Skyhook Traders, Corp.

Skyhook Traders, Corp. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Medley. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Feb 23, 2015.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Skyhook Traders, Corp.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateFeb 23, 2015
FEI Number
Principal Address
8650 Nw 97 Avenue #203
FL 33178

Skyhook Traders, Corp. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Skyhook Traders, Corp.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Skyhook Traders, Corp. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Bustamante Cesar President Cesar Bustamante
3710 Spear Point Dr
(Orange County)

Cesar Bustamante
1001 Carlton Arms
(Manatee County)

Cesar Bustamante
10770 Nw 66 Street Suite 110
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

Cesar Bustamante
11402 Nw 41st Street Suite 211-566
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

Cesar Bustamante
3109 Timucua Cir
FL 32837
(Orange County)

Cesar Bustamante
3170 Spear Point Dr
FL 32837
(Orange County)

Cesar Bustamante
8311 Nw 66th St
(Miami-Dade County)

Cesar Bustamante
8356 Nw 68 Street
(Miami-Dade County)

Cesar Bustamante
8650 Nw 97th Ave
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

Cesar Bustamante
8650 Nw 97th Ave #203
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Cesar Bustamante
Cb Custom Flooring LLC - Officer (MBR)
One Car LLC - Officer (Mana)
Bustamante Cesar A Registered Agent Cesar Bustamante
8650 Nw 97 Avenue
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

Cesar Bustamante
8650 Nw 97 Avenue #203
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Skyhook Traders, Corp. is located at 8650 Nw 97 Avenue #203 in Medley.

Companies Located Nearby

Mmc Investments, LLC (9725 Nw 52 St) Decaro Home LLC (9725 Nw 52st #504) Med Villas Holdings, LLC (9725 Nw 52 St Apt 504) Anferco Corp. (9725 Nw 52 Street #306) Christian Schrader P.A. (9755 Nw 52nd St #311) Samay Trading Group L.L.C. (9725 Nw 52nd St) Neatbooks LLC (9725 Nw 52nd St) Martili Corporation (9725 Nw 52nd St) Qorex Group Inc (9725 Nw 52nd St) Aco Prime Investments Inc (9725 Nw 52nd St) Point Of Kissimmee, LLC (9755 Nw 52nd St Apt 501) Eco Elect Inc (9755 Nw 52 St #217) Gambeta Corp (9755 Nw 52th St) Inversiones Lomuz LLC (9755 Nw 52nd St) Soulmade Productions, Inc. (9755 Nw 52nd St) Burmat Holdings, LLC (9755 Nw 52 St) Famarsa Corp (9755 Nw 52 St) Smp Mexico LLC (9725 Nw 52nd Street Apt 419) Infinite Group Products LLC (9725 Nw 52 St) Global Trade Consulting Corp. (9725 Nw 52nd St) Savant Design Group, LLC (9725 Nw 52 St) Luxury Design Studio, LLC (9725 Nw 52 St) Ac&Jd Consulting Corp (9725 Nw 52 St) Many Van Line Corp (9725 Nw 52 Street) Legal Papers, Inc. (9725 Nw 52 Street) Csal Group Corporation (9725 Nw 52 St) Chps International LLC (9755 Nw 52nd St) Nisaco LLC (9755 Nw 52nd St) Collado Consulting, Inc. (9735 Nw 52nd St) Sunshine International Exports LLC (9735 Nw 52 St) Fulin, Inc. (9735 Nw 52 St) Hot-Link International, LLC (9735 Nw 52 Street) Tiranube Entertainment LLC (9735 Nw 52nd St) Stanbury Properties LLC (9735 Nw 52nd St) Faccio Consolidated LLC (9735 Nw 52nd St) Automated Process Equipment, Corp (9735 Nw 52nd St) The Accountants, Inc (9735 Nw 52nd St) Walston Aviation Leasing LLC (9725 Nw 52nd Street #503) Caliza Usa, LLC (8930 Nw 97th Ave) Amh Graphic Design, Corp. (8930 Nw 97th Ave) Mister Sanz Investments, Inc. (3801 Nw 97th Ave) Chief Taguay Investments Group, Inc. (3801 Nw 97th Ave) Gedc International LLC (8850 Nw 97th Ave) Inversora W.M.S., Inc. (8850 Nw 97th Ave) El Gym Del Coach, LLC (8800 Nw 97 Avenue Unit 106) Beijing Trust LLC (8960 Nw 97th Ave) D'Amico Y Lugo Multi-Servicios, LLC. (8960 Nw 97th Ave) Tasty Imports, L.L.C. (6000 Nw 97 Ave Ste 3-4) Bienne Construction Services LLC (3900 Nw 35th Ave) Millenia Atlantic University Alumni Association Inc. (3801 Nw 97th Ave Ste 100) Ra & So Corp. (8960 Nw 97 Ave) Nokia Investment Management Corporation (600 Mountain Ave) Alcatel-Lucent Usa Inc. (600 Mountain Ave) Lucent Technologies Grl LLC (600 Mountain Ave) Nokia Innovations Us LLC (600 Mountain Ave) Western Electric Company, Incorporated (600 Mountain Ave) Lta, L.L.C (6000 Nw 97 Ave) Pestana 2014 LLC (8650 Nw 97th Ave) Overtime Contractors Services Inc (8760 Nw 97th Ave) Omega Events, LLC (8850 Nw 97th Ave) St. Maarten 206 LLC (8620 Nw 97 Ave) Sazon 21 Healthy LLC (8740 Nw 97th Ave) St Barth Group LLC (8960 Nw 97th Ave) Sergbel, Corp (8620 Nw 97th Ave) Necd Constructions LLC (8800 Nw 97th Ave) Rodwey LLC (8930 Nw 97 Th Ave) Kemco Usa, LLC (8760 Nw 97th Ave) Sub Zero Medley, Corp. (8760 Nw 97th Ave) St Maarten 8960 Corp (8960 Nw 97th Ave) Disorganized Services LLC (8960 Nw 97 Av) Seagro Us LLC (8960 Nw 97th Ave Apt 104 Bldg 2) Zukati LLC (8760 Nw 97 Ave) Clc Global Usa LLC (8650 Nw 97th Ave) Geosynergy LLC (11300 Nw 97th Ave) Mbz Services Consulting Corporation (11300 Nw 97th Ave) Rl Group Investments, LLC (8650 Nw 97th Ave) Goncalves & Morales LLC (8760 Nw 97th Ave) Lumar Transportation, LLC (8960 Nw 97 Ave) Pestana 2015 I LLC (8650 Nw 97th Ave) Ag Intech LLC (5900 Nw 97th Ave Unit 1) D.C.P.,LLC (6000 Nw 97th Ave) Florida Arms, LLC (6000 Nw 97th Ave) Avac Of Florida, L.C. (6000 Nw 97th Ave) Stanley Industrial Realty, L.C. (6000 Nw 97th Ave) Lican Trade Corp. (6000 Nw 97th Ave) Avac International Sales Corp. (6000 Nw 97th Ave) Galpa Export, Corp. (6000 Nw 97th Ave) Galpa Usa Corp (6000 Nw 97th Ave) South Florida Foods International, Inc. (5900 Nw 97th Ave) Worldwide Laundry, Inc. (3325 Nw 97th Ave Unit N0 4) Gaby & Associates LLC (5900 Nw 97th Ave) Poolsan Usa Corp (5900 Nw 97th Ave) Adjmir International Corp (5900 Nw 97th Ave) Metalli & Ferro Corp (5900 Nw 97th Ave) Three Blocks Group, LLC. (5900 Nw 97th Ave) Meat Club Management, LLC. (5900 Nw 97th Ave) Hovnan 105, LLC (5900 Nw 97th Ave) Santur International, Inc. (5900 Nw 97th Ave) Oscar Logistics Usa, LLC (5900 Nw 97 Ave Unit 1) Usa Cargo & Courier, Inc. (5900 Nw 97 Avenue) Jump Entertainment, Inc. (6000 Nw 97 Avenue) Ladino Posada Investments Inc. (6000 Nw 97th Ave) Nippon Suspension Parts, Inc. (6000 Nw 97th Ave) Crystal Water Real Estate Investment Inc (9725 Nw 52 St) Jamr Investments, LLC (9725 Nw 52 Street) Bea Fashion LLC (9706 Nw 51st Ter) S S E Trading Corp (9761 Nw 51 Ln) New Beginnings Property Management, LLC (9881 Nw 51st Ter) Kildrummy Partners LLC (9755 Nw 52 Nd St) Compass It, LLC (9755 Nw 52nd St) G&C Pomares Group Corp (9755 Nw 52nd St) Dussaq Group Enterprises, Inc. (5900 Nw 97th Ave) Mariscal Ayacucho University, L.L.C. (3801 Nw 97th Ave) Imusa Usa, LLC (6000 Nw 97th Ave) Corporation 8, Corp. (8760 Nw 97 Ave) Tejade LLC (8760 Nw 97th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.