Avros Corporation

Avros Corporation is a Florida for profit corporation based in Kissimmee. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 6, 2017.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Avros Corporation

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateMar 6, 2017
FEI Number
Principal Address
806 Verona St
FL 34741

Avros Corporation Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Avros Corporation. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Avros Corporation and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Oliveira Louana Officer (D, S) Louana Oliveira
806 Verona St
FL 34741
(Osceola County)

Duvekot Rene C Officer (P D) Rene Duvekot
200 S Andrews Ave
Ft. Lauderdale
FL 33301
(Broward County)

Rene Duvekot
1310 Park Central Blvd South
Pompano Beach
(Broward County)

Rene Duvekot
1420 Celebration Blvd
FL 34747
(Osceola County)

Rene Duvekot
1420 Celebration Blvd #200
(Osceola County)

Rene Duvekot
1451 West Cypress Creek Rd
Fort Lauderdale
(Broward County)

Rene Duvekot
1451 West Cypress Creek Road Suite 300
Fort Lauderdale
(Broward County)

Rene Duvekot
200 S Andrews Ave Suite 101
Fort Lauderdale
FL 33301
(Broward County)

Rene Duvekot
200 S Andrews Avenue Suite 101
Ft. Lauderdale
FL 33301
(Broward County)

Rene Duvekot
806 Verona St
FL 34741
(Osceola County)

Rene Duvekot
806 Verona St Ste 1
FL 34741
(Osceola County)

Rene Duvekot
806 Verona Street Suite 1
FL 34741
(Osceola County)

Rene Duvekot
8671 Nw 56th St
(Miami-Dade County)

Rene Duvekot
8671 Nw 56th St
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Rene Duvekot
Apoio.Us LLC - Registered Agent
Brazil Native Corp. - Officer (PSD)
Intermills Corporation - Secretary
Walo Xr, Inc. - Officer (S D)
Avros Corporation Registered Agent Corporation Avros
806 Verona St
FL 34741
(Osceola County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Corporation Avros
Walo Dtp Corporation - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Avros Corporation is located at 806 Verona St in Kissimmee.

