Shivraj Investments Inc is a
Florida for profit corporation
based in Doral.
They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations
on Jan 24, 2013.
Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida.
We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or
otherwise approved by Shivraj Investments Inc
Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details
Properties Owned by Shivraj Investments Inc
11475 Nw 50 Ter
FL 33178
2229 Sw 80 Ter
FL 33025
2779 Nw 196 Ter
Miami Gardens
FL 33056
4764 Nw 114 Ave 101
FL 33178
6201 Nw 114 Pl 249
FL 33178
8206 Sw 29 St
FL 33025
Shivraj Investments Inc Directors and Officers
The following table lists the directors and officers for Shivraj Investments Inc.
It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible
addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These
are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their
inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Shivraj Investments Inc
and the address or company.
Name Position Possible Address Possible Related Companies
Principal Location
Shivraj Investments Inc is located at 11353 Nw 46 Ln in Doral.
Companies Located Nearby
Kalahcargo Express Corp. (11320 Nw 46th Ln)
Ak Stones Corp (11320 Nw 46th Ln)
Casarapa International, Inc. (11306 Nw 44 Terr)
Therapeutic Lifestyle Concepts, LLC (11277 Nw 46 Lane)
Okalar LLC (11260 Nw 46th Ln)
1guy LLC (11252 Nw 46 Th Ln)
Salvar Aviation, LLC (4401 Nw 113th Ct)
Passion For Tennis LLC (4401 Nw 113th Ct)
Camelo Oil Corp. (11355 Nw 47 Ln)
Brigaderia Doral LLC (4744 Nw 113th Pl)
Gubin Investments LLC (4744 Nw 113th Pl)
Gerzi Trust, LLC (4744 Nw 113th Pl)
Gerzi Makeup, LLC (4744 Nw 113th Pl)
Savetexpor, Inc. (4744 Nw 113th Pl)
Inversiones Fountain Corp (11330 Nw 47 Lane)
Liseth Fernandez Abreu, P.A. (11330 Nw 47 Lane)
Tinye Swimwear LLC (11324 Nw 47th Ln)
Monica Pallares, P.A. (11324 Nw 47th Ln)
Edelweiss, Corp. (11329 Nw 46 Ln)
Santos- Laine, Corp. (11320 Nw 46 Lane)
Luz Productions Corp. (11305 Nw 46 Lane)
Moya Consulting, LLC (11377 Nw 46th Ln)
Margarita Avila, P.A. (11377 Nw 46th Ln)
The Ferrari Store Inc. (4440 Nw 113 Ct)
Viviana Valverde P.A. (11368 Nw 46th Ln)
Lubri Star LLC (4448 Nw 113 Ct)
Carett'S Hand Car Wash, Inc. (4448 Nw 113 Ct)
Marmol Holdings, LLC (11361 Nw 46th Ln)
Marmol Warehouse Corp (11361 Nw 46th Ln)
S. Dee International Inc (11353 Nw 46 Lane)
Jose G. Carett, P.A. (4448 Nw 113th Ct)
Dancetination LLC (4432 Nw 113 Ct)
Ilashmekels LLC (4564 Nw 114 Ave)
Shoppersall. LLC (4564 Nw 114th Ave)
Perfumescss Corp (4564 Nw 114th Ave)
Emporio Napolitano V Inc (4564 Nw 114th Ave #1404)
Yag Selling Dreams Corp (11470 Sw 43rd St)
It Pro Solutions Inc (4572 Nw 114th Ave)
Netpro Services LLC (4608 Nw 114th Ave)
Kitty Is Here LLC (4608 Nw 114th Ave)
Ez Innovation, LLC (4624 Nw 114th Ave)
Biometrics And Bell Int, LLC (4624 Nw 114th Ave)
Dress To Clothing Boutique Rio LLC (4624 Nw 114th Ave)
Alfa Global Services Inc (4656 Nw 114th Ave #405)
Little Front Desk LLC (4524 Nw 114th Ave)
Jd Services Group LLC (4524 Nw 114th Ave)
Beneito Behavior Therapist, LLC (4524 Nw 114th Ave)
Sky Wizard LLC (4532 Nw 114th Ave)
Pickle Toe Holdings LLC (4532 Nw 114th Ave)
Smith And Card Technology LLC (4532 Nw 114th Ave)
Probity Dispatching LLC (4914 Woodlands Blvd)
O&P International Service Inc. (4688 Nw 114th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures
The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.
The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.
In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.