Gekadije Clinimo Inc.

Gekadije Clinimo Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Aug 14, 2003.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Gekadije Clinimo Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateAug 14, 2003
FEI Number432032290
Principal Address
14086 Sw 139th Ct

Gekadije Clinimo Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Gekadije Clinimo Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Gekadije Clinimo Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
D'Adesky Clive Lmr Officer (PRES) Clive D
8190 Sw 175 St
(Miami-Dade County)

Clive D
8050 Sw 175 St
FL 33157
(Miami-Dade County)

Clive D
14086 Sw 139 Ct
(Miami-Dade County)

Clive D
14086 Sw 139th Ct
(Miami-Dade County)

D'Adesky Clive L Registered Agent Clive D
8190 Sw 175 St
(Miami-Dade County)

Clive D
8050 Sw 175 St
FL 33157
(Miami-Dade County)

Clive D
14080 Southwest 139 Court
FL 33186
(Miami-Dade County)

Clive D
14080 Sw 139 Ct
FL 33186
(Miami-Dade County)

Clive D
14086 Sw 139 Ct
(Miami-Dade County)

Clive D
8050 Sw 175 St
FL 33156
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Clive D
Cadmed, Inc - Registered Agent
D'Adesky-Garcia Monika Gmrs Officer (SEC) Monika D
8111 Sw 175 Street
FL 33157
(Miami-Dade County)

D'Adesky Diggan Dmr Officer (VP) Diggan D
12945 Nevada St
Coral Gables
FL 33156
(Miami-Dade County)

Diggan D
8110 Sw 175 St
FL 33157
(Miami-Dade County)

Diggan D
8110 Sw 175 St
FL 33156
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Gekadije Clinimo Inc. is located at 14086 Sw 139th Ct in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Lazo'S Set Building Company, Inc. (13960 Sw 139 Ct) Magnum Aircraft Repair Services, Inc. (13945 Sw 139th Ct) Tuaty Racing Inc. (13955 Sw 139 Ct) Enigma Adventures, LLC (13972 Sw 139 Ct) Ratchet'S Den LLC (13978 Sw 139th Ct) Fundiciones Aluminio Y Hierro C.A, Corp. (13976 Sw 139th Ct) Equipos De Flotacion Y Centralization C.A, Corp (13976 Sw 139th Ct) Metal International Group, LLC (13976 Sw 139th Ct) Sunshine Auto Club LLC (13976 Sw 139th Ct) Far West Freight, Corp. (13976 Sw 139th Ct) Cristy Party Rentals LLC (13996 Sw 139th Ct) Procurement Alliance - Export Group, Inc. (14037 Sw 139th Ct) Yatch Master Enterprises Inc (14041 Sw 139th Ct) L. V. P. American Distributors, Inc. (14037 Sw 139 Ct) Aleman'S Sprinklers & Design, Inc. (14047 Sw 139 Court) Performance A.T.V. Inc. (14055 Sw 139 Ct) Riteway Pressure Washing Corp. (14053 Sw 139th Ct) En-Hakkore Group Corp (14180 Sw 139th Ct) Calhoun & Son, Inc. (14175 Sw 139 Ct) Pcs Event Productions, LLC (14182 Sw 139 Court) J.V. Cabinetry Manufacturing, Inc. (14123 Sw 139 Ct) Windoor Impact, LLC (14123 Sw 139th Ct) All Weather Window & Doors, Inc. (14123 Sw 139th Ct) Ayee'S Custom Woodwork, LLC (14117 Sw 139 Ct) Affordable Autos Usa, LLC (14114 Sw 139 Ct) Advanced Autorepairs Solutions, Inc. (14118 Sw 139th Ct) Merco Engine Rebuilder LLC (14116 Sw 139th Ct) All Florida Hurricane, Inc. (14109 Southwest 139th Ct) Pacific Powder Coating Inc. (14108 Sw 139 Ct) Rcm Auto Body Shop Inc (14100 Sw 139 Ct) Sport Car Care Corp (14092 Sw 139 Ct) Pacific Collision Center Corp (14090 Sw 139th Ct) J E & M Auto Sales LLC (14084 Sw 139 Ct) L.P. Signs, Inc. (14082 Sw 139 Ct) Sierra Brothers, LLC (14085 Sw 139th Ct) Mdg Management, LLC. (14086 Sw 139th Ct) Oh My Gifts LLC (14086 Sw 139 Court) Express Management & Logistics LLC (14086 Sw 139 Ct) Lloyd Maritime Consultants LLC (14086 Sw 139 Ct) Dade Sky Trading Company, Inc. (14086 Sw 139 Ct) Cadmed, Inc (14080 Sw 139 Ct) Naturelements Healthcare Inc. (14080 Sw 139 Ct) Wholesale Trading Firm, LLC (14225 Sw 139th Ct) Mob Cycles, LLC (14209 Sw 139th Ct) 14201 Sw #1, LLC (14201 Sw 139ct) Florida Tamiair Warehouse Condominium Association, Inc. (14201-14235 Sw 139 Ct) Mike E Mike'S LLC (14195 Sw 139 Ct) Nationwide Tires And Automotive Services, Inc. (14195 Sw 139 Ct) Toledo Motorsports Inc (14195 Sw 139 Ct) Cm Holdings & Investments, Inc. (14195 S W 139th Ct) Tamiair Industrial Park Section One Condominium Association, Inc. (14195 S W 139 Court) Rs Auto Specialties LLC (14188 Sw 139th Ct) Jdm Of Miami LLC (14195 Sw 139 Court) Elite Impact Windows And Doors, LLC (14195 Sw 139 Court) M.J.Auto Sales LLC (14190 Sw 139 Ct) Biddle Enterprises, Inc. (13995 Sw 139 Ct)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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