Anna Varholis, Inc.

Anna Varholis, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Fort Lauderdale. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 21, 2005.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Anna Varholis, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateMar 21, 2005
FEI Number251913042
Principal Address
3051 Ne 32nd Ave
Fort Lauderdale

Anna Varholis, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Anna Varholis, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Anna Varholis, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Ginsburg Anne V Registered Agent Anne Ginsburg
2870 Banyan Blvd Cir
Boca Raton
(Palm Beach County)

Anne Ginsburg
2870 Banyan Blvd Cir Nw
Boca Raton
FL 33431
(Palm Beach County)

Anne Ginsburg
2870 Banyon Blvd Circle Nw
Boca Raton
FL 33431
(Palm Beach County)

Anne Ginsburg
3051 Ne 32nd Ave
Fort Lauderdale
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Anne Ginsburg
Annieopa, LLC - Officer (PRES)
Avg, LLC - Officer (MGRM)

Principal Location

Anna Varholis, Inc. is located at 3051 Ne 32nd Ave in Fort Lauderdale.

Companies Located Nearby

Pierce Street Annex Pool Bar, Inc. (3074 Ne 33 Ave) 3301 Ne 33rd Street LLC (3300 E Oakland Park Blvd) 3100_Eop, LLC (3100 E Oakland Park Blvd) Marina Mar/Ft. Lauderdale, Inc. (3100 E Oakland Park Blvd) Post And Post, Inc. (3300 E Oakland Pk Blvd) Villas By The Sea 2401, LLC (3300 East Oakland Park Blvd) 3341 Ne 32nd Street LLC (3300 East Oakland Park Blvd) 3300 Ne 32nd Street, LLC (3300 East Oakland Park Blvd) Access Road Lot LLC (3300 East Oakland Park Blvd) Daniel And Debra Post, Pllc (3300 East Oakland Park Blvd) Debra Raye Post, Pllc (3300 East Oakland Park Blvd) Thermae Retreat Holdings, LLC (3300 East Oakland Park Blvd) Thermae Retreat Venture Holdings, LLC (3300 East Oakland Park Blvd) 2304 L'Hermitage Ii, LLC (3300 East Oakland Park Blvd) David M. Manupella, P.A. (3300 East Oakland Park Blvd) Mind Your Own Body Inc. (3300 East Oakland Park Blvd) Gbtca, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Lordcom, Inc. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Wireless Consulting Services, Inc. (3020 Northeast 32nd Ave) Phc - U.S., LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) The Florida Turkish-American Association, Inc. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave Suite 123) Cricon International Business, Inc. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Helvex Group, LLC (3020 Ne 32 Ave) Lsl Neurosciences LLC (3020 Ne 32 Ave) A Istomin Md LLC (3020 Ne 32 Ave) Feel Well Organics LLC (3020 Ne 32 Ave) Raul Cook, Dds, Pa (3020 Ne 32 Ave) Mckenna & Mccausland Holding Company, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Unit 304) Tides Law, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Unsecured Solutions S Corp (3020 Ne 32 Ave) Straacom LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave #803) Gladstone Group, LLC (3033 Ne 32 Avenue) Annieopa, LLC (3051 Ne 32nd Ave) Flip Flops Dockside Eatery LLC (3051 Northeast 32nd Ave) Florida Turkish Center Foundation, Inc. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Flip Face Usa, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Suite 226) 1051, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Suite 226) Lorac Finance, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Suite 226) Lisa Lee Artist, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Suite 226) Bridgeside Lawyers, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Suite 226) The Law Offices Of Bruce K Herman, P.A. (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Suite 226) Matthew F. Herman, P.A. (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Suite 226) The Herman Law Group, P.A. (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Suite 226) Peter Herman, P.A. (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Suite 226) Edelstein Consulting, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) C.J. Donnelly Law Offices, Pllc (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Unit 803) Parkside Ridge Investments LLC (3020 Ne 32 Avenue #905) Sidweber & Weintraub, P.A. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Tides Atlantic Realty, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Nancy E. Ingalls Cpa LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) One World Properties Group LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Faith-Hope-Dreams, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Max Croy And Associates, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Ellis Realty 1, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Jasimo Infinity 5014, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Owp Tides, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Lmd Consultants, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Perio Holdings, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Luxe Locs "LLC" (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Owp Asia Holdings, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) 1751 Se Marietta, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) 3r 4u LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Flagler Village Improvement Association, Inc. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) The Tides At Bridgeside Square Condominium Association, Inc. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Friends Of Birch State Park, Inc. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) R & L Technical Investments, Inc. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Eirini Daniela Melaniti, Pa (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Ellis Diversified, Inc. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Jorge Ramirez C.P.A., P.A. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Mckenna & Mccausland, P.A. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Cabinsky LLC (3020 Ne 32rd Ave) Dan Hellman Holistic Fitness, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) 17th Street Plaza, LLC (3033 Ne 32 Ave) Westminster Grey, LLC (3033 Ne 32 Ave) The Grateful Palate, LLC (3033 Ne 32nd Ave) 3033 Group, LLC (3033 Ne 32nd Ave) Grateful Palate Cafe, LLC (3033 Ne 32nd Ave) Tranquility Oceanside 1, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Edwynne Murphy Co (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) 3020 Property 305, LLC (3020 Ne 32 Ave) Florida Medical And Diagnostic Center, LLC (3020 Ne 32 Ave) Richson Investment Group LLC (3020 Ne 32 Ave) Goldmanh Trading Corp (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) 3020 Dental LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Lori Ann Novello Cortese, P.A. (3020 Ne 32 Avenue #1009) Freedive Fort Lauderdale, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Unit 1203) Total Orthopedics Physical Therapy, LLC. (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Sudal Commercial Real Estate Services, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave #1001) New York Medical Center LLC (3020 Ne 32 Ave) Axxyehho, LLC (3020 Ne 32 Ave) Estates And Homes Of Broward County LLC (3020 Ne 32 Avenue) Pakman I, LLC (3020 Ne 32 Avenue) Kp Sandbar LLC (3020 Ne 32 Avenue) Kp Office, LLC (3020 Ne 32 Avenue) Kash Patel Productions, LLC (3020 Ne 32 Avenue) Intracoastal Dental Study Club, Inc. (3020 Ne 32 Avenue) Park By App, Inc. (3020 Ne 32 Avenue) Asta Parking, Inc. (3020 Ne 32 Avenue) Diane T. Mcginty, D.M.D., M.S., P.A. (3020 Ne 32 Avenue) Pronyl, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Virtual Staging & Rendering Group LLC (3020 Ne 32 Ave) Names, Names, Names, Inc. (3020 Ne 32nd Avenue Ste 222) Tide Property Holdings LLC (3020 Ne 32 Avenue) Swfa LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Cabinsky Strada 1409 LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Cabinsky Atelier 6j LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Cabinsky Nuriver Landing 615 LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) M.C. Las Olas Riverhouse 506 LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) M.C. The Duo 401e, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) M.C. The Symphony 1506, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) M.C. The Edge 111, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Cabinsky Icon 2306 LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Cabinsky Duo 2502w LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) M.C. Emerald Hills Country Club 9, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Mtg466, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) 505 Ne Second Street LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Swflb LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) 2210 LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Arietta Enterprises, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) Mhbh, LLC (3020 Ne 32nd Ave) A&E Service Group Corp (3020 Ne 32 Ave Unit 925)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.