Dutech Cargo Inc

Dutech Cargo Inc is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Nov 5, 2015.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Dutech Cargo Inc

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateNov 5, 2015
FEI Number
Principal Address
1845 Nw 112 Avenue Suite 202
FL 33172

Dutech Cargo Inc Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Dutech Cargo Inc. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Dutech Cargo Inc and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Patino Carla Officer (Dire) Carla Patino
18255 Nw 68 Ave Apt 324
FL 33105
( County)

Carla Patino
1845 Ne 112 Ave Suite 202
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

Carla Patino
1845 Nw 112 Ave Suite 202
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

Carla Patino
1845 Nw 112 Avenue Suite 202
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

Carla Patino
1845 Nw 112th Avenue Suite 202
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Carla Patino
Dutech Realty LLC - Officer (AMBR)
Oc Optik Corp - President
Carla Patino B Registered Agent Patino Carla
1845 Nw 112 Avenue Suite 202
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Dutech Cargo Inc is located at 1845 Nw 112 Avenue Suite 202 in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Concordsport, LLC (1835 Nw 112 Ave) Edfi Holding LLC (1835 Nw 112 Avenue) Wd Investment Trading Corp (1835 Nw 112 Avenue) Scimed-Tech, Inc. (1835 Nw 112 Avenue) Success International, LLC (1825 Nw 112th Ave) Axis Commercial Solutions LLC (1825 Nw 112th Ave) Teide, Corp. (1825 Nw 112th Ave) Alfa Financial Corp. (1825 Nw 112th Ave) 24/7 Restoration Pro Corp (1825 Nw 112th Ave) Maxim Export, LLC (1825 Nw 112th Avenue Suite 152) Monica Reyes P.A. (1825 Nw 112 Ave) Point 156 Corp (1825 Nw 112 Ave) Gutierrez 2016 Investment, LLC (1825 Nw 112 Ave Ste156) Amerika Blackcell, LLC (1825 Nw 112th Ave) Daima'S Cafeteria, Inc. (1825 Nw 112 Ave) U - Tt International, Inc. (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Sikaffy Interiors, Inc. (1845 Nw 112 Avenue) Sangirori, Inc. (1845 Nw 112th Ave) 1675 Plaza, Inc. (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Pombal, Inc. (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Sadelco, Inc. (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Tct3, LLC (1855 Nw 112 Ave) Export Diesel LLC (1835 Nw 112th Ave Suite 173) Us Diesel Power LLC (1835 Nw 112th Ave Ste 173) Bms International LLC (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Sanisa,LLC. (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Investinghouse L.L.C (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Solutions Logistics Holdings, LLC. (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Reyco Cargo LLC (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Loa Design LLC (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Stewart Design & Support Inc (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Sports Services Inc. (1835 Nw 112th Ave) House Of Hardware, Inc. (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Rg Optics International Inc. (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Tax Bureau Service Corp (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Taca Freight Forwarding Corp (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Ignite Concepts Corporation (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Solution Logistics & Services Inc (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Office Express Corp (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Living Life Adult Daycare, Corp (1835 Nw 112th Ave) American Global Sourcing Inc (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Fiberflon Usa, Inc. (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Global Carbon Parks, Inc. (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Odonnell Design, Inc. (1835 Nw 112th Ave) H.R. Import & Export Corp. (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Phxtreme, Corp (1835 Nw 112 Ave) Mass Emarketing LLC. (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Gab South Florida LLC (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Brimedc LLC (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Industrial And Nautical Services LLC (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Pautxu LLC (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Del Sur International S.A., Corp. (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Automotores Rincon LLC (1835 Nw 112th Ave) Skyline 802, LLC (1835 Nw 112 Ave) Led Pro Solutions LLC (1835 Nw 112 Ave) Sand Sports Corporation (1835 Nw 112 Ave) Victoria 127 Corporation (1835 Nw 112 Ave) Dc Style, Corp (1835 Nw 112 Ave) Solution Information Technology Corp. (1835 Nw 112 Ave) Natnow Nutrition Usa Corp (1845 Nw 112 Av) Defense Munitions International, LLC (11399 16th Ct N Suite 200) The Winner Women Association Inc. (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Terbonova Nutraceuticals, Inc. (1845 Nw 112 Ave) Spqr Management, LLC (1845 Nw 112 Avenue) Oriana Enterprises, Inc. (1845 Nw 112 Ave) Easycar International Company LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Sb8 Group LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Six House, Inc. (1835 Nw 112th Ave #160) S&J Warehouse, Inc. (1835 Nw 112th Ave #160) Thecarsmotors. LLC (1835 Nw 112 Ave) Performance Industrias International Corp (1835 Nw 112 Ave) Jvpc Export Corp (1835 Nw 112th Ave) J&S Warehouse, Inc. (1835 Nw 112th Avenue #160) Miramar Business & Investments, LLC (1835 Nw 112 Ave) P J Y Import Export Corp. (1835 Nw 112 Ave) I.O.C.A. Usa Inc. (1835 Nw 112 Ave) Arell Enterprises, Inc. (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Digital Star Corp (1845 Nw 112 Ave) My Shipping, LLC (1845 Nw 112 Ave) International Grand'S Holding, LLC (1845 Nw 112 Ave) T&T Cinema LLC (1845 Nw 112 Ave) Pnm Group, LLC (1845 Nw 112 Ave) Ev World Corp. (1845 Nw 112 Ave) Selarom Real Estate, LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Emusk International LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Moto Trainer Latam LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Vaalto Trading Limited LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Wisnuk LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Jebeauty America Trade LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Gromak LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Eil LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Unimil International Services LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Mega Business Consultant LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Multiservices Piper Company LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Ciar Consulting Usa LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Importadora Los Molles LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Ambar Beauty LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Dark Laboratories LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Searching LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Ruth Med Aesthetics Laser And Skincare LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Alizz LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Syncronik Info Solutions LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Residencial San Borja LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) San Borja Lotes LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Lenux Store LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Diulca LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Navegantes Multimodal LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) American Alliance Group LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Mercosur Investment International LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) To-Is LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) South Technologies Solutions Services LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Infinity Logistics Services LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Koenig Enterprise International LLC (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Inversiones Carnicos, Inc (1845 Nw 112 Ave) Proliners Inc. (1845 Nw 112th Avenue Suite 186) Expo A B Computer, Inc. (1845 Nw 112th Ave) Dolphin Park Of Commerce Condominium Association, Inc. (1845-2071 Nw 112 Avenue) Nor Concept LLC (1701 Nw 112th Ave) Inversiones Ares 2021 Inc (1701 Nw 112th Ave) Pixel Graphics Advertising Company (1701 Nw 112 Avenue) Galloway International Realty, LLC (1701 Nw 112th Ave #107) Egsc Engineering Consultants, Inc. (1701 Nw 112 Avenue #103) Manrique Residencial Properties, Inc. (2740 - 2742 Nw 112 Avenue) Cargoland Air & Ocean Cargo, Inc. (2762 - 2764 Nw 112 Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.