Vila Veloni Corp

Vila Veloni Corp is a Florida for profit corporation based in Doral. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Sep 23, 2013.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Vila Veloni Corp

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateSep 23, 2013
FEI Number46-3812929
Principal Address
9300 Nw 25 Street
FL 33172

Vila Veloni Corp Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Vila Veloni Corp. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Vila Veloni Corp and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Vila Fiorella M Registered Agent Fiorella Vila
10339 Nw 70 Ln
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

Fiorella Vila
10900 Nw 67 Street
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

Fiorella Vila
10900 Nw 67th St
(Miami-Dade County)

Fiorella Vila
7270 Nw 66st
(Miami-Dade County)

Fiorella Vila
919 Nw 97 Ave Apt # 108
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Vila Veloni Corp is located at 9300 Nw 25 Street in Doral.

Companies Located Nearby

Rod General Construction Inc (6435 W 25th Ln) Totoras Repair And Maintenance Inc. (6445 West 25 Lane) J & J Interior Carpentry, Inc. (6480 W 25th Ln) Gmd Finish Carpentry, Inc (6470 West 25 Court) Estevez International Installation Inc (6500 W 25 Ct) The Holy Fire Annointing Ministries, Inc. (1645 Nw 65th St) Care Janitor Services, Inc. (6505 West 25 Avenue) Early Ba LLC (2488 W 64th Pl) Piotrowski Group Corp (2594 W 64 St) Lh Danny Truck S Corp (2630 West 64 St) Roberto Suarez Trucking, Inc. (2614 West 64th St) Odlanyer LLC (2614 W 64th St) Fpa Transport Inc (2580 West 64th St) Flamingo Theater LLC (1869 Sw 25 Street) Curry Educates, LLC (9555 Nw 25 Avenue) Alfonso Health Medical Center Inc (777 E 25 St) Polimita M&B LLC. (13985 Sw 25 Terr) Tera Properties, LLC (10200 Nw 25 St) Jonathan Schwartz Law Pllc (10200 Nw 25 St) Doral Insurance Advisors, Inc (10200 Nw 25 St) Ms Microblading Studio & Spa Inc. (10200 Nw 25 St) Miuber Health Inc. (10200 Nw 25 St) Bostwick Gt LLC (6095 Sw 25 Street) 2301 Atlantic Ave., LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Grt Investment Group LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Evergreen Investors 6, LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Gonsi Properties, LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Cato Managers, LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Mount Vernon Property Holdings, LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Cato Developers, LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Djclan 1, LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Papuchis LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Sp Investment Group LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Donsys LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Prive 3008 LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Sp Investments 08-18 LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Le Chalupe LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Femme By Jessica Herrera LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Strategic Properties Of South Florida, LLC (250 Ne 25 Street) Arcangeles, Inc. (250 Ne 25 Street) Nextloop Solutions Inc (250 Ne 25 Street) Top Red Business Limited, Corp (150 Se 25 Rd) Royal Mountain, LLC (150 Se 25 Rd) Magna Energy, LLC (10200 Nw 25 Street) Doral Spa & Skin Care LLC (10200 Nw 25 Street) Rotary Club Of Doral, Inc. (10200 Nw 25 Street) Rotary Club Of Doral Foundation, Inc. (10200 Nw 25 Street) Salcham, Inc. (10200 Nw 25 Street) Magna Group, Inc. (10200 Nw 25 Street) Magna Consulting, Inc. (10200 Nw 25 Street) Latin America Trading Enterprises, Inc. (10200 Nw 25 Street) Exceptional Speech Therapy, Inc (10200 Nw 25 Street) Jm Barrientos Inc (10200 Nw 25 Street) Ronald N. Sadaka, P.A. (2394 Sw 25 Terrace) Xposed Marketing & Productions LLC (9600 Nw 25 Street) Posh Management, Inc (13360 Sw 25 Street) Bmf Enterprises, Inc. (13360 Sw 25 Street) Imf Enterprises, Inc. (13360 Sw 25 Street) H And H Healthcare Center Inc (9300 Nw 25 Street) Creative Design & Remodeling, Inc. (2552 W 64th Pl) Vecasama 333, Inc. (7800 Nw 25 St) Royal Lakes Investment Corp. (7901 W 25 Ave #3) Vp Behavioral Health Solutions, Pa (15256 Sw 25 Terr) Azucar Creations Inc (13975 Sw 25 Terrace) Carola Portillo, P.A. (2650 Nw 25 Ave) Nicaexpress International Logistic I Corp (7234 Nw 25 St) Next Million LLC (9044 Nw 25 St) Md Distributors, LLC (7225 Nw 25 Street) Rss Financial Group L.L.C. (7225 Nw 25 Street) Emergency Windshield Wiper LLC (7225 Nw 25 Street) M.A.S. Customs Broker, Inc. (7225 Nw 25 Street) Daniel Bien-Aime Bail Bonds Inc. (7225 Nw 25 Street) Lourdes Hernandez, Psy.D. & Associates, Pa. (7225 Nw 25 Street) United Insurance Advisors, Inc. (7225 Nw 25 Street) Bunch Out Bail Bonds, Inc. (7225 Nw 25 Street) Cs Kingair 300 Inc. (9600 Nw 25 St) Home Trust Title Ins. Agency LLC (9600 Nw 25 St) Dig Trading Inc. (9600 Nw 25 St) Optimize Today'S Wellness Therapy Solutions, Inc. (9600 Nw 25 St) D I O Transport, Inc. (9600 Nw 25 St) Doral Real Estate Holdings, Inc. (9600 Nw 25 St) Asac International Trading Corp (9600 Nw 25 St) Biotech Corporation (9600 Nw 25 St) C.E.P. Transport Inc. (2580 W 64 St)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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