Cabrera Industry Inc

Cabrera Industry Inc is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Aug 4, 2015.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Cabrera Industry Inc

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateAug 4, 2015
FEI Number474699345
Principal Address
1800 N Bayshore Dr
FL 33132

Cabrera Industry Inc Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Cabrera Industry Inc. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Cabrera Industry Inc and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Cabrera Sonia Registered Agent Sonia Cabrera
1701 Nw 154 Street
Miami Gardens
FL 33054
(Miami-Dade County)

Sonia Cabrera
27104 Sw 138 Ct
FL 33032
(Miami-Dade County)

Sonia Cabrera
610 Ne 4th Ave
FL 33010
(Miami-Dade County)

Sonia Cabrera
610 Ne 4th Pl
FL 33010
(Miami-Dade County)

Sonia Cabrera
831 Deen Still Rd
FL 33897
(Polk County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Sonia Cabrera
S&M Cabrera Services Inc - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Cabrera Industry Inc is located at 1800 N Bayshore Dr in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Sophaz Investments LLC (11966 Reedy Creek Dr) Ana Paula Costa, Pa (1800 North Bayshore Dr #2314) Vealla LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Gelato Go Lauderdale By The Sea LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Gelato-Go 82nd Street LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Gelato-Go Lincoln Road LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Neura Engineering, P.A (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Iron-Soul Elite Inc (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Chal Maz Fine Art LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Narian Technologies, LLC (1800 North Bayshore Drive Suite 2311) Primeiro Invest, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Drive Ste 2214) Sar Holdings, LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) The Security & Lock Corporation (1800 North Bayshore Drive Apt 2815) Barimoda Inc (1800 N Bayshsore Dr) Globalview Construction LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Fbc-Solution, Inc. (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Gelato-Go LLC (1800 N Bayshore Drive Apt #2908) Maad Hospitality Management LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Gelato-Go South Beach LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Gelato-Go Wpb LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Gelato-Go Events Fl LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Gelato-Go Events Ca LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Almeida Management Services Corp. (1800 N Bayshore Dr) French Radar LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) H And M Investment Group 1101 LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Marlene Ramirez, P.A. (1800 N Bayshore Dr) 1800 N Bayshore Unit 2214, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Drive Unit 2214) Mmd Properties LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Maria Goreti Pa (1800 N Bayshore Dr) The Contemporary Art Modern Project, LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Olive & Co., Inc (1800 N Bayshore Dr) A1 Integrated LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Creating Revolutions LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr Suite 2311) Esn 1 LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Fbc-Healthcare, Inc. (1800 N Bayshore Dr Apt 4010) Locomotives Art LLC (1800 North Bayshore Drive Apt 1510) Birches Motor Inc (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Daniel Sepe P.A. (1800 N Bayshore Dr #1215) Paja Holdings, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Nbo Properties Inc (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Rue De Passy, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) C162, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Peire International LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Marcar Detroit LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Cafe Pa Brau LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Florida Educational Advisors, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Jerome Rosen, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) True Ink Designs L.L.C. (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Ingenium Solutions, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Airport Safety Management Consultants LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Gourmet South Florida, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Flowation Consulting LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Tc Property Investments LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Gede Limbo, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) 1800 Biscayne LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) You Can 2 Fit, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Andrea S Romano Pllc (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Bulzan, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Treelance LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Turk Group LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) E2 Logistics LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Cnt 212 Investments LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Antonio Garces LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Bethania Canavesi Photography LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Orion Gornes, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Sa Automation Ventures LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Elevated Ventures LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Ap Investment Usa LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Generoso A. Mancini, Inc. (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Accurate Numbers, Inc. (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Damatra Inc. (1800 N Bayshore Dr) An Imex, Inc. (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Elizabeth Castillo Design Corp (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Image Body & Face Inc (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Castillera, Corp (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Laissez-Faire Group Corp (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Nursing Of Heart Corp (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Vivid Reps Inc (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Wynwood Title Corp (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Fabhiperfit Group Inc (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Heart Care First P.A. (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Miami Marketing Online LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) 1800 Cc 3214 Corporation (1800 N Bayshore Dr) 1800 Club Master Association, Inc. (1800 North Bayshore Dr) 1800 Club Condominium Association, Inc. (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Atm Trade International LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) Gelbspan Fitness LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) A&O Business, LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Ge Home Concierge LLC (1800 N Bay Shore Dr) Palm Coast-Vm, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) 1800 Club, LLC (1800 N Bayshore Dr) International Coastal Living Investments, LLC (1770 N Bayshore Dr) Go Global Consulting LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Himeros LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Influeto LLC (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Sebastian, M.D., P.A. (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Norther International Group, Corp (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Le Sunshark Inc (1800 North Bayshore Dr) Pckt, LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Pati Kay Inc (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Integrated Power System LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Twenty7 Events, LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Bv 2921, LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Iamweare LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Real Estate Advisory Partners International LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Boka Bay Restaurant And Consulting LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Mks Insight Partners LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Visionary Mindset LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Culture It Hub, LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Wallace Development Group, LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Kiindins LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Illumin-Aid, LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Acosta Geffon, Pllc (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Sady'S Kitchen LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) The Lucky Dawgz LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) The Alumni And Volunteer Corporation Of Sigma Phi Epsilon Florida Iota Chapter (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Upward Buzz Inc. (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Bramaastra Inc. (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Vignieri Style Corp (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Progenesis, LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Just A Cover, Inc. (1756 North Bayshore Dr) Scott Eric Klein, P.A. (1756 North Bayshore Dr) The Food Truck LLC (1410 West 11th St) Berg Exclusive Properties, LLC (1756 N Bayshore Drive Ste 119) Jensen Berg LLC (1756 N Bayshore Drive Ste 119) Berg Sports LLC (1756 N Bayshore Drive Ste 119) Mvp Music Publishing Inc (1756 N Bayshore Dr #39b) Pura Vida Edgewater LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Cam Aviation Services LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Big Cat Miami LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Lily Choi Real Estate Holdings, LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Cuthbert Consulting Group, LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Radical Management Group LLC (1756 N Bayshore Dr) Anwa LLC (1756 North Bayshore Dr) Bay Parc Plaza Market, LLC (1756 North Bayshore Dr) Montshine Cleaning LLC (1756 North Bayshore Dr) M.T. Iii, L.L.C. (1756 North Bayshore Dr) Personal Touch Services, Inc. (1756 North Bayshore Dr) Alemanys Beauty And Physiotherapy LLC (1756 North Bayshore Dr) Walter Blair LLC (1756 North Bayshore Dr)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.