Americas Connection Marketing, Inc.

Americas Connection Marketing, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 18, 2016.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Americas Connection Marketing, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateMar 18, 2016
FEI Number
Principal Address
3238 Virginia St

Americas Connection Marketing, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Americas Connection Marketing, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Americas Connection Marketing, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Ortiz Ernesto S Registered Agent Ernesto Ortiz
9550 Rosewalk Ct
(Orange County)

Ernesto Ortiz
3591 Victoria Pines Dr
(Orange County)

Ernesto Ortiz
3238 Virginia St
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Americas Connection Marketing, Inc. is located at 3238 Virginia St in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Laredo Realty, Inc. (2997 Day Ave) Miami Industrial-Commercial Park, Inc. (2997 Day Ave) Sepler Unifirst Group, LLC (2997 Day Ave) Law Office Of Richard M. Sepler, LLC (2997 Day Ave) Fendz Asset Management, Inc. (2997 Day Ave) Hubsch Lee County, LLC (3199 Virginia St) Erich B. Neumann, P.L. (3174 Virginia St) Edit Strategy LLC (3170 Virginia St) Mija Baney, LLC (3242 Virginia St) Coconut Villas Condominium Association, Inc. (3227 Virginia St) Rotarians Against Malaria-Global Rotarian Action Group, Inc. (3223 Virginia St) Iskcon Miami, Inc. (3220 Virgina St) Lemontree Village Condominium Association, Inc. (3022 Day Ave) Daylight Condominium Association, Inc (3009 Day Ave) Mv Cash Flow LLC (3037 Day Ave) Mv Miami Investments LLC (3037 Day Ave) Sandy Zarraga P.A. (3037 Day Ave) Marita Freight & Trade, LLC (3265 Virginia St) Miami Vice Music LLC (3265 Virginia St) Chateau Grove Condominium Association, Inc. (3265 Virginia St) Hashtagthis Inc. (3265 Virginia St) Third Set Partners, LLC (3264 Virginia St) Trumpet Ventures, LLC (3264 Virginia St) Vivify Performance, L.L.C. (3264 Virginia St) Third Set Partners Ii, LLC (3264 Virginia St) Solano Services, LLC (3264 Virginia St) Touch Of Eden, LLC (5030 Harkley Runyan Rd) Brotherton Investments LLC (3260 Virginia St) Grove Alliance LLC. (3260 Virginia St) Adja Investments LLC (3260 Virginia St) Cbf International Trustee, Inc. (3245 Virginia St #65) V&C Handyman And Cleaning Services LLC (3245 Virginia St) Virginia Pointe Condominium Association, Inc. (3245 Virginia St) 3029 Oak Avenue Condominium Association, Inc. (3029 Oak Ave) 3210-12 Matilda Street Condominium Association, Inc. (3212 Matilda St) 3090-92 Lime Court Condominium Association, Inc. (3092 Lime Ct) John C. Seidel, P.A. (3230 Matilda St) Whippersnappers Fish Camp, L.L.C. (3250a Matilda) Matilda Condominium Association, Inc. (3240 Matilda St) Truvitech, LLC (3091 Day Ave) Lime Court Villas Condominium Association, Inc. (3080 Lime Ct) Limegrove, Inc. (3080 Lime Ct) Permit Logic, LLC (3091 Lime Ct) Sonck Research LLC (3083 Day Ave) Lily & Kate Equestrian LLC (3062 Lime Ct) Allston 184 LLC (3062 Lime Ct) Sp Brands LLC (3062 Lime Ct) 1032 Sorolla, LLC (3051 Lime Ct) 6030 North Bayshore, LLC (3051 Lime Ct) Fringe Film LLC (3069 Day Ave) Fookem'S Fabulous, LLC (3081 Oak Ave) Day Villas LLC (3057 Day Ave) 3050-52 Day Condominium Association, Inc. (3050 Day Ave) Ilandra, Inc. (3050 Day Ave) Theivyplanner, Inc. (3050 Day Ave) Orange Pounds Condominium Association, Inc. (3051 Day Ave) 3054 Day Avenue Condominium Association, Inc. (3054 Day Ave) Kaanas LLC (3053 Day Ave) Ne International LLC (3052 Day Ave) Clm Consulting Group LLC (3054 Day Ave) Delbono Marozzi LLC (3054 Day Ave) 3046-48 Day Condominium Association, Inc. (3048 Day Ave) Blink, Bock & Kostepen LLC (3046 Day Ave) Cat Cap LLC (3046 Day Ave) Stunning Visuals, Inc. (Box 330002) High Flight Inc. (3271 Allamanda St) Ana Mcmillan, P.A. (3271 Allamanda St) Sephardic Voices Usa, Inc. (3273 Allamanda St) Tactical Growth Advisors, LLC (3268 Allamanda St) Mitte, LLC (3268 Allamanda St) Reffreger Dequesada Realty, LLC (3268 Allamanda St) Liquor Studio International Brands, LLC (3268 Allamanda St) The Shape Of Liquors Usa, LLC (3268 Allamanda St) Sur Spirits International LLC (3268 Allamanda St) El Camino Marketing, LLC (3268 Allamanda St) Blr Brands Equity Group, LLC (3268 Allamanda St) Ltb Ocean Maia, LLC (3268 Allamanda St) Alamanda Villas Condominium Association, Inc. (3268 Allamanda St) Mayfair Villas Condominium Association, Inc. (3021 Oak Ave) Blackbird Construction LLC (3021 Oak Ave) Z-Quick, LLC (3263 Allamanda St) Tropical Diseases Consulting, LLC (3263 Allamanda St) Mabloc, LLC (3263 Allamanda St) Royal Poinciana Villas Homeowners' Association, Inc. (3263 Allamanda St) Morphalogica 1, Inc. (3263 Allamanda St) Best Of Grove Condominium Association, Inc. (3256 Allamanda St) Richard Houlihan, Pa (3250 Allamanda St) Wethington + Associates, Inc. (3265 Virginia St) Jorge L. Espinosa, P.A. (Po Box 331176)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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