Bermudez & Figuera Inc

Bermudez & Figuera Inc is a Florida for profit corporation based in Doral. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 5, 2016.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Bermudez & Figuera Inc

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateJul 5, 2016
FEI Number
Principal Address
8111 Nw 53rd St
FL 33166

Bermudez & Figuera Inc Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Bermudez & Figuera Inc. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Bermudez & Figuera Inc and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Bermudez Salmeron Maria J Officer (PD) Salmeron Bermudez
8111 Nw 53rd St
FL 33166
(Miami-Dade County)

Salmeron Bermudez
8115 Nw 53rd St
FL 33166
(Miami-Dade County)

Figuera Oscar J Officer (VP) Oscar Figuera
8111 Nw 53rd St
FL 33166
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Bermudez & Figuera Inc is located at 8111 Nw 53rd St in Doral.

Companies Located Nearby

Avgen Aerospace Inc (7825 Nw 53rd St) Avgen Aerospace Services Corp. (7825 Nw 53rd St) Conbuild L.L.C. (8300 Nw 53rd Street Suite 350) Mtr Capital, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd Street Suite 350) Cipher Business Solutions, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Xoffices LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Csq Non Stop, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Gd Supplies, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Florida Insurance Usa, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) It Solutions Tech LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Giuliana Produce LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Geo Engineering Trading LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Industrial Fibers & Supplies Of America, LLC. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Velocity Solutions, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Eurogems Corp. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Energy & Business Consulting Corp (8300 Nw 53rd St) Us Immigration Consulting Services Corp. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Ja Printers Corporation (8300 Nw 53rd St) Global Comex Corp (8300 Nw 53rd St) Multifibers Usa Inc (8300 Nw 53rd St) Programas Para Television, Inc. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Ten Import & Export Inc (8300 Nw 53rd St) Delcop, LLC. (8300 Nw 53rd St) U.S. Property Brokers Investment, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Construcciones 246673-2007 LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Power Equipments Trading LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) 18 Consulting, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Austral Partners International LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Laugama Trading Usa, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Delcop Group LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Steel Doral LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Wetter Tours LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Bremer And Dieppa Iii Esq.,C.P.A., LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Imposer Group, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Hd 2909 LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Hn Sp, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Land Developers Group LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Southern Cougar Logistics LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) La Export LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) It Consulting Usa LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Dotamos LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Consolidated Solutions LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Optimum Transport Services LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) Blue Horizon Marketing, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) La Oxygen LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) American Technology & Communications LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St) L.A Export Group Limited Liability Company (8300 Nw 53rd St) Netstep, L.C. