813305 Corp.

813305 Corp. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 3, 2017.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by 813305 Corp.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateJul 3, 2017
FEI Number
Principal Address
2355 Nw 70th Ave
FL 33122

813305 Corp. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for 813305 Corp.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between 813305 Corp. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Hales Richard Registered Agent Richard Hales
1964 Sw 3rd St
FL 34974
(Okeechobee County)

Richard Hales
125 Se 3 Av
FL 33131
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Hales
125 Se 3rd Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Hales
157 Se 3rd Ave
FL 33131
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Hales
2355 Nw 70th Ave
FL 33122
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Hales
2355 Nw 70th Ave D09
FL 33122
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Hales
3250 Ne 1st Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Hales
3401 North Miami Ave
FL 33127
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Hales
3451 Ne 1st Ave
FL 33137
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Hales
3451 Ne 1st Ave Ste 103
FL 33137
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Hales
391 Ne 131st St
North Miami
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Hales
915 Castile Plz
Coral Gables
FL 33134
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Hales
9401 Collins Ave Apt 702
FL 33154
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Richard Hales
Grateful Properties Holdings, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Midtown Blackbrick LLC - Officer (MGR)
Pop N Sons Diner LLC - Officer (MGR)

Principal Location

813305 Corp. is located at 2355 Nw 70th Ave in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Mdc Collision Center LLC (2365 Nw 70 Th Ave) Alfa Freight Usa, LLC (2365 Nw 70th Avenue Unit C-24) Caricom Xport Logistics LLC (2365 Nw 70th Ave) Professional Products Group, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Beauty Sales, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Rgarcia Investments LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Beauty Supply, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Holdings, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Miami Beach Yacht Sales, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi One, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Investments, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Partners, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Ap-458, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Body & Soul Gym, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Bbc Finance Group, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) 8950 Arvida, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Rgarcia Investment Holdings, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Flavor Films LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Videosync Miami, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Concepts, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Crossfit Body & Soul, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Riverwalk Apartments, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi 25, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi 7000, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Worldwide, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Films, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Beauty Group, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) 8130 Development, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Brotherly Love, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Brotherly Love Fej, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jomec Acquisitions, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 7878, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 7845, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 4940, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Beauty, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 7545, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 7545-54, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 7263, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 5911, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction Hammock Park, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 3503, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 8250, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Body & Soul Boxing, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 8101, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi Beauty Distributors, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Vga Studios, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 4767, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 4745, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 5500, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 7540, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) C 3 Holdings, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 5850, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 5400, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 7241, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jagilienri, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 8150, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Mocca Construction 340, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Ap 5000, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Rg Gables Estates, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Tigertail & Mary, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jmz Real Estate Holdings, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jacavi, LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Stylogix LLC (6990 Nw 25 St) Jar Logistics Inc (2365 Nw 70 Ave) Apex Forklift Corp. (2365 Nw 70 Ave) Pimentel Company Services Corp (2365 Nw 70 Ave) Care At Mia Inc. (2375 Nw 70th Ave) C & R Customs Brokerage Inc. (2375 Nw 70 Ave) Ideal Rental & Services, LLC (2385 Nw 70th Ave) Aerorental LLC (2385 Nw 70th Ave) Envioideal LLC (2385 Nw 70th Ave) Gib, Inc. (2385 Nw 70th Ave) Mirua Investments LLC (2385 Nw 70 Ave) Yb & Dl Accounting Services LLC (2385 Nw 70 Ave) Ideobox LLC (2385 Nw 70th Ave) 26 Ne 25 St, LLC (2385 Nw 70th Ave) 2445 N Miami Avenue LLC (2385 Nw 70th Ave) 2417 N Miami Avenue LLC (2385 Nw 70th Ave) 2435 N Miami Avenue LLC (2385 Nw 70th Ave) Saludarte Foundation, Inc. (2385 Nw 70th Ave) Speedy Fire Protection, Inc. (2385 Nw 70th Ave) Global Sl Corp. (2385 Nw 70th Ave) Gb3 Investments Corp. (2385 Nw 70th Ave) Robert Conyers Custom House Broker LLC (2385 Nw 70 Avenue) Transway Airfreight Cargo, Inc. (2205 Nw 70 Ave) Richard Jay Brands LLC (2355 Nw 70th Ave) Proper Auto Transport LLC (2355 Nw 70th Ave) Professional Builders And Community Services Inc (2355 Nw 70th Ave) Richard Travel Co (2355 Nw 70th Ave) Ez Security, Corp (2355 Nw 70th Ave) Tempucheck Inc (2355 Nw 70th Ave) Advanced Prevention Technology Group, Inc. (2355 Nw 70 Th Ave) Nau Turismo LLC (2355 Nw 70 Ave) World Wide Trading Export & Import Corporation (2355 Nw 70 Ave) Ap Smart Solutions LLC (2355 Nw 70th Ave) Nature Amazon Of America LLC (2365 Nw 70th Ave Unit C-26) Touch Of Klass Painting & Cleaning Services LLC (5613 Monte Carlo Pl) I.V. International Group LLC (2365 Nw 70th Ave) Seven Stars Popsicles Of America LLC (2365 Nw 70th Ave) Brazilian Business Association Corp (2365 Nw 70th Ave) O Bag Fl Inc. (2365 Nw 70th Ave) Universal Fire & Security Services, Inc. (2365 Nw 70th Ave) Easy Aviation Inc (2365 Nw 70th Ave) Kmh Rides Corp (2365 Nw 70th Ave) Smith79 Inc. (2365 Nw 70th Ave) I.W.T. Wireless, Corp. (2365 Nw 70th Avenue #C-4) Epic Sdvob, Inc. (2365 Nw 70th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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