Ivan'S Machine Shop, Inc

Ivan'S Machine Shop, Inc is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 26, 2003.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Ivan'S Machine Shop, Inc

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateMar 26, 2003
FEI Number134244368
Principal Address
7236 Sw 42 Street Suite B

Ivan'S Machine Shop, Inc Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Ivan'S Machine Shop, Inc. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Ivan'S Machine Shop, Inc and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Ortiz Alain Samuel Officer (Pres) Alain Ortiz
8002 Sw 149 Ave Apt B114
FL 33193
(Miami-Dade County)

Reynaldo Oms Yania Registered Agent Oms Reynaldo
7236 Sw 42 Street Suite B
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Ivan'S Machine Shop, Inc is located at 7236 Sw 42 Street Suite B in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

L.M. Auto Collision Center Inc (7270 Sw 41 St) Chinos Werks Investments LLC (7225 Sw 41 St) Bird Automotive, LLC (7240 Bird Rd) Enginetech Prix Corp. (7237 Sw 41 St) Ponszauto Inc (7235 Sw 41 St) Complete Car Care Service Center Inc. (7216 Sw 41st St) Chino'S Ink Werks Inc. (7218 Sw 41 St) Montmelo Motor Services, LLC. (7200 Sw 41st St) Betty Bu Party Rentals & Supply, Inc. (4201 Sw 72nd Ave) Syx, Corp. (4215 Sw 72 Avenue) Isla Trade Corporation (4240 Sw 72nd Ave) Lexprint, L.L.C. (4255 Sw 72nd Ave) Redisig, L.L.C. (4255 Sw 72 Ave) Imagenes Rivera LLC (4251 Sw 72 Ave) Sunstate Insurance Group, Inc (4259 Sw 72 Ave) Imalac, Inc. (4261 Sw 72nd Ave) Miami Events And Entertainment, LLC (4201 Sw 72 Ave) Betty Bu Catering Company Corp. (4201 Sw 72 Ave) Dennis Development Corp. (7177 Sw 42 Street) Stormy Investments, Inc. (7177 Sw 42 St) Cava Cigars, Inc. (7170 Sw 42 St) Rb Tobacco Enterprises LLC (7170 Sw 42nd St) Premium Group Holdings, LLC. (7170 Sw 42nd St) Santoyo Auto Body Shop, Corp. (7356 Sw 42nd St) R & G Miami Customs Inc. (7304 Sw 42 St) Rossco, Inc. (7236 Sw 42 St) Vila Auto Center, Inc. (7236 Sw 42 St) Vast Electrical Contractors, Inc. (7302 Sw 42nd St) David'S Volvo Specialist Corp. (7259 Sw 42 St) Auto Miami, Inc. (7300 Sw 42nd St) Florida Family Laboratory, Inc. (7290 Sw 42nd St) Lab 24 LLC (7290 Sw 42nd St) Sm Diagnostics LLC (7290 Sw 42nd St) A&R Team Auto Solution Inc (7257 Sw 42 Street) Best & Quick Auto Detail Inc. (7257 Sw 42nd St) Le Jeune Upholstery, Inc. (7270 Sw 42nd St) Cosmo62 Investments, LLC (7270 Sw 42nd St) Le Jeune Upholstery And Manufacturing, Inc. (7270 Sw 42nd St) Gfa Investments, LLC (7270 Sw 42 Street) Manuel Joya Roofing, Inc. (7241 Sw 42nd St) Bird Industrial Investments, LLC (7270 Sw 42 St) Osceola Groves Investments, LLC (7270 Sw 42 St) Mr. Van Zant LLC (4101 Sw 73 Ave) Jet Realty Holdings, LLC (4101 Sw 73 Ave) Benito'S Car Sale Corp (4101 Sw 73 Ave) Get Glorified Inc (4101 Sw 73 Ave) The Stitch Studio Co (4101 Sw 73 Ave) Jet Graphics, Inc. (4101 Sw 73 Ave) The Garage Body Shop LLC (7231 Sw 42nd St) B & O Investments, LLC (7217 Sw 42 Street) Diamond Vending Inc (7236 Sw 42nd St) Best Motor Works, Inc. (7217 Sw 42 St) Bahia Capital Partners, LLC (7244 Sw 42nd Ter) Soul Nutrition LLC. (7244 Sw 42nd Ter) Photo Pro, Inc. (7238 Sw 42nd Ter) Antique Armor Publishing LLC (7242 Sw 42 Terr) Miracle Breakthrough Labs, Inc. (7242 Sw 42 Terr) Mikes Complete Auto Repair Corp. (7247 Sw 42 Terrace) C & C Realty, Inc. (7245 Sw 42nd Ter) Mercedes Autobahn, Inc. (7245 Sw 42nd Ter) One Two Tree, Inc. (7250 Sw 42 Terrace) Miami Tree, LLC (7250 Sw 42 Terrace) Park 2 Store LLC (7248 Sw 42nd Ter) Luxmar Professional Management, Inc. (7248 Sw 42nd Ter) Luxpro Environmental Solutions Inc (7248 Sw 42nd Ter) Auto Pro Solutions LLC (7249 Sw 42 Terrace) T Realty Group, LLC (7244 Sw 42 Terr) Elc Health Solutions LLC (7244 Sw 42 Terr) T Group Realty, Inc. (7244 Sw 42 Terr) Dew Point Assessments LLC (7244 Sw 42 Ter) Mas Health Services, LLC (7244 Sw 42 Ter) Onyx Towing & Recovery, Inc. (7245 Sw 42 Terr) Enriquez Family Holdings, LLC (7244 Sw 42 Terrace)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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