Creekside East, Inc.

Creekside East, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Naples. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Dec 10, 2004.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Creekside East, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateDec 10, 2004
FEI Number202004709
Principal Address

Creekside East, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Creekside East, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Creekside East, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Collier Barron I Officer (C/D) Barron Collier
2600 Golden Gate Pkwy
(Collier County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Barron Collier
Barron Collier Corporation - Officer (P/D)
Barron Collier Jr. Foundation, Inc. - Officer (P/D)
Bay Landing I, Inc. - Officer (C/D)
Bc Wetlands, Inc. - Officer (C/D)
Creekside West, Inc. - Officer (C/D)
Obp I Corporation - Director
Ohg Naples, Inc. - Officer (P/D)
Villere Lamar G Director Lamar Villere
2600 Golden Gate Pkwy
(Collier County)

Lamar Villere
2600 Golden Gate Park
FL 34105
(Collier County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Lamar Villere
Barron Collier Corporation - Officer (Dire)
Bay Landing I, Inc. - Officer (Dire)
Creekside West, Inc. - Officer (Dire)
Obp I Corporation - Director
Sproul Katherine Officer (Dire) Katherine Sproul
925 New Harvest Rd
(Collier County)

Katherine Sproul
2600 Golden Gate Pkwy
(Collier County)

Katherine Sproul
2390 Tamiami Trail North Ste 210
FL 34103
(Collier County)

Katherine Sproul
2390 Tamiami Trail North Suite 210
FL 34103
(Collier County)

Katherine Sproul
2640 Golden Gate Pkwy
FL 34105
(Collier County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Katherine Sproul
Obp I Corporation - Officer (Dire)
Gable R. Blakeslee Officer (P/Di) Blakeslee Gable
2600 Golden Gate Pkwy
(Collier County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Blakeslee Gable
Amd-Fcb, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Arthrex Commerce Park Property Owners Association, Inc. - Registered Agent
Ave Maria Gas Station, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Ave Maria Holdings, Inc. - Officer (D/P)
Ave Maria Park Of Commerce Property Owners Association, Inc. - Director
Ave Maria Realty, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Ave Maria Utility Company, Inc. - Officer (DP)
Barron Collier Corporation - Officer (VP/D)
Bc Wetlands, Inc. - Officer (P/D)
Collier Insurance Agency, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Creekside West, Inc. - President
Obp I Corporation - Officer (P/D)
Peninsula Improvement Corporation - Officer (Pres)
Bradley Boaz A Registered Agent Boaz Bradley
2600 Golden Gate Pkwy
(Collier County)

Sonalia Jeff Vice Pres Jeff Sonalia
2600 Golden Gate Pkwy
(Collier County)

Jeff Sonalia
2600 Golden Gate Pkwy Ste 200
(Collier County)

Jeff Sonalia
% 2600 Golden Gate Pkwy
(Collier County)

Jeff Sonalia
2115 Crayton Rd
FL 34102
(Collier County)

Jeff Sonalia
2985 Binnacle Dr
FL 34103
(Collier County)

Jeff Sonalia
C/O Barron Collier Companies
FL 34105
(Collier County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Jeff Sonalia
Arthrex Commerce Park Property Owners Association, Inc. - Director
Ave Maria Park Of Commerce Property Owners Association, Inc. - Director
Ave Maria Plaza I Condominium Association, Inc. - Officer (V/D/)
Bay Landing I, Inc. - Vice Pres
Bay Landing Owners Association, Inc. - Officer (P/D)
Creekside Commerce Park East Property Owners' Association, Inc. - Officer (P/D)
Obp I Corporation - Vice Pres
Peninsula Improvement Corporation - Officer (VP)
The Estates At Ave Maria Homeowners Association, Inc. - Director
Vanderbilt Commercial Condominium Association, Inc. - Officer (P/D)
Boaz Bradley A Officer (V/S/) Bradley Boaz
2600 Golden Gate Pkwy
(Collier County)

Bradley Boaz
2600 Golden Gate Pkwy
(Collier County)

Bradley Boaz
151 North Nob Hill Rd
FL 33324
(Broward County)

Bradley Boaz
2600 Glades Gate Pkwy
FL 34105
(Collier County)

Bradley Boaz
2600 Golden Gate Parkway 3rd Floor
(Collier County)

Bradley Boaz
2600 Golden Gate Pkwy
FL 34101
(Collier County)

Bradley Boaz
2600 Golden Gate Pkwy - Ste 200
FL 34105
(Collier County)

Bradley Boaz
4725 Piedmont Row Drive Ste 110
NC 28210
(Mecklenburg County)

Bradley Boaz
599 9th Street North Suite 101
FL 34102
(Collier County)

