 5 LLC (8343 Sw 40 Street) Cmlp Association Of Florida Inc (8343 Sw 40 Street) Latin American Foundation, Inc. (8343 Sw 40 Street) Peruvian American Coalition, Inc. (8343 Sw 40 Street) Apacargoexpress S.A. Corp (8341 Sw 40th St) Melant LLC (8343 Sw 40th St) Melant 2 LLC (8343 Sw 40th St) Melant 3 LLC (8343 Sw 40th St) Melant 1 LLC (8343 Sw 40th St) Eikonik LLC (8343 Sw 40th St) Melant 4 LLC (8343 Sw 40th St) Bac LLC (8343 Sw 40th St) Mims Enterprises LLC (8343 Sw 40th St) Latin American Voters League, Inc. (8343 Sw 40th St) Peruvian-American Political Organization, U.S.A. Inc. (8343 Sw 40th St) Tumi Usa Award, Inc. (8343 Sw 40th St) Business Authority Corporation (8343 Sw 40 St) G. D. Technology Inc (8339 Sw 40 St) Gd Gas, Inc. (8339 Sw 40 St) Miami Glam Shop Corp (3902 Sw 84th Ave) Peace Record Corp (3902 Sw 84th Ave) Alma Luz Oro, LLC (8375 Sw 39 St) Escobar Consulting LLC (8365 Sw 39 St) Quality Doggie'S, Inc. (8335 Sw 40th St) Brite Choice Insurance Services, Inc. (8337 Sw 40 St) Atlas Services Group Usa, Inc. (8337 Sw 40th St) Venus Salon, Inc. (8338 Sw 40 St) Bru'S Room Bird Road, LLC (8318 Sw 40th St) Swc Miami Bird Rd. Botanicals, LLC (8303 Sw 40th St) Swc Miami Bird Rd., LLC (8303 Sw 40th St) Subway 46981, Inc. (8298 Sw 40th St) Right Care Dental, LLC (8290 Bird Rd) Pueblito Viejo #2, Inc. (8285 Sw 40 Street) Law Offices Of Dibartolomeo & Dibartolomeo, P.A. (8400 Bird Rd) Dean F. Dibartolomeo, P.A. (8400 Bird Rd) Type G, Inc. (8404 Bird Rd) Florida Hollywood Nail Supply, Inc. (8388 Sw 40th St) Rx International Pharmacy, LLC (8380 Sw 40 St) Bird Road Car Wash, Inc. (8401 Sw 40 St) Anette Betancor D.D.S., P.A. (8372 Sw 40th St) El Floridita Restaurant Corp. (8399 Sw 40th St) Young Forever Health & Wellness Spa LLC (8368 Sw 40 St) Sumak Skincare, Inc (8368 Sw 40 St) Glam House LLC (8389 Bird Rd) Jarquin Sotelo, Corp. (8387 Bird Rd) Samaria Beauty Supply Inc. (8360 Sw 40 St) Lo Spazio Beauty Supply LLC (8385 Sw 40th St) Gvrs Holdings, LLC (8356 Bird Rd) Valeria Arias, P.A. (8356 Bird Rd) Lucky Oriental Mart, Inc. (8356 Sw 40 St) Iglesia Senda De Santidad, Inc. (8356 Sw 40st Suite#K) Rosell & Rosell Medical Diagnostic Center Corp (8356 Sw 40 St) Little Angels Dreamers Inc. (8356 Sw 40 St) Genesis Research Center LLC. (8356 Sw 40th Street Ste L) Clearwaterhouse Holdings, L.L.C. (4075 Sw 83rd Ave) Granada Insurance Company (4075 Sw 83rd Ave) Hattbert Holdings, Inc. (4075 Sw 83rd Ave) Gic Underwriters, Inc. (4075 Sw 83rd Ave) Aparcar, Inc. (4075 Sw 83rd Ave) Avami Investments, Inc. (4080 Sw 84 Ave Ste C) Alejandro'S Land, Inc. (4080 Sw 84 Avenue) Alejandro'S Warehouse, Inc. (4080 Sw 84 Ave) Blanco-Giraldo Investments, Inc. (4080 Sw 84 Ave Suite C) Bb Hempire, Inc. (4080 Sw 84 Ave) Giraldo'S Investments, Inc. (4080 Sw 84th Ave Suite C) Clara Giraldo P.A. (4080 Sw 84th Ave) Alejandro'S Investments, Inc. (4080 Sw 84th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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