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Venezolanos Y Americanos, Inc. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Panamerican Aviation Sales Corp. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Gala Int'L Business, Inc. (8300 Nw 53rd St) E & J Global Solutions, Inc. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Vimar Coloca Corporation (8300 Nw 53rd St) Viva Land Investments Corp. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Bremer Plan Usa , Corp (8300 Nw 53rd St) Abc World Express Solution, Inc. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Soar Realty Corp (8300 Nw 53rd St) The Services Depot, Inc. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Smartbase Group International, Corp. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Smartpro Nutrition Corp (8300 Nw 53rd St) Gg Accounting & Taxation Services Corp (8300 Nw 53rd St) Health Engineering Corp (8300 Nw 53rd St) J&L Industrial Transmissions Design, Corp (8300 Nw 53rd St) 3 Mundos Corp (8300 Nw 53rd St) Bm Electronics Inc. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Vemso Corp. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Uniride Logistic Inc. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Rydex Logistics Inc. (8300 Nw 53rd St) Ss Star Logistics Corp (8300 Nw 53rd St) Aquatica Group Corp (8300 Nw 53rd St) Xboats Miami LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St Ste350) Xboats 4u, LLC (8300 Nw 53rd St Ste350) Anthony Anv Corp (8037 Nw 54 Street) Meyers Group Usa LLC (8111 Nw 54th St) Meyers Shipping Usa, LLC (8111 Nw 54th St) Meyers Property Usa LLC (8111 Nw 54th St) Meyers Supplies Usa LLC (8111 Nw 54th St) Meyers Goods Usa, LLC (8111 Nw 54th St) Green Pacific Corp. (8115 Nw 53rd St) Ida Software Solutions LLC (8115 Nw 53 St) M&T Parts And Supply Inc (8115 Nw 53 St) Natural Med Lab Corp (8067 Nw 54th St) Boma Enterprise Inc (8065 Nw 54 St) All Packing And Crating, Inc. (8051 Nw 54th St) Nectech Key Supply, LLC. (8115 Nw 53rd St) Unum Production LLC (8115 Nw 53rd St) Insomnia Pictures LLC (8115 Nw 53rd St) Lara & Associates, Inc. (8115 Nw 53rd St) Central Refrigeration Ll Corp (8115 Nw 53rd St) Jeepmar, Corp (8115 Nw 53rd St) Accounting & Taxes From Coast To Coast LLC (8100 Nw 53 Street) Red Paramount Corp (8100 Nw 53 St) Mon Reve Design & Services, Inc. (8100 Nw 53 St) Hydrowell Inc. (8100 Nw 53 Street) M.D.Q. Service Corporation (8100 Nw 53 Street) Art Glass Impact, LLC (8100 Nw 53rd St) Asb Civil Engineering Services LLC (8100 Nw 53rd St) Innova 305 Services LLC (8100 Nw 53rd St) Nnb L.L.C. (8100 Nw 53rd St) Precision Directional Boring Bm, LLC (8100 Nw 53rd St) Toyland LLC (8100 Nw 53rd St) Sagv Enterprise LLC (8100 Nw 53rd St) Pentacle Time, Inc. (8100 Nw 53rd St) Infinite Brijos Corp. (8100 Nw 53rd St) E & A Xpress Transport Inc (8100 Nw 53rd St) Lgp Global Services Inc (8100 Nw 53rd St) G Medical Diagnostic Services, Inc (12708 Riata Vista Cir) Bistro Cafe LLC (8100 Nw 53rd St) Nakoa LLC (8111 Nw 53 Street) Sales Peak Inc (5421 Nw 82nd Ave) We Will Restore-U LLC (736 Country Wood Cir) Mazzinidesign LLC (5405 Nw 82nd Ave) Wheelroc LLC (5413 Nw 82 Ave) Technical Service Marine Corp (5409 Nw 82nd Ave) Cartroc LLC (5413 Nw 82nd Ave) Plazawest Warehouse Condominium Association, Inc. (3057-47 Nw 82 Avenue) Las Mercedes Restaurant, Inc. (8199 Nw 54 St) Mag Trucks, LLC (8111 Nw 53rd St) Rafsa, LLC (8111 Nw 53rd St) Sunnyside Behavioral Services LLC (8111 Nw 53rd St) Dream Car Luxury Rental Cars Inc (8111 Nw 53rd St) M&Y Complete Services Corp (8111 Nw 53rd St) La Caimanera Futsal LLC (8111 Nw 54st) Hb Group Usa LLC (8150 Nw 53rd St) Axo Export, LLC (8150 Nw 53rd St) Wk 2001 Service, LLC (8150 Nw 53rd St) Three In One LLC (8150 Nw 53rd St) Ballezax,LLC. (8150 Nw 53rd St) Benchmark Global LLC (8150 Nw 53rd St) Mariaevangelina Inc (8150 Nw 53rd St) R. Castillo Y, Inc. (8150 Nw 53rd St) Lotus Business Usa Corp (8150 Nw 53rd St) Kri-Fort Corp (8150 Nw 53rd St) Plata Consulting Inc (8150 Nw 53rd St) H & S National Group, L.L.C. (8115 Nw 53rd St #201)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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