Xrj International, Inc.

Xrj International, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Lake Mary. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jan 14, 2009.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Xrj International, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateJan 14, 2009
FEI Number264038642
Principal Address
1301 S International Pkwy Suite 1021
Lake Mary

Xrj International, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Xrj International, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Xrj International, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Irumudomon Richard Officer (PSDT) Richard Irumudomon
1924 Bridgewater Dr
Lake Mary
(Seminole County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Richard Irumudomon
Ovation Properties, Inc. - Director
Richco Industrial, Inc. - Registered Agent
Irumudomon Josephine Registered Agent Josephine Irumudomon
1924 Bridgewater Dr
Lake Mary
(Seminole County)

Josephine Irumudomon
1612 Rockdale Loop
FL 32746
(Seminole County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Josephine Irumudomon
Ovation Properties, Inc. - Registered Agent
Richco Industrial, Inc. - Officer (VP)

Principal Location

Xrj International, Inc. is located at 1301 S International Pkwy in Lake Mary.

Companies Located Nearby

Central Florida Orthopaedic LLC (1343 S International Pkwy) Administrative Technology, Inc. (1349 S International Pkwy) Dr Lancaster & Associates Inc. (1349 S International Pkwy) Ayesha Ahmar M.D. And Associates, LLC (1349 South International Pkwy) Sojourners Recovery And Wellness Center, LLC (1349 International Parkway South) Tax & Accounting Complete Solutions Cpa, P.A. (1349 S International Pkwy) Smoking Pirate LLC (1349 International Parkway South) Family4today Incorporated (1349 International Parkway South) Skullplace Ministries Inc (1349 International Parkway South) Trc Innovations, Inc. (1349 International Parkway South) Frank Durrance, C.P.A., P.A. (1349 S International Pkwy) Technology International, Inc. (1349 S International Pkwy) Jacob K. Agamasu, M.D., P.A. (1355 S International Pkwy) Bitar Lake Mary, LLC (1355 S International Pkwy) Jorge Gomez, M.D., P.A. (1355 S International Pkwy) Neurology & Neurodiagnostics, LLC (1355 S International Pkwy) Heathrow Endeavors LLC (1355 S International Pkwy) Ann Marie Giordano Gilden, P.A. (1355 S International Pkwy) Agamasu-Bagdacs, LLC (1355 South International Pkwy) Jla Partners, LLC (1337 S International Pkwy) Florida General Insurance Services LLC (1337 S International Pkwy) Sungate Insurance Agency Inc. (1337 S International Pkwy) Capital Plus Mortgage And Underwriting Services, Inc. (1337 S International Pkwy) Integrated Valuation Solutions, LLC (1337 S International Pkwy) Jorge O. Diaz, M.D., P.A. (1331 South International Pkwy) Shariaportfolio, Inc. (1331 S International Pkwy) Esteban Diaz Enterprises, LLC (1331 S International Pkwy) Gator'S Dockside At Murabella, LLC (1331 S International Pkwy) 3 Stooges In Paradise, LLC (1331 S International Pkwy) Ak Holding Company, LLC (1331 S International Pkwy) Imccf, LLC (1331 S International Pkwy) Alkan Mortgage Corporation (1331 S International Pkwy) Db Premier Asset Partners LLC (1331 South International Pkwy) The Smile Design Studio, Inc. (1331 S International Pkwy) Sp Re Holdings, LLC (1331 S International Pkwy) Virji Investments, Inc. (1331 S International Pkwy) Ciplong Mortgage Investments, Llp (1331 South International Pkwy) Central Park Enterprises, LLC (1331 South International Pkwy) Robert F. Love, O.D., F.A.A.O., LLC (1331 S International Pkwy) Robert Love, O.D. And Associates, P.A. (1331 S International Pkwy) Specialized Medical Investigations, Inc. (1325 S International Pkwy) Tbk & Company, LLC (1325 South International Pkwy) Law Offices Of David G. Wotton, P.A. (1325 South International Pkwy) Giaimo Holdings, LLC (1325 S International Pkwy) Software Resources, Inc. (1325 S International Pkwy) Central Florida Cardiovascular Laboratory, LLC (1319 S International Pkwy) Rka Jobs, LLC (1319 S International Pkwy) Rka Infotech, LLC (1319 S International Pkwy) Rka Group, LLC (1319 S International Pkwy) Brian Maniscalco, LLC (1315 S International Pkwy Ste 1101) Sun & Fun Media, LLC (1315 S International Pkwy) Ligman Franchise Group, LLC (1315 S International Pkwy) Micholi, Inc. (1315 S International Pkwy) Daml Properties, LLC (1315 South International Pkwy) Avion Insurance Agency Inc. (1307 South International Pkwy) Hartwell Lakehouse, LLC (1307 South International Pkwy) Meghana Sai Valay Irrevocable Trust (1307 S International Pkwy Ste 2061) Intelli Erp Software, LLC (1307 S International Pkwy Ste 1051) Madhavi Uppalapati, Md, P.A. (1301 South International Pkwy) Azalea Of Lake Mary, LLC (1301 S International Pkwy) Choices-Changes, Inc. (1301 S International Pkwy) Trinity Psychiatric Health, LLC (1301 S International Pkwy) Yash & Khushi Mehta, L.L.C. (1301 South International Pkwy) Ovation Properties, Inc. (1301 S International Pkwy) Richco Industrial, Inc. (1301 S International Pkwy) Bowden Leasing, LLC (1307 S International Pkwy) Horizon Mirage, LLC (1307 S International Pkwy) Green Igloo, LLC (1307 S International Pkwy) Nasal-Air,Corp. (1307 S International Pkwy) Dover International Company, Inc. (1307 S International Pkwy) Faj & Company, Incorporated (1307 S International Pkwy) Choices-Changes LLC (1301 S International Pkwy) Eterna Medical Rejuvenation Center, LLC (1307 S International Pkwy) Stonewood Heathrow, L.L.C. (1210 International Parkway South) Gelwan & Lordello Investments LLC (1210 South International Pkwy) Gelwan Investments Holding LLC (1210 South International Pkwy) Theisen Lk, LLC (1210 South International Pkwy) Orchid Thai Cuisine Lake Mary LLC (1210 S Internattional Pkwy) Insight Ventures LLC (1210 S International Pkwy #114)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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