Gene'S Enterprise Service Inc

Gene'S Enterprise Service Inc is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on May 22, 2013.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Gene'S Enterprise Service Inc

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateMay 22, 2013
FEI Number
Principal Address
556 W Flagler St
FL 33130

Gene'S Enterprise Service Inc Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Gene'S Enterprise Service Inc. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Gene'S Enterprise Service Inc and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Alleyne Gene Registered Agent Gene Alleyne
556 W Flagler St
FL 33130
(Miami-Dade County)

Gene Alleyne
556 W Flager St
FL 33130
(Miami-Dade County)

Gene Alleyne
8831 Fontainebleau Blvd #203
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Gene'S Enterprise Service Inc is located at 556 W Flagler St in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

We Fix It General Services, Inc. (556 West Flagler St) Smart Scapes LLC (36 Nw 6th Ave Apt Ts08) Create 2 Build, LLC (36 Nw 6th Ave) Krel Design, LLC (36 Nw 6 Avenue) Mrkdr Properties LLC (36 Nw 6th Ave) Mrkdr Ph5 LLC (36 Nw 6th Ave) Egibi Creations LLC (36 Nw 6 Ave) Ez Mobil Mechanic LLC (36 Nw 6th Ave) Mrkdr Productions, Inc. (36 Nw 6th Ave) Stein Paint Company (545 W Flagler St) Wet Paper, LLC (545 W Flagler St) Jetman Properties LLC (545 W Flagler St) Brick Three Partners, Lllp (605 West Flagler St) Brick Five Group Lllp (605 West Flagler St) Brick Six Lllp (605 West Flagler St) Little Havana Equities, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Rt Miami, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Dos Lucas, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Centurion Management & Consulting Services, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Sofia Catalina, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Grupo Habita 776, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Grupo Habita 429, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Grupo Habita Twain, LLC (605 West Flagler St) 530 Invest, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Brick Steno, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Solnze, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Clearance Properties, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Bahia 1201-1232, LLC (605 West Flagler St) 1637 Simbell, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Look At The Data LLC (605 West Flagler St) Vizcaya Apts, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Cypress Court, LLC (605 West Flagler St) Rio Vista Miami Condominium Association, Inc. (605 West Flagler St) Trovato Wine Services LLC (36 Nw 6th Ave) Plus 58 Investments, LLC (36 Nw 6th Ave) 5 Star Luxury Transportation Corp (36 Nw 6th Ave) R. Delbeau Pa (36 Nw 6th Ave) Topair Aeronautics, Corp. (36 Nw 6th Ave) Luxury Yacht Rental Miami Inc (36 Nw 6th Ave) Financo, LLC (601 West Flagler St) Belloso, LLC (601 West Flagler St) Conext, LLC (601 West Flagler St) Conext 212, LLC (601 West Flagler St) Fmfp Investments, LLC (601 West Flagler St) 101 Flagler Street, Inc. (601 West Flagler St) Liberti Global Corp (601 West Flagler St) Tandel Group Usa, Lp (605 W Flagler St) Brick Four Lllp (605 W Flagler St) Brick Nine, Lllp (605 W Flagler St) Brick Eight, Lllp (605 W Flagler St) Brick Seven, Lllp (605 W Flagler St) Futura Villas Invest, LLC (605 W Flagler St) Tandel Group 1, LLC (605 W Flagler St) Jacob Abdel, LLC (605 W Flagler St) Melo Real Estate, LLC (605 W Flagler St) Grupo Habita 929, LLC (605 W Flagler St) Grupo Habita 107, LLC (605 W Flagler St) Grupo Habita, LLC (605 W Flagler St) Grupo Habita 619, LLC (605 W Flagler St) Jacob Abdel Pina, LLC (605 W Flagler St) Grupo Habita Pina, LLC (605 W Flagler St) Grupo Habita 613, LLC (605 W Flagler St) Grupo Habita 618, LLC (605 W Flagler St) 1134 Apts, LLC (605 W Flagler St) 701 Partners LLC (605 W Flagler St) Downtown Villas, LLC (605 W Flagler St) Downtown Villas I, LLC (605 W Flagler St) 1442 New Miami Court LLC (605 W Flagler St) 937 Jose Marti LLC (605 W Flagler St) 879 Spanish Apts LLC (605 W Flagler St) Ronald S. Meyerson, P.A. (605 W Flagler St) Prestige 2, Inc. (605 W Flagler St) Campbell Moschella Global, LLC (601 W Flagler St) Bramos International, Inc. (601 W Flagler St) 110-124 Downtown Investments, Inc. (601 W Flagler St) 4119 Ponce De Leon, Inc. (601 W Flagler St) Branfer Supply, Inc (601 W Flagler St) Inmarvenco Inc (601 W Flagler St) Patti Originals Inc (500 West Flagler St) Velazquez Group Multiservices, LLC. (500 West Flagler St) Tlab Ventures LLC (119 Sw 6th Ave) Errasula LLC (119 Sw 6th Ave) Lopez Garcia Investments Inc. (119 Sw 6 Ave) Shld 32 Inc (119 Sw 6 Ave) Feraco Corporation (556 W Flagler St) Ministerio Restauracion Y Fe Inc (556 W Flagler St) New Way Auto Tires Inc (556 W Flagler St) Four Feathers Films, Inc. (556 W Flagler St) Imperial Mobile Detailing, LLC (546 Sw 1st St) Graffiti Xpressionz LLC (546 Sw 1st St) Armando 27, LLC (546 Sw 1st St) Reliable Air Conditioning Refrigeration & Appliances Inc. (546 Sw 1st St) Biscayne Engineering Company, Inc. (529 West Flagler St) Romero Store LLC (102 Sw 6th Ave) Elolam & Mi, Inc (102 Sw 6th Ave) Damascena Enteprise Corp (102 Sw 6th Ave) Lagus, Inc. (102 Sw 6 Avenue) Claudia'S 520 Marketing LLC (18787 Nw 80 Ave) Camino Al Exito Marketing LLC (18787 Nw 80 Ave) Miami 4405 One Paraiso L.L.C. (102 Sw 6th Ave) Dee'S Services Corp. (520 Sw 1st St) New Service Company (501 Sw 1st St) Mi Rival Supermarket, Inc. (500 Sw 1st St) Rioplaza Condominium North Association, Inc. (501 Sw 1 Street) Asatronics, LLC (501 Sw 1st St) Gali, Ltd (142 Sw 6th Ave) Jfi Properties LLC (142 Sw 6th Ave) Fernandez Properties, Inc. (142 Sw 6th Ave) Lamia, Inc. (142 Sw 6th Ave) Opie Investments Corp. (142 Sw 6th Ave) Riverside Blues, Inc. (142 Sw 6th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.