J. A. White Properties, Inc.

J. A. White Properties, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Winter Springs. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jun 26, 2006.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by J. A. White Properties, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateJun 26, 2006
FEI Number205149490
Principal Address
1073 Willa Springs Dr Suite 2061
Winter Springs

J. A. White Properties, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for J. A. White Properties, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between J. A. White Properties, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Plowfield Christa J Registered Agent Christa Plowfield
2949 Ashton Ter
FL 32765
(Seminole County)

Christa Plowfield
1060 Willa Springs Dr
Winter Springs
(Seminole County)

Christa Plowfield
1073 Willa Springs Dr
Winter Springs
(Seminole County)

Christa Plowfield
1073 Willa Springs Dr
Winter Springs
(Seminole County)

Christa Plowfield
1073 Willa Springs Drive Suite 2061
Winter Springs
(Seminole County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Christa Plowfield
R.L. Plowfield & Associates, Inc. - Vice Pres
Plowfield Robert L Officer (VP) Robert Plowfield
2949 Ashton Ter
FL 32765
(Seminole County)

Robert Plowfield
1060 Willa Springs Dr
Winter Springs
(Seminole County)

Robert Plowfield
1073 Willa Springs Dr
Winter Springs
(Seminole County)

Robert Plowfield
1073 Willa Springs Drive Suite 2061
Winter Springs
(Seminole County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Robert Plowfield
R.L. Plowfield & Associates Constructors, Inc. - Registered Agent
R.L. Plowfield & Associates, Inc. - Director

Principal Location

J. A. White Properties, Inc. is located at 1073 Willa Springs Dr in Winter Springs.

Companies Located Nearby

Trip, LLC (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Dmv Realty LLC (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Pilot Training Solutions, LLC (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Solbridge Partnership LLC (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Law Office Of Nadine A. Brown, P.A. (1073 Willa Springs Drive Suite 1017) Silver Birch, LLC (1073 Willa Spgs) The Villas Of Casselberry Homeowners Association, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr Ste 2001) Osprey Cove (Orange County) Homeowners Association, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr Ste 2001) Interceder Dispute Resolution Services, Limited Liability Company (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Irvin Technologies, Inc. (1081 Willa Springs Dr) Iti Investments 2021 Inc. (1081 Willa Springs Dr) Allure By Val, LLC (1468 Tuskawilla Rd) Km Hair & Makeup LLC (1468 Tuskawilla Rd) Jm & Associates, LLC (1052 Willa Springs Dr) Br Consultants, LLC (1052 Willa Springs Dr) Demmo, Tharp & Associates, L.L.C. (1052 Willa Springs Dr) Jmd Partners, LLC (1052 Willa Springs Dr) Retirement Planning Associates, Inc. (1052 Willa Springs Dr) T Payne & Associates, Inc. (1052 Willa Springs Dr) Summer Field Financial, Inc. (1052 Willa Springs Dr) Michael A. Borgailo & Associates Inc. (1052 Willa Springs Dr) Bj Holding Enterprises, LLC (1056 Willa Springs Dr) Global Closing Company LLC (1056 Willa Springs Dr) Entrust Abstrax LLC (1056 Willa Springs Dr) Global Closing Solutions, LLC (1056 Willa Springs Dr) Bay1056 LLC (1056 Willa Springs Dr) Bay450, LLC (1056 Willa Springs Dr) Entrust Reconciliation Services LLC (1056 Willa Springs Dr) Global Partners Settlements LLC (1056 Willa Springs Dr) Git-N-Messy Smokehouse And Tavern LLC (1056 Willa Springs Dr) Citation Softball Corporation (1056 Willa Springs Dr) Capital Land Settlements Inc (1056 Willa Springs Dr) Global Closing Company, Inc (1056 Willa Springs Dr) Kd Medical Choice, LLC (1060 Willa Springs Dr) Randy Hillman, P.A. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Visitorshealth LLC (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Sfm Global LLC (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Sfm Partnership LLC (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Sternon Worldwide LLC (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Buildwood International LLC (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Luckydale International LLC (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Kindness Counseling Pllc (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Jennifer Farrell, Pllc (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Simulator Center LLC (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Dunwoody Place Condominium Association, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Lakeview Pointe Homeowners' Association, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) The Preserve At Lake Charm Homeowners' Association, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Huntridge Property Owners Association, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Lester Ridge Homeowners' Association, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Wingrove Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Southchase Parcel 6 Community Association, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) The Villas At Bay Hill Homeowners' Association, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Coastal Business Brokers, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Metal-Met Usa, Corp. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Tuscawilla Realty, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Vance Risk Consultants Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Satyam Worldwide Inc (1073 Willa Springs Dr) U & S Shipping, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr Sternon Plz) Techno Trendz Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr Sternon Plz) R.L. Plowfield & Associates Constructors, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) R.L. Plowfield & Associates, Inc. (1073 Willa Springs Dr) Lake Saint Charles Vacations, LLC (1073 Willa Springs Blvd)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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