Companies Located Nearby

2396 Turpin Drive LLC (803 Verona St) 6817 Ambassador Drive LLC (803 Verona St) 1448 Avleigh Circle LLC (803 Verona St) 217 Dawn Court LLC (803 Verona St) 1213 Roma Court LLC (803 Verona St) 4849 Oakwood Drive LLC (803 Verona St) 3649 Timber Trail LLC (803 Verona St) Lakeview Village Property Owner'S Association, Inc. (803 Verona St) Allegiant Management Group, Inc. (803 Verona St) Barkalla LLC (112 N Clyde Ave) Lababidi Realty Group LLC (112 N Clyde Ave) Alliance Property Trust, LLC (112 N Clyde Ave) Lm Global Properties LLC (112 N Clyde Ave) Harry Ramsbottom'S Inc. (805 Mabbette St) Jarods Accounting Services, Inc. (815 W Mabbette Street Ste 104) 815 Mabbette, LLC (815 Mabbette St) Central Florida Building Corporation, Inc. (815 Mabbette St) Jd Kerr Pa (815 Mabbette St) 2sof, LLC (811 Mabbette St) Greenhills Realty & Management, LLC (811 Mabbette St) West Haven Homeowner'S Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Liberty Village Property Owners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Villa Del Sol At Meadow Woods Condominium No. 2, Association Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Harmony Residential Owners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Villa Del Sol At Meadow Woods Condominium Association Inc., No. 4 (811 Mabbette St) Villa Del Sol At Meadow Woods Condominium Association Inc. No. 3 (811 Mabbette St) Woodland Creek At Osceola Homeowners Association Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Fiesta Key Owners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Arbor Meadows At Meadow Woods Master Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Curry Ford Woods Homeowners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Sandhill Preserve At Arbor Meadows Homeowners' Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) The Enclave At Moss Park Homeowners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Crystal Cove Resort Owners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Southport Bay Master Homeowners' Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Stonewood Crossing Homeowners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Ashley Park At Harmony Homeowners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Lago De Oro Condominium Association Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Stratford Pointe Homeowners' Association Of Orange County Florida, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Eagle Bay Of Osceola County Master Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Eagle Bay Of Osceola County Homeowners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Coral Cay Resort Homeowners' Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Haines Ridge Homeowners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Liberty Square Homeowners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Camden Landing At Wyndham Lakes Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Windsong Owners' Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Country Walk Reserve Homeowners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Mccormick Reserve Homeowners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Lakes Of Harmony Community Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) South Lakes Of Harmony Community Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) The Sedona Owners Association, Inc. Phase 1 (811 Mabbette St) The Villages At Harmony Homeowners' Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) East Lakes Of Harmony Community Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Buenaventura Lakes Silver Park Villas I Homeowners' Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Forest Ridge At Meadow Woods Homeowners' Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Canoe Creek Estates Homeowners' Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Chickasaw Ridge Homeowners' Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Quail Ridge, Phase 3 Homeowners Association, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Association Solutions Of Central Florida, Inc. (811 Mabbette St) Wsg Tax & Bookkeeping Inc (815 Mabbette St) The Rental & Sales Gallery, LLC (809 Mabbette St) Lora Feingold LLC (809 Mabbette St) Sylvia Soto P.A. (809 Mabbette St) Heureux LLC (1010 Highway 179 A) Osceola Classroom Teachers Association, Inc. (722 Mabbette St) Court Reporting Specialists, L.L.C. (707 Mabbette St) Gina Byrd, Cpa, Pa (7 N Vernon Ave) Knowb4ugo.Com Inc. (7 N Vernon Ave) Olde Kissimmee Investments, Inc. (11 N Vernon Ave) Olde Kissimmee Realty, Inc. (11 N Vernon Ave) Florida Med Logistic Inc (821 Emmett St) Mauricio Mosquera Dds "Limited Liability Company" (820 Emmett St) Harmony Dental Care, LLC (820 Emmett St) Harmony Dental Holdings, LLC (820 Emmett St) Tr Smart Solution LLC (821 Emmett St) Iglesia El Nuevo Renacer ( Asambleas De Dios), Inc (815 Emmett St) Greenminds Financial Network, Inc. (815 Emmett St) First Florida International Property & Investments, Inc. (815 Emmett St) E.T. Properties Of Central Florida, Inc. (815 Emmett St) Neocitylinks, LLC (806 Emmett St) Neo Sensor Solutions, LLC (806 Emmett St) Mark Mccormick Miller, LLC. (806 Emmett St) Hhk Orlando, LLC (806 Emmett St) Osceola Smart City Advisors, LLC (806 Emmett St) Wkm Global LLC (806 Emmett St) Msf Medical Services, Inc (804 Emmett St) Floridian Medical Group, Inc. (804 Emmett St) Tycori Properties LLC (907 Emmett St) Ninvestment LLC (16 N Clyde Ave) Florida Center For Holistic Health (16 N Clyde Ave) Kapp And Kappy B&B LLC (21 N Clyde Ave) 100 Honeymoons LLC (21 N Clyde Ave) Florida Court Resolution Center, Inc. (24 North Clyde Ave) John P. Quinones, Iv, P.A. (24 North Clyde Ave) D & G Realty Partners, LLC (103 North Clyde Ave) Creative Sign Works, Inc. (103 North Clyde Ave) Florida Fantasy Real Estate, Inc. (806 Verona Street Suite 2a) Apoio.Us LLC (806 Verona St) Lubke & Soares Real Estate LLC (806 Verona St) Capretz & Marola LLC (806 Verona St) Latin Connection Real Estate Corp. (806 Verona St) Machtrad Inc (806 Verona St) Luciflex Corp. (806 Verona St) Inversiones Florida 2014 Inc (806 Verona St) Evergreen Traders Inc (806 Verona St) Grisi Corporation (806 Verona St) Nexoleum Usa Corporation (806 Verona St) Walo Dtp Corporation (806 Verona St) Spotok Corporation (806 Verona St) Foco Technologies Corporation (806 Verona St) Amazonia University Inc (806 Verona St) Ohana Lawn Care Inc (917 Verona St) Inversiones Lignemarginot LLC (806 Verona St) Bello Homes Inc (806 Verona St) Rohen LLC (806 Verona St) Brayanson Transportation LLC (917 Verona St) All About Finance & More LLC (917 Verona St) Hgge LLC (917 Verona St) Accounting & More Services Inc (917 Verona St) Promaskotas, C.A. Corp (917 Verona St) Cpm Global, LLC (806 Verona St) Property Resource Specialists, LLC (12 S Clyde Ave) Smart International Title, LLC (12 S Clyde Ave) Ferncreek Mortgage LLC (12 S Clyde Ave) 369 Society, LLC (12 S Clyde Ave) Fail Safe Accounting LLC (20 S Rose Ave) Melendez Law Offices, P.A. (20 S Rose Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.