Bradley Boaz
C/O Barron Collier Co
FL 34105
(Collier County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Bradley Boaz
16 Corkscrew, LLC - Registered Agent
4c'S Land & Cattle, Lllp - Registered Agent
Amd-Fcb, LLC - Registered Agent
Ave Maria Development, Lllp - Registered Agent
Ave Maria Gas Station, LLC - Registered Agent
Ave Maria Park Of Commerce Property Owners Association, Inc. - Registered Agent
Ave Maria Realty, LLC - Registered Agent
Ave Maria Utility Company, Lllp - Registered Agent
Barron Collier Corporation - Officer (V/S/)
Barron Collier Jr. Foundation, Inc. - Officer (S/T)
Barron Collier Management, LLC - Registered Agent
Barron Collier Partnership, Lllp - Registered Agent
Bay Landing I, Inc. - Officer (V/S/)
Bay Landing Owners Association, Inc. - Officer (S/T/)
Bc Wetlands, Inc. - Officer (V/S/)
Bcam, Lllp - Registered Agent
Bcc Rock And Sand, Lllp - Registered Agent
Bcr Working #1, LLC - Registered Agent
Collier Insurance Agency, LLC - Registered Agent
Corkscrew Mitigation, LLC - Officer (AUTH)
Crc Seismic, LLC - Registered Agent
Creekside - Sawgrass, LLC - Registered Agent
Creekside Commerce Park East Property Owners' Association, Inc. - Registered Agent
Creekside West, Inc. - Officer (V/S/)
Csg Group, LLC - Registered Agent
Cwi Emerald, LLC - Registered Agent
Eastern Collier Property Owners, LLC - Registered Agent
Feeding The Hungry Of Southwest Florida, Inc. - Registered Agent
Fidelity Building, Ltd. - Registered Agent
Gc - Sawgrass, LLC - Registered Agent
Gc Partnership, Ltd. - Registered Agent
Genova Partners, LLC - Registered Agent
Gift Of Naples, Inc. - Officer (V/D)
Goodlette Pine Ridge Ii, LLC - Registered Agent
Goodlette Pine Ridge, LLC - Registered Agent
Magnolia Square Of Naples Condominium Association, Inc. - Officer (DST)
Oak Hammock Groves, Ltd. - Registered Agent
Obp I Corporation - Officer (V/S/)
Ocean Boulevard Partnership, Lllp - Registered Agent
Ohg Naples, Inc. - Officer (S/T)
Peninsula Improvement Corporation - Officer (V/S/)
Phu Properties, LLC - Registered Agent
Serenoa Investments, LLC. - Registered Agent
Tb Emerald, LLC - Registered Agent
The Club At Genova, Inc. - Registered Agent
The Estates At Ave Maria Homeowners Association, Inc. - Registered Agent
The Residences At The Mercato, Inc. - Officer (V/S/)
Trail Boulevard, Lllp - Registered Agent
Vanderbilt Commercial Condominium Association, Inc. - Officer (S/T/)

Principal Location

Creekside East, Inc. is located at 2600 Golden Gate Pkwy in Naples.

Companies Located Nearby

Barron Collier Jr. Foundation, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Gc Partnership, Ltd. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Bcam, Lllp (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Ave Maria Development, Lllp (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Ave Maria Utility Company, Lllp (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Barron Collier Partnership, Lllp (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Bcc Rock And Sand, Lllp (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Barron Collier Resources, Lllp (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Trail Boulevard, Lllp (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Ocean Boulevard Partnership, Lllp (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) 4c'S Land & Cattle, Lllp (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Oak Hammock Groves, Ltd. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Fidelity Building, Ltd. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Peninsula Improvement Corporation (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Collier Insurance Agency, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Goodlette Pine Ridge Ii, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) 16 Corkscrew, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Ave Maria Realty, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Phu Properties, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Crc Seismic, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Amd-Fcb, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Ave Maria Gas Station, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Eastern Collier Property Owners, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Bcr Working #1, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Barron Collier Management, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Genova Partners, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Egret Trail, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Csg Group, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Bsgc, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Creekside - Sawgrass, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Gc - Sawgrass, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Putter Point Holdings, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Creekside Tollgate, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Bs Parcel Holdings, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Bc-Beam Road Clt, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Bc-Cah Investment, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Bc-Groves, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Hogan Farms, LLC (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Ave Maria Park Of Commerce Property Owners Association, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Ave Maria Plaza I Condominium Association, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Creekside Corners Condominium Association, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) The Club At Genova, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Magnolia Square Of Naples Condominium Association, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Founders Square Umbrella Association, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Feeding The Hungry Of Southwest Florida, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Vanderbilt Commercial Condominium Association, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Bay Landing Owners Association, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Gift Of Naples, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Barron Collier Corporation (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) The Residences At The Mercato, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Has Iii Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Ave Maria Utility Company, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Ave Maria Holdings, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Grey Oaks Community Services, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Bc Wetlands, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Creekside West, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Bay Landing I, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Obp I Corporation (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy) Ohg Naples, Inc. (2600 Golden Gate Pkwy)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.