Casalina , Inc.

Casalina , Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Margate. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 8, 2002.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Casalina , Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateJul 8, 2002
FEI Number223866823
Principal Address
6280 W Atlantic Blvd

Casalina , Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Casalina , Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Casalina , Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Linares Cesar B Registered Agent Cesar Linares
1395 Brickell Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Cesar Linares
1395 Brickell Ave
FL 33131
(Miami-Dade County)

Cesar Linares
3934 Crescent Creek Dr
Coconut Creek
(Broward County)

Cesar Linares
6280 W Atlantic Blvd
(Broward County)

Cesar Linares
2700 W Atlantic Blvd
Pompano Beach
(Broward County)

Cesar Linares
2700 W Atlantic Blvd
Pompano Beach
(Broward County)

Cesar Linares
2001 W Cypress Creek Road Suite 102 B
Fort Lauderdale
FL 33309
(Broward County)

Cesar Linares
2005 W Cypress Creek Rd
Ft. Lauderdale
FL 33309
(Broward County)

Cesar Linares
2005 W Cypress Creek Rd Suite 100
Ft. Lauderdale
FL 33309
(Broward County)

Cesar Linares
2005 W Cypress Creek Rd Suite 210
Ft. Lauderdale
FL 33309
(Broward County)

Cesar Linares
2005 W Cypress Creek Road Suite 100
Fort Lauderdale
FL 33309
(Broward County)

Cesar Linares
2700 W Atlantic Blvd Ste 100
Pompano Beach
FL 33069
(Broward County)

Cesar Linares
2700 W Atlantic Blvd Ste 107
Pompano Beach
FL 33069
(Broward County)

Cesar Linares
2700 W Atlantic Blvd Suite 100-C
Pompano Bch
FL 33069
(Broward County)

Cesar Linares
2700 W Atlantic Blvd Suite 107
Pompano Beach
FL 33069
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Cesar Linares
4 Seasons Church Inc - Registered Agent
Casalina Insurance Agency, Inc - Registered Agent
Casalina Mortgage Inc - Registered Agent
Casalina Realty, Inc - Registered Agent
Fci International Realty, Inc - Registered Agent
Kowl Dce, Inc - Registered Agent
Slx 5505 LLC - Registered Agent
Uai Foods, Corp - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Casalina , Inc. is located at 6280 W Atlantic Blvd in Margate.

Companies Located Nearby

Ascension Global, Inc. (6350 W Atlantic Blvd) G.Sh Multiservices, LLC (6350 West Atlantic Blvd) Skyn Deep Beautique, LLC (6350 W Atlantic Blvd) Cats Exclusive, Inc. (6350 W Atlantic Blvd) Modupe, LLC (6301 W Atlantic Blvd) Dania 6 Investment, Inc (6301 W Atlantic Blvd) Jones Dental Care, LLC (6300 W Atlantic Blvd) Warren Jones Real Estate Holdings, LLC (6300 W Atlantic Blvd) Jones Dental, Inc. (6300 W Atlantic Blvd) Holistix By The Sea, LLC (6261 W Atlantic Blvd) Southern Surgical Specialties, LLC (6260 West Atlantic Blvd) Southern Saturnia Investments, LLC (6260 West Atlantic Blvd) I.G.S. Homes, LLC (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) Brickell Real Estate Investments, LLC (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) Meridian Partners I, LLC (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) Meridian Partners 2, LLC (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) Tracenet It Solutions, LLC. (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) 6280 Wab LLC (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) Wealth4five LLC (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) Casalina Realty, Inc (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) Casalina Title & Escrow Inc. (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) Kowl Dce, Inc (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) Casalina Insurance Agency, Inc (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) Fl Eivys Usa Corp (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) Casalina Mortgage Inc (6280 W Atlantic Blvd) Business Today LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Qureshi Family Investments, LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Gmaq, LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Tierra Del Rey 441, LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Financial Lending Services LLC. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Maq Management LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Boca Equestrian Club LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) T20 Sports, L.L.C. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Bnk Real Estate, LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Maq Petroleum LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) T20 Energy Drink Usa LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Super Stop Petroleum, LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Bnk Asset Managment, LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Investment Group Management, LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Investment Group One, LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Investment Group Two, LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Investment Group Three, LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Investment Group Four, LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Mjp Distribution, LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) First Financial Investment Group Usa. LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Lifestyle Payment LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Petro America LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Cricket Management Group LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Rodeo Communication LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Fieldgreen LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Yasmar LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Maq Tv LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Major Cricket League LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Hwy 85 Ga LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Ga Hwy 54 LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Ncc Stadium,LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Bnk Homeland LLC (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Q Research Services, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Cricket Council U.S.A., Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Super Stop Petroleum I, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Super Stop Petroleum Iv, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Maq Financial Group, Incorporated (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Maq Sports Complex, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Super Stop Express, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Maq Management, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Terre Haute Indiana,Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Apex Developers ,Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Super Stop Express Iii, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Zara Collection Usa Inc (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Super Stop #301, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Super Stop Pensacola, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Super Stop Petroleum, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Super Stop Sc, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Super Stop #158, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Super Stop #701, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Business Finders, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Hwy 80 Investments, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Gulf Hammock Investments, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Maq Group, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Super Stop Stores, Inc. (6221 W Atlantic Blvd) Cricket Council Il,LLC (6221 Watlantic Blvd) Maqgroup Westbridge LLC (6221 Watlantic Blvd) Ajrn, Inc. (6201 W Atlantic Blvd) Dr. Katina Health And Wellness Inc. (6191 West Atlantic Blvd) Ck Business Associates Inc (6191 W Atlantic Blvd) J.J Enterprise & More Inc (6400 W Atlantic Blvd) Haitian Church Of Christ In Margate, Inc. (6400 W Atlantic Blvd)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.