Chipolo Corp

Chipolo Corp is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Sep 15, 2008.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Chipolo Corp

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateSep 15, 2008
FEI Number263356680
Principal Address
1968 Ne 123rd St

Chipolo Corp Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Chipolo Corp. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Chipolo Corp and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Torrealba William Registered Agent William Torrealba
19710 Ne 13st Ct
North Miami
(Miami-Dade County)

William Torrealba
20633 Ne 7th Ct
FL 33179
(Miami-Dade County)

William Torrealba
40 Ne 186 Ter
FL 33179
(Miami-Dade County)

William Torrealba
4209 Washington St
FL 33021
(Broward County)

D'Ambrosio Andres D Officer (SEC) Andres D
19710 Ne 13st Ct
North Miami
(Miami-Dade County)

Andres D
20633 Ne 7th Ct
FL 33179
(Miami-Dade County)

Andres D
40 Ne 186 Ter
FL 33179
(Miami-Dade County)

Andres D
4209 Washington St
FL 33021
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Chipolo Corp is located at 1968 Ne 123rd St in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

1925 Keystone, LLC (1925 Ne 124 Street) Btbod, LLC (1960 Ne 124th St) Heldy'S LLC (2090 Ne 124th St) Annymal LLC (2090 Ne 124th St) Jcb Aeb Legacy, LLC (3155 Winglewood Cir) The Handshake Broker L.L.C. (1999 Ne 123rd St) Weatherguard Coatings, Inc. (2011 Ne 123 St) Lucy Enriquez, P.A. (2011 Ne 123 St) Aqua Living Management, Inc (2011 Ne 123 St) Aqua Living Realty, Inc (2011 Ne 123 St) Yesid Sanchez, Pa (2013 Ne 123rd St) Stripteaser, Inc. (2019 Ne 123 St) Life Dynamics, LLC (2027 Ne 123rd St) Celebe Corp (2033 Ne 123 Street) Mare Usa Investment LLC (2031 Ne 123rd St) Berfal LLC (2069 Ne 123 St) Romca Corp (2069 Ne 123 St) Aries Kc Corp. (2069 Ne 123 St) Tronador Miami Corp (2069 Ne 123 St) Divim LLC (2069 Ne 123rd St) Petanque Miami LLC (2069 Ne 123rd St) La Celia Corp (2069 Ne 123rd St) Pool Inmobiliario Corp (2069 Ne 123rd St) Makana Miami Corp (2069 Ne 123rd St) L Serricchio Corp (2069 Ne 123rd St) Bugasol Corp (2069 Ne 123rd St) Franez Corp (2069 Ne 123rd St) K C Miami Management Corp (2069 Ne 123rd St) Rola Miami Investment Corp (2069 Ne 123rd St) Maro Investment In Florida Corp (2069 Ne 123rd St) Madash Inc (2069 Ne 123rd St) All Inclusive Investor Corp (2069 Ne 123rd St) Lx2 Group, LLC (2069 Ne 123 Street) Ramon Freire LLC (2069 Ne 123 Street) Karina Conde Pa (2069 Ne 123 Street) Capital Trus International Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Donado 2012 Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Catalina Y Asociados Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Parnasa Tova Group Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Llmgg Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) A & W Projects And Management Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Paloma S.A. Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Juga Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Las Golondrinas Inc (2069 Ne 123 Street) Romale Inversiones Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Moclamar Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Punta Mogotes Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Hermelida Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Huguemil Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Jujufra Group Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Feligna Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Allegra & Mia Corp (2069 Ne 123 Street) Pet Miami Clip, Corp. (1948 Ne 123th St) Mende & Associates, Inc. (1970 Ne 123 Street) Hydrogen Technical System, LLC. (1966 Ne 123 Street) Enjoy America, Inc. (1959 Ne 123 St) Gasb Group, Inc (2150 San Souci Blvd) Arial Palm Properties, Inc. (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) North Miami Bagels, Inc. (1990 Ne 123 St) Crystal Star Investments, Inc. (1920 Ne 123 St) Almat LLC (1960 Ne 123 St) Aarm International LLC (1960 Ne 123 St) Casa Mia Trattoria, Inc. (1950 Ne 123 Street) Kicv, LLC (1966 Ne 123rd St) Vaccaro Corp. (1966 Ne 123rd St) Cucit Solutions, Inc. (1966 Ne 123rd St) Friends Three Of Us LLC (1966 Ne 123rd St) In-Site Development L.L.C. (1966 Ne 123rd St) Cassa Tua Corp (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Health Emergencies Consulting, LLC (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Gold-Star Cleaning Svc LLC (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Fernandez Jl , LLC (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Freedive Gravedad Cero, LLC (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Casa Claudia LLC (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Fondation Cosmos Inc (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Nick Flooring Design Inc (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Julio Cesar Castro Gayol M.D., P.A. (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Visual Boutique Inc (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Os Clinical Research Consulting,Inc (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Fernanda Mera, Inc. (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Artistic Antiques Inc. (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Quantic Digital Connect Inc (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Club Nomada Inc (2150 Sans Souci Blvd) Agr Miami, LLC (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Kiddy Corner, LLC (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Wise Wolf Caa, LLC (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Khotan-Studios LLC (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Eye + Hook Creative Collective LLC (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) 1st Rate Usa Properties LLC (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Amazon Inspections LLC (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Amb Clear Solution, LLC (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Ruben Montanez, Inc. (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Gama Home Care Inc. (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Jose G. Aguilar, Inc. (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Jag Renovations, Inc (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Oxios Architect, P.A. (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Franbian, LLC (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Elito, LLC (2100 Sans Souci Blvd) Jcer Tile & Marble Installation Inc (12275 Ne 19th Ave) Quick Grocery Shop #3, Inc. (1900 Ne 123rd St) Esther'S Palace, LLC (1905 Ne 123rd St) Peace Of Cake, Inc. (2100 Sans Souci Blvd Unit #602) Emma Group, LLC (2100 Sans Souci Boulevard Apt 406 B) Andrea Watches Inc (2100 Sans Souci Blvd # 406 B) Dont Look Bak LLC (2100 Sans Souci Blvd)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.