Shoe Realty & Management, Inc.

Shoe Realty & Management, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Jacksonville. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jun 22, 2007.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Shoe Realty & Management, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateJun 22, 2007
FEI Number260537512
Principal Address
4720 Salisbury Rd

Shoe Realty & Management, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Shoe Realty & Management, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Shoe Realty & Management, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Schueneman Raymond M Officer (CEO/) Raymond Schueneman
3050 Hawksmore Dr
Orange Park
FL 32065
(Clay County)

Raymond Schueneman
1941 Mayport Rd
Atlantic Beach
FL 32233
(Duval County)

Raymond Schueneman
2555 Riley Oaks Trl
FL 32223
(Duval County)

Raymond Schueneman
5455 A1a South
Saint Augustine
(Saint Johns County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Raymond Schueneman
Riley Oaks Homeowners Association Inc. - Officer (VP,)
Stacy Michael D Officer (CFO/) Michael Stacy
11804 Paddock Gates Dr
FL 32233
(Duval County)

Michael Stacy
11804 Paddock Gates Dr
FL 32223
(Duval County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Michael Stacy
Stacy Culotta Investments A, LLC - Registered Agent
Stacy Culotta Investments B, LLC - Registered Agent
Stacy Culotta Investments C, LLC - Registered Agent
Culotta Joseph Officer (COO,) Joseph Culotta
11804 Paddock Gates Dr
FL 32223
(Duval County)

Joseph Culotta
7922 Elmstone Cir
FL 32822
(Orange County)

Schueneman Lisa A Officer (CSO/) Lisa Schueneman
3050 Hawksmore Dr
Orange Park
FL 32065
(Clay County)

Lisa Schueneman
2555 Riley Oaks Trl
FL 32223
(Duval County)

League & Jesperson, P.A. Registered Agent Jesperson League
3955 Riverside Ave
(Duval County)

Jesperson League
3955 Riverside Ave
(Duval County)

Jesperson League
3955 Riverside Ave
(Duval County)

Jesperson League
3955 Riverside Ave
(Duval County)

Jesperson League
3955 Riverside Avenue Ste 100
FL 32205
(Duval County)

Jesperson League
3955 Riverside Avenue Suite 100
FL 32205
(Duval County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Jesperson League
Sempertech, Inc. - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Shoe Realty & Management, Inc. is located at 4720 Salisbury Rd in Jacksonville.

Companies Located Nearby

B & B Designer Homes L.L.C. (4720 Salisbury Rd) Handyman To Go, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) K L Shine, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Pacifico Properties, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Absolute Glassworks, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Jaguar Media Holdings, L.L.C. (4720 Salisbury Rd) Macdougall Benefits LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Metropolitan Behavioral Services, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Tactical Dreams, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Impact Home Care Support Services LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Health Assist, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Camelot Transportation LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Zalait Real Estate LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Book-A-Load Logistics, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Benevolent Heart LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Je Ne Sais Quoi Styles LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Ainek Logistics LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Rize Realty Nyc, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Tarp Brother'S, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Global Transaction Services And Solutions LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Liberty Security Agency LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Green Way Uz LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Affinity Solutions It LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Kings Road South, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Golden Pen Realty, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Shuffle Tech North America, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Zultanite Gems, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Green Oak Drive LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Just Floored, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Highly Conscious LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Brands Expressed LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) J&M Minniefield Services LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Pretty Rich Paws LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Pretty Much A Boss Investments LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Fp Vargas Investments LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Bruno Media LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Deraje & Co. LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Mod Enterprises LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Ww&Gm Financial Planning Firm LLC. (4720 Salisbury Rd) Hookup Logistics LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Dt Independent Investments, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Boss Chiq Enterprises, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Boss Chiq Hair, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Harvey Management Services, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Nuenexa Staffing Solutions LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Sbs Services Group LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Nidus Mortgage, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Nidus America, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Nidus Referral Realty, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) New Wave Ecommerce LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) First Coast Enterprises Unlimited, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Slr&Restate LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Craze For Chic Events LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Pip Professionals, Pllc (4720 Salisbury Rd) Cw Car Rental, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) J&M Financial Advantages LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Pmab Logistics LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) Mobile Vehicle Mechanics, LLC (4720 Salisbury Rd) First Coast Worksite Wellness Council, Inc. (4720 Salisbury Rd) Metropolitan Social Services Corporation (4720 Salisbury Rd) Phamily Pantry Inc. (4720 Salisbury Rd) Child Cancer Fund, Inc. (4720 Salisbury Rd) Clc Technical Training, Inc. (4720 Salisbury Rd) Law Office Of Kendra L. Bunn, P.A. (4720 Salisbury Rd) Diabetico Internacional Inc (4720 Salisbury Rd) Melody Bussey, Inc. (4720 Salisbury Rd) Biotronix Healthcare Industries, Inc. (4720 Salisbury Rd) A-Plus Leasing Co (4720 Salisbury Rd) 3a Tech Consulting Inc (4720 Salisbury Rd) The Pistorio Law Firm, P.A. (4720 Salisbury Rd) Vivid Property Management Inc (4720 Salisbury Rd) Tridoshic Investment Solutions Inc. (4720 Salisbury Rd) Solutionjet Inc (4720 Salisbury Rd)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.