Finish Creations Inc.

Finish Creations Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Hialeah. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Oct 4, 2005.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Finish Creations Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateOct 4, 2005
FEI Number203607285
Principal Address
7980 W 25 Ave

Finish Creations Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Finish Creations Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Finish Creations Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Quinonez Hector Officer (Pres) Hector Quinonez
10791 Sw 11 Place
FL 33324
(Broward County)

Hector Quinonez
11013 Nw 30th Suite 100
FL 33172
(Miami-Dade County)

Hector Quinonez
7980 W 25 Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Hector Quinonez
8343 Lake Dr Unit 505
FL 33166
(Miami-Dade County)

Quinonez Hector Sr. Registered Agent Hector Quinonez
10791 Sw 11 Place
FL 33324
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Finish Creations Inc. is located at 7980 W 25 Ave in Hialeah.

Companies Located Nearby

Seminole I-75 Condominium Warehouse Association, Inc. (2450 West 82nd St) Certified Home Inspector & Research Of Florida LLC. (2450 W 82 St) Stl Repair, Corp. (2450 W 82 St) Imagezbyherby, Corp. (2450 W 82nd St) Steve'S Roof Coating, LLC (2450 West 82nd Street Unit 301) Lapa Cabinets Corp (2464 W 80th St) M.A.D. Cabinet And Granite LLC (2464 W 80 St) New Age Designs Of South Florida Inc. (2464 W 80th St) 360 Degrees Design, Corp. (2450 West 80 St) 2445 Wh LLC (2445 W 80 St) More Foods Int., LLC (2445 W 80th St) Kanela & Deco LLC (2440 West 80 St) Acrylic And Plastic Solutions M&S, LLC (2440 West 80 St) Rosa & Rosas, Inc. (2545 W 80 St) Vazquez-Bello Distributor Corp. (2545 W 80 St) Teilen System Walls LLC (2545 W 80 St) Torres Zea Painting Corporation (2545 W 80 St) Hvac Select, Inc. (2571 West 80th St) Global Mechanical, Inc. (2573 W 80th St) J. Mori Painting Inc. (2561 West 80 St) M.P. Enterprises, Inc. (2561 West 80 St) The Color Express, Inc (7990 W 25th Ct) Sofco LLC (7991 W 25 Court) Z&T Usa LLC (7991 W 25 Court) University Press, Inc. (7980 W 25th Ct) Ljm Investment Corp. (7980 West 25 Court) Carsen Enterprises, Inc. (7970 West 25th Ct) Copy Depot, Inc. (7970a W 25 Court) Rafael Kitchen Cabinets Inc. (2545 Sw 80 St) Silva Marketing LLC (2545 W 80th St) Lrs Wholesale LLC (2545 W 80th St) Celeberty Enterprises Corp. (2545 W 80 St) Advanced Tech Support LLC (2545 West 80th Street Unit 15) Cordero Fine Wood, Inc (2545 West 80 Street) Beauty Supply Bbs, LLC (2545 W 80 Street) Nana'S International Creations, Inc. (2545 West 80th St) Vip Custom Body Shop Inc. (7930 W 25th Ct) Italianway Import Inc. (2501 West 80th St) Pawsigns Tech Inc. (2420 W 80 St Unit #1) Ace Acrylics, Inc. (2420 W 80th St) Drapery Usa, Inc. (2420 W 80 St) Perfit Wear, Inc. (2415 West 80th St) Ceiba 5, LLC (2415 West 80th St) Alpha & Omega Calibration Services LLC (2400 W 80 Street) Nenadich Kitchen Solution Inc (7979 W 25 Ave) All Points Design Corp (7960 West 25 Ave) East-West Signature Services Corp. (7979 W 25 Ave) Deco Management, Inc. (7975 West 25th Ave) Jvm Kitchen Cabinet & Granite Corp. (2495 W 80th St #5) Decodesign Furniture, Inc. (2495 W 80th St) Adelco Usa Corp (2495 W 80th St) Commercial Appliance Technician Services, Inc. (7925 West 25 Ave) Iglesia De Dios Avivamiento In Hialeah, Inc. (7920 W 25th Ave) A D Miracle, Inc. (2483 W 80 St) Inkcentive LLC (2483 W 80 Street) French Art Deco Furniture Inc. (2471 West 80 Street) Ray Williams Electric Service, Inc. (7961 West 25 Court) Mccormick Warehouse Condominium Association, Inc. (7951 W 25th Ct) Chemseal, Inc. (7891 W 25th Ct) Armada Family, LLC (7911 W 25 Court) Big World Distributors, LLC (7911 W 25 Ct) On Top Records, LLC (7911 W 25th Ct) Joey Boy Records, LLC. (7911 W 25th Ct) Platano Records, LLC (7911 W 25th Ct) Ace Pool & Spa LLC (7911 W 25th Ct) Ava Records Corporation (7911 W 25th Ct) Miami Signs Corp. (7870 West 25 Court) Recolca Corp (7871 West 25th Ct) The Rent Automobile Inc. (7871 West 25th Ct) Wale Import & Export Corp. (7871 West 25th Ct) Prime Cars Services Inc (7871 West 25th Ct) Genius Choice Corp (7901 W 25th Ct) Fer Da Silva Corp (7901 W 25th Ct) Tiza Club Corp (7901 W 25th Ct) Dmart Woodcraft, Inc. (7900 West 25 Th Ct) Quality Arts Lcp, LLC (7880 West 25 Ct) Soled Technologies Inc (7901 West 25 Avenue) Ojg & Associates, LLC (7901 West 25th Ave) Miami Fork Lift Services, Corp. (7910 West 25th Ave) Manos Extendidas, Inc. (7901 West 25 Avenue) Rymar Properties L.L.C. (7901 W 25th Ave) Miami Gardens Park L.L.C. (7901 W 25th Ave) Commercial Management Group, LLC (7901 W 25th Ave) Rck Building Investment, LLC (7901 W 25th Ave) Garden View Villa Homes, Inc. (7901w 25 Ave) United Investment Construction Corp. (7901 West 25 Ave) M.R.T. Investment, Corp. (7901 W 25 Ave B-3) Destiny Building Investments LLC (7901 W 25th Ave #3) Taylor Made Commercial, LLC (7901 W 25 Ave) North Palm Estates, Ltd. (7901 W 25 Ave) Rymar Management Group Inc. (7901 W 25 Ave) North Palm Estates Homes, Inc. (7901 W 25 Ave) United Management Group, Inc. (7901 W 25 Ave) Rafuls & Associates Construction Co., Inc. (7901 W 25 Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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