Around The World Translations, Inc.

Around The World Translations, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Aventura. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 2, 2002.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Around The World Translations, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateJul 2, 2002
FEI Number010733710
Principal Address
20225 Ne 34 Ct 1417

Around The World Translations, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Around The World Translations, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Around The World Translations, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Manor Ehud Registered Agent Ehud Manor
20225 Ne 34 Ct
(Miami-Dade County)

Ehud Manor
20225 Ne 34 Ct
FL 33180
(Miami-Dade County)

Ehud Manor
20225 Ne 34 Ct Ste 1417
FL 33180
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Around The World Translations, Inc. is located at 20225 Ne 34 Ct in Aventura.

Companies Located Nearby

11:11 Healing Solutions, LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Zutta, LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Vidali Services LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Vendome 13th Street LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Head In The Game LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Riznik Dreams LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Vip Tour Company LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Morinda Group LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Obtain Cherish, Inc. (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Prynt Public Relations Inc (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Lightsoft Inc. (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Breath Insurance Corp (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Delvista Kottiech LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct #515) Cathy Clark, Pa (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Lspm Property LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Onegenix LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Vrc Architects LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Calini Homes LLC (20225 Ne 34th Court #1414) Sun City Permits LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Kochen Company LLC (20225 Ne 34th Court #1617) Equstar LLC (20225 Ne 34 Ct) Maximo R Plus LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Sw Jewelry, Corp (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Top Management & Financial Advisory Corp (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Global Behavior Consultants Inc (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Khy Aba Consulting Group Inc (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Premier Industries Inc. (20225 Ne 34th Court Apt 1411) Materiagrigia, LLC (20225 Ne 34 Ct) One Ocean One, LLC (20225 Ne 34 Ct) Giuseppe Fallica, Pa (20225 Ne 34 Ct) Zorro Corp. (20225 Ne 34 Ct) Il Mercatino, Corp (20225 Ne 34 Ct) Gosia Malek Inc (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Ams Aventura 2 Corp (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Blackstone Global LLC (20225 Ne 34th Court #1811) Costa Rica Pura Vida, LLC (20225 Ne 34 Court) Timao 1910, LLC (20310 Ne 34th Ct) Dino Train Inc. (20308 Ne 34th Ct) Nika Tech, LLC (20330 Ne 34th Ct) Childhood Cancer Survivors Fund, Inc. (20330 Ne 34th Ct) Fazar LLC (20324 Ne 34th Ct) Flavors 52 Corp (20355 Ne 34th Ct) G & B Americas LLC (20355 Ne 34th Ct #224) Rp Imovel Miami, LLC (20355 Ne 34 Ct Unit 1426) Tile Collection Inc (20355 Ne 34th Ct) Marco Lustgarten P.A. (20355 Ne 34th Ct) Coronel Holdings, LLC (20355 Ne 34 Court) Keen 526 LLC (20355 Ne 34 Ct) L&G Trading 2014 LLC (20355 Ne 34th Ct) Avila Titan, LLC (20355 Ne 34 Court) Quies Property LLC (20355 Ne 34th Ct) Pharma Funding LLC (20355 Ne 34th Ct) Es Mio Inc (20355 Ne 34th Ct) Chesfield Corp (20355 Ne 34th Ct) Viviana L. Waich, P.A. (20355 Ne 34 Ct) Ramirez-Richiez Finance LLC (20355 Ne 34th Ct Apt 1824) Refine Your Ride LLC (31 Monterey St) Cognitiondigital.Io LLC (31 Monterey St) Prismdigital.Io LLC (31 Monterey St) Better World Herbs Corp. (31 Monterey St) Lock Tech 24 Hour Locksmith Inc (20355 Ne 34 Court) S. Cohen Family, LLC (20355 Ne 34 Ct) Hollywood 6028 Polk Street, LLC (20355 Ne 34 Ct) 2231 Adams Street, LLC (20355 Ne 34 Ct) Brothers L + M., L.L.C. (20355 Ne 34th Court #1628) Psycho-Analytic Group LLC (20