Henner Inc.

Henner Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Boca Raton. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Aug 1, 2012.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Henner Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateAug 1, 2012
FEI Number99-0381005
Principal Address
2424 North Federal Hwy Suite 314
Boca Raton

Henner Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Henner Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Henner Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Levavasseur Gilles Officer (Dire) Gilles Levavasseur
2424 North Federal Hwy
Boca Raton
(Palm Beach County)

Moufarrege Cesar Officer (Dire) Cesar Moufarrege
2424 N Federal Hwy
Boca Raton
FL 33431
(Palm Beach County)

Cesar Moufarrege
2424 North Federal Hwy
Boca Raton
(Palm Beach County)

Savy Nicolas Officer (Pres) Nicolas Savy
2424 N Federal Hwy
Boca Raton
FL 33431
(Palm Beach County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Nicolas Savy
Xn Holdings Inc. - Officer (Dire)
Figueroa Denise Registered Agent Denise Figueroa
2424 N Federal Hwy
Boca Raton
FL 33431
(Palm Beach County)

Denise Figueroa
200 El Camino Dr
Winter Haven
FL 33884
(Polk County)

Denise Figueroa
2424 North Federal Hwy
Boca Raton
(Palm Beach County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Denise Figueroa
Xn Financial Services Inc. - Officer (Comp)

Principal Location

Henner Inc. is located at 2424 North Federal Hwy in Boca Raton.

Companies Located Nearby

Mockingbird Ln Enterprises, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy Ste 411) New Dimensions International Consulting Inc (2424 N Federal Hwy Ste 411) Secure Pay, Inc. (2424 N Federal Hwy Ste 411) Jj Consulting Worldwide Inc (2424 N Federal Hwy Ste 411) Key To Life, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy Suite 411) Kdb Management, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy Suite 411) Christina Zanakos Feinberg, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy Suite 411) Robert S. Haugh, Cpa, P.A. (2424 N Federal Hwy Suite 411) Sharon J. Arnett, P.A. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Advocates Title & Escrow, Pllc (2424 N Federal Hwy) A.M Yacht Detail LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Gp Iii Investments LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) 116 Logistics LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Ripp Technologies LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Xn Holdings Inc. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Xn Financial Services Inc. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Calusa Op, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Faico Register, LLC (2424 North Federal Hwy) American Clinical Solutions LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy Suite 455) The Eugene Brown Family, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy Suite 455) Rohan Harrison P.A. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Acs Laboratory, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Oqp Partners LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy Ste 400) Lisa Joy Bailey Levy LLC (2424 North Federal Hwy) Barbar Title Holdings, LLC (2424 North Federal Hwy) Hardeep Saluja, Professional Association (2424 North Federal Hwy) Barbar Real Estate Company (2424 North Federal Hwy) Celsius Products Holdings, Inc. (2424 North Federal Hwy) Florida Rbba Holdings, LLC (2424 North Federal Hwy) Chapter Two Marine, LLC (2424 North Federal Hwy) Pb Holdco I, LLC (2420 N Federal Hwy) Pb Insurance Services, LLC (2420 N Federal Hwy) Paradise Bank (2420 N Federal Hwy) Paradise Mortgage, Inc. (2420 N Federal Hwy) Paradise Bancorp, Inc. (2420 N Federal Hwy) Maple Leaf Properties Lllp (2424 N Federal Hwy) International Pilates, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Emp Nursing, Inc. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Confidence Begins Here Inc (2424 N Federal Hwy) Barbar Realty Partners, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Jonathan Phillips, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Rb Holding Company, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Barbar Property Management, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Rodney Scott Harmer, Pa (2424 N Federal Hwy) Danielle Story Pa (2424 N Federal Hwy) I.S. One Corporation (2424 N Federal Hwy) Jh Military Trail, Inc. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Hans T. Berggren Bldg., Inc. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Mcgovern Capital LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Ncj, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Grandpa Stan'S LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Sw Realty, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Cort'S High Reach Sales, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Globalsat Latam LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Jmp Residential, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) I.S. Clearwater Wf LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Go For Rent LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Legal Advocates, Pllc (2424 N Federal Hwy) Ets Business Enterprises, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Mad Marketing Enterprises L.L.C. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Greenwich Associates, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Rfsny LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Mad Investment Group LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Safe Passage Moving & Storage, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Q Capital Strategies, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Q Capital Holdings LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Republic Spine, LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) Parkwood At Kensington Homeowners Association, Inc. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Sbl Real Estate Holdings, Inc. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Lisa Hamilton-Johnson, P.A. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Surveydig Inc. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Kwg Enterprises Inc (2424 N Federal Hwy) Joel Feldman, P.A. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Leyland International Corp. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Runner Technologies, Inc. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Self Care Lounge LLC (2439 N Federal Hwy) H. Isings, Inc. (2441 N Federal Hwy) Hello Gorgeous Hair Salon LLC (2439 North Federal Hwy) Tc Oriental Supermarket Inc (2431 N Federal Hwy) 1905 Calusa, LLC (2424 North Federal Hwy) Finest Known, LLC (2424 North Federal Hwy) I.S. Florida Kmd LLC (2424 North Federal Hwy) Bella-Management LLC (2424 North Federal Hwy) Faico Medical LLC (2424 North Federal Hwy) Aeg Real Estate LLC (2424 North Federal Hwy) Research Underwriters, LLC (2424 North Federal Hwy) Law Offices Of Daniel J. Shamy, P.A. (2424 North Federal Hwy) Martin R. Mallinger, P.A. (2424 North Federal Hwy) Celsius Netshipments, Inc. (2424 North Federal Hwy) Advanced Properties Of Virginia, Inc. (2424 N Federal Hwy Ste 201) Anastasia J Mahone Co. (2424 N Federal Hwy) Og Florida Properties LLC (2424 N Federal Hwy) David S. Kreisman Pa (2424 N Federal Hwy) Gerald M. Shapiro Pa (2424 N Federal Hwy) Nyc Leasing Inc. (2424 N Federal Hwy Ste 455) Rocksteady Jamaican Bistro LLC (2399 North Federal Hwy) Dk Morgan Holdings LLC (2399 North Federal Hwy) Boca Bbq, Inc. (2399 North Federal Hwy) Boca Paint LLC (2351 N Federal Hwy) Don Sassa LLC (2399 N Federal Hwy) Specialized Residential Services LLC (2401 Ne 5th Ave) Grateful J'S Too, Inc. (2401 N Federal Hwy) Fancydressme, Inc. (2401 N Federal Hwy) Ett Wholesale, LLC (2200 North Federal Hwy) Sanek LLC (2351 N Federal Hwy Ste 6) Vi Design Inc. (2363 North Federal Hwy) Joni Olson, Inc. (2220 N Federal Hwy) Victorio Tailor Corp (2222 N Federal Hwy) 7830 University Development, LLC (2234 North Federal Hwy)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.