Grey Reporting, Inc.

Grey Reporting, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Hollywood. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jan 15, 2013.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Grey Reporting, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateJan 15, 2013
FEI Number35-2468685
Principal Address
4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202

Grey Reporting, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Grey Reporting, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Grey Reporting, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Grey Carolyn A Registered Agent Carolyn Grey
4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202
(Broward County)

Moore Kathleen L Officer (Secr) Kathleen Moore
4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202
(Broward County)

Lawder Janet S Officer (VPD) Janet Lawder
4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Grey Reporting, Inc. is located at 4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202 in Hollywood.

Companies Located Nearby

Brad & Stacey Hunter Family Foundation, Inc. (207 Bonnie Brae Way) Atlantic Resources Clarkson Emerald Green, L.L.C. (4200 Sheridan St) Royal Sheridan Residences, LLC (4200 Sheridan St) Jerali Services LLC (4200 Sheridan St) Back 2 Life Pressure N Paint, LLC (4200 Sheridan St) Tropicana Investors, Inc. (4200 Sheridan St) Zedaka Vachessed Shivtey Israel, Inc. (4200 Sheridan St) J & J Power Value Logistics Inc (4200 Sheridan St) The Dan Alessi Evangelistic Association, Inc. (407 Bonnie Brae Way) The Alessi Family Limited Partnership (407 Bonnie Brae Way) Alessi Enterprises, Inc. (407 Bonnie Brae Way) Hire Learning Company (504 Bonnie Brae Way) The Townhouses Of Emerald Hills, Inc. (1201 St Andrews Rd) Franck Messica, Pa. (1105 Saint Andrews Rd) Astrid Camargo Pa (1105 Saint Andrews Rd) Spinner Sisters, LLC (407 Dunwoody Ln) Nina S. Spinner-Sands, Pa (407 Dunwoody Ln) Sonia Sauss P.A. (907 Saint Andrews Rd) Ooh! That'S Clean! LLC (4300 Sheridan St) E. C. D. Serv., L.P. (4350 Sheridan St) Brainchild Institute, LLC (4350 Sheridan St) Brainchild Institute Inc (4350 Sheridan St) Lescobar P.A. (4350 Sheridan St) Med Dental Management Inc (4350 Sheridan St) A Beautiful Mess Production Inc. (4330 Sheridan Street Ste 202b) Miles Of Smiles Shows, LLC (4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202) Carnival Time Towing, LLC (4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202) Fairplay Trucking, LLC (4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202) Burton Family Holdings, LLC (4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202) Esp Properties, LLC (4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202) Corporate Consultants Of South Florida, Inc. (4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202) Helpful Corp. (4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202) Kgb International, Inc. (4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202) Cronin Communications, Inc. (4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202) Ben Marshall, Inc. (4310 Sheridan Street Suite 202) Morris J Vivona Amusement Co., Inc. (4310 Sheridan St Suite 202) Gil Aronson, Md, LLC (4340 Sheridan St) Olympus Management, LLC (4330 Sheridan St) Aqua Residence, LLC (4330 Sheridan St) Solid Seven, LLC (4330 Sheridan St) Aqua Residence At Hollywood LLC (4330 Sheridan St) Pembroke Palms Condominium Association, Inc. (4330 Sheridan St) Forever Smiles Orthodontics, P.A. (4330 Sheridan St) Raul O. Serrano, Jr., C.P.A., P.A. (4330 Sheridan St) Ros Family Enterprise, Inc. (4330 Sheridan St) Kimberly S. Shechtman P.A. (4330 Sheridan St) 4330 Sheridan LLC (4330 Sheridan St #201b) Edward S. Wagner Md, LLC (4330 Sheridan St) Elder Options, Inc. (1505 St Andrews Rd) Unique Press, Inc. (1503 St Andrew Rd) Matkal LLC (107 Heatherbrook Way) Keystone West LLC (107 Heatherbrook Way) Kalel'S Mps Superhero Foundation, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St Ste 202) Pier Amusements, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St Ste 202) Copy Communications, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St Ste 202) Joel M. Kupferman, P.A. (4310 Sheridan St Ste 202) Fair Entertainment, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St Ste 202) Fun Fair, U.S.A., Inc. (4310 Sheridan St Ste 202) Jhh, Inc. (4310 Sheridan Street Ste 202) Porter Games, Inc. (4310 Sheridan Street Ste 202) R.J.P. Rides, Inc. (4310 Sheridan Street Ste 202) Computer Programming Associates, Inc. (4310 Sheridan Street Ste 202) Duo Magazine, Inc. (4310 Sheridan Street Ste 202) Fowler Games, Inc. (4310 Sheridan Street Ste 202) Golden Knight Capital LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Gkc Finance Service LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Oaks Office Ctr D-202 LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Marco Southseas 4-603 LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Exec Bay Holdings T-1 LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Mogull Family Holdings LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Dania Sheridan Bch 519-201 LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Rainmakes LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Tyson'S Concessions, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) L&G Concessions, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Stanley W. Williamson Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Specified Metals, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Grace Global Sales Inc (4310 Sheridan St) Three Green Shells Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Las Concessions, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Spectacular Amusements Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Knox & Sons, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Carol Joan Wine Sales Inc (4310 Sheridan St) Evsolutions Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Worldwide Safety Group Inc (4310 Sheridan St) Wn Concessions Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Uncle Ricky'S Concessions, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Ocala Injury Center, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Brass Ring Amusement Company, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Ab Concessions Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Big Daddy'S Amusements, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Wood Upp Usa, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Nocava Holdings Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Kissimmee Injury Center, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Quality Diagnostic Imaging Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Manuel Training, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Troost Enterprises, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Sound Decor Usa, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Volusia Injury Center, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Jeunomed International Corp. (4310 Sheridan St) Streetlight South, Inc. (4310 Sheridan Street #202) Gaia Systems Inc. (4310 Sheridan Street #202) Phoenix Media U.S.A LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Baum & Schames, LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Megerle Shows LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Island Motorsports LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Eep Trading LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Marc Z. Hammerman, M.D., P.A. (4310 Sheridan St) Baxamed Corp (4310 Sheridan St) Back Talk Productions, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Nordic Architectural Interior Design, Corp. (4310 Sheridan St) Baum & Company, P.A. (4310 Sheridan St) Alex Williams, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Anz Transportation Inc. (4310 Sheridan St #202) Pinson Novelties, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St #202) D & N Concessions, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St #202) Fowler Games Bunks, LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Delvista 217, LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Annapurna Partners LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Dynamic Business Network, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Greycie Enterprises, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Rina H. Stuart, P.A. (4310 Sheridan St) Jerry Shaw, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Biorica International Corp. (4310 Sheridan St) Margaret Kowynia, P.A. (4310 Sheridan St) Luvic Corporation (4310 Sheridan St) Better Age Computers, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) A L W Consulting, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Data2ools Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Venus Drops, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Cvp Enterprises, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Cathy Mcdonald, P.A. (4310 Sheridan St) Morris Popcorn, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Interior Resources Of South Florida, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Burton & Co., P.A., C.P.A.'S (4310 Sheridan St) The Oaks Office Center, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St) Dds Mazal, LLC (4310 Sheridan St) Exec Bay Holdings T-9 LLC (4310 Sheridan St 202) Weyer'S Aviation Consultants LLC (4310 Sheridan St 202) Silky Hosting Solutions, Inc. (4310 Sheridan St 202) Sheridan Smiles, LLC (4310 Sheridan St) 4350 Sheridan Street LLC (4350 Sheridan St) Minars Orthodontics, P.A. (4350 Sheridan St) Broward Periodontal Associates, Inc. (4350 Sheridan St) Apellaniz Law, P.A. (106 Heatherbrook Way) E.C.D. Services., Inc. (4350 Sheridan St) Klein Family Properties, LLC (4340 Sheridan St) Klein And Fortune, P.A. (4340 Sheridan St) Justin Klein, D.O., P.A. (4340 Sheridan St) Florida Center For Laser Gynecology LLC (4340 Sheridan St) Jarpo Oceanside LLC (4340 Sheridan St) L & J Of Miami, Inc. (4340 Sheridan St #102) Pine Island Professional Offices, LLC (4340 Sheridan St) Gil Aronson, Md, Pa (4340 Sheridan St) Wayne Pollak, M.D., P.A. (4340 Sheridan St) Hoffman Tax & Consulting Inc (4340 Sheridan St) The Law Offices Of Christian Paul Larriviere, P.A. (4340 Sheridan St)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.