Flapa Inc

Flapa Inc is a Florida for profit corporation based in Hollywood. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Feb 12, 2014.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Flapa Inc

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateFeb 12, 2014
FEI Number
Principal Address
2206 Hollywood Blvd

Flapa Inc Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Flapa Inc. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Flapa Inc and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Grand Alan Officer (COO) Alan Grand
2206 Hollywood Blvd
(Broward County)

Alan Grand
2020 Ne 163rd Street Suite 103
North Miami Beach
FL 33162
(Miami-Dade County)

Alan Grand
680 Ne 179th Ter
North Miami Beach
FL 33162
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Alan Grand
2 Lubabs, LLC. - Officer (MGR)
J Consultants Inc - Officer (COO)
Solomon Joshua S Registered Agent Joshua Solomon
17410 Ne 12th Ave
North Miami Beach
FL 33162
(Miami-Dade County)

Joshua Solomon
720 Ne 170th St
North Miami Beach
FL 33162
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Flapa Inc is located at 2206 Hollywood Blvd in Hollywood.

Companies Located Nearby

2342 N Federal, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) 2344 N Fed, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) 1101 N 22 LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) 2150 Madison LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Koda 2331 Hayes LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Koda 2222 Fillmore LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) D3 Ventures LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) 821 Nw 7 LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) D3pm Inc (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Boulevard Landmark Condominium Association, Inc. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Landmark Trust LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Avihai Peri, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Meza Capital Investment LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Yehudit Zabari, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Caravel Real Estate LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Swisa Michael Real Estate Fl,LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Coastal Companion Care, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Dixie Energy LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Berko Group, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Galo Group 2000 LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Virgin Hair Usa LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Caravelrem LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Ami Usa Investment LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Elie Ohayon LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Yby Investments LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Delmay 2131, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Grupo Rifor LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Odar Investments LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Rdk Capital, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Credit Development Services LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) 2124 Garfield, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Nationwide Mortgage Direct LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Alan S. Bernstein, P.A. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Vsg Services, Inc. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Landmark Construction And Design Inc (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Delmay Corporation (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Global Project Developers Inc (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Pronto Services Inc (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Before & After Image Consulting, Inc. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Yoni Dagan, P.A. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Law Office Of J. L. O'Hara, P.A. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Knight Law, P.A. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Hollywood Insurance Services Inc (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Esports Jiujitsu, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Somar 8282, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Autovilla, Inc. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) John Ramos, P.A. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Stephen H. Gibbs Land Surveyors, Inc. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) City Wide Hollywood LLC (2128 Hollywood Blvd) The Cannabis Lounge LLC (2128 Hollywood Blvd) Wilson R. Hernandez, P.A., Architects & Associates (2131 Hollywood Blvd Ste 301) All Computer Technique, Inc. (2124 Hollywood Blvd) Property Management Of Hollywood, Inc. (2124 Hollywood Blvd) Law Offices Of Ray A. Schlichte, Jr. Professional Association (2134 Hollywood Blvd) Dos Gringos On Calle Ocho, LLC (2134 Hollywood Blvd) 561 Flagler Avenue, LLC (2134 Hollywood Blvd) Morgan Sienna, LLC (2134 Hollywood Blvd) Lola Investment Group, LLC (2134 Hollywood Blvd) Schlichte Enterprises, Inc. (2134 Hollywood Blvd) Pt Schlick Investments, Inc. (2134 Hollywood Blvd) Rpm Of South Florida, Inc. (2134 Hollywood Blvd) R & P Lenders, Inc. (2134 Hollywood Blvd) Paul S. Martin & Associates, P.A. (2134 Hollywood Blvd) Foxglove, Inc. (2130 Hollywood Blvd) Preferred Property Enterprises, Inc. (2130 Hollywood Blvd) A Berg Holdings, LLC (2130 Hollywood Blvd) Avant-Garde Properties Of S Fl, LLC (2130 Hollywood Blvd) The Fashion Chamber, LLC (2130 Hollywood Blvd) 24/7 Advanced Property Management, LLC (2130 Hollywood Blvd) Dorsey Park Properties, Inc. (2130 Hollywood Blvd) Oakland Park Properties, Inc. (2130 Hollywood Blvd) R.A.B. Of S. Fl., Inc. (2130 Hollywood Blvd) Baru Corp. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Health & Wellness Associates, Inc. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) International Association For Identification Corporation (2131 Hollywood Blvd Suite 403) A Hollywood Dream, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd #508) Mark A. Bernstein, C.P.A., P.A. (2131 Hollywood Blvd #508) Nationwide Lending Direct LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Business Credit Lines LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Nationwide Realtors Florida LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Nationwide Mortgage Processing, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Florida Heritage Group, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Gal 2008 LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Bibi Miami International, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Prestige Capital Partners, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) The Barnard Law Firm, Professional Association (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Law Office Of Joseph S. Paglino, P.A. (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Chatell Services Inc (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Achikam Segev LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) I.S Service Solutions LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd) Jay-Mitch, Inc. (2131 Hollywood Blvd #205) 2126 Hollywood LLC (2130a Hollywood Blvd) Goldberg Law Pllc (2130a Hollywood Blvd) Sks Ventures, LLC (2131 Hollywood Blvd Suite 204) Promptcare Florida, Inc. (2131 Hollywood Blvd Ste 104) Thai Deli L.L.C. (2119 Hollywood Blvd) Fortis Realty Group LLC (2126 Hollywood Blvd) Valued Wholesale LLC (2126 Hollywood Blvd) International Law Partners Llp (2122 Hollywood Blvd) Sf Real Estate Properties LLC (2122 Hollywood Blvd) H3n Technologies, LLC (2122 Hollywood Blvd) Find A Muslim LLC (2122 Hollywood Blvd) Law Office Of Marsha Berry, Esq., LLC (2122 Hollywood Blvd) Childlife Foundation America, Inc. (2122 Hollywood Blvd) Cosmos Fla Inc. (2122 Hollywood Blvd) Yasir Billoo, P.A. (2122 Hollywood Blvd) Zahra Khan, Pa (2122 Hollywood Blvd) Steven D. Feinzig, D.C., P.A. (2120 Hollywood Blvd) Tpg Goods LLC (2214 Van Buren St) Ritter Kitchen, Bath & Closet, LLC (4870 Tallowood Way) Gratitude Grove LLC (4870 Tallowood Way) Eve'S Garden Apartments, Inc. (2201 Van Buren St) 2219 Hollywood Investments Corp (2219 Hollywood Blvd) Kenneth Didonato, Inc. (2210 Hollywood Blvd) 2 Lubabs, LLC. (2206 Hollywood Blvd) Mesa - Bar. Fish. Meat. LLC (2206 Hollywood Blvd) 2 Lubabs At Mesa, LLC. (2206 Hollywood Blvd) 2 Lubabs At 710, LLC. (2206 Hollywood Blvd) 2 Lubabs At 17030, LLC. (2206 Hollywood Blvd) Tlti 2206 Hollywood Blvd, LLC (2206 Hollywood Blvd) 2 Lubabs At 9472, LLC (2206 Hollywood Blvd) 2 Lubabs At Baymeadows, LLC (2206 Hollywood Blvd) A Lubab At 17339, LLC (2206 Hollywood Blvd) A Lubab At 950, LLC (2206 Hollywood Blvd) J Consultants Inc (2206 Hollywood Blvd) Marvin T. Bornstein, P.A. (2138 Hollywood Blvd) 2138 Hollywood Blvd, LLC (2138 Hollywood Blvd) Smith Realty Group, Inc. (2138 Hollywood Blvd) Edward F. Zwick, P.A. (2138 Hollywood Blvd) Adam H. Smith, P.A. (2138 Hollywood Blvd) Steven H. Smith, P.A. (2138 Hollywood Blvd) Heller Properties, Inc. (2200 Hollywood Blvd) William A. Heller, P.A. (2200 Hollywood Blvd) Jacqueline Chehebar-Valdes, Ph.D., P.A. (2214 Hollywood Blvd) Rollmate LLC (2205 Hollywood Blvd) Transamerican Realty Group Holdings, Lllp (2205 Hollywood Blvd) Complete Mortgage LLC (2205 Hollywood Blvd) Green Technology Consultants LLC (2205 Hollywood Blvd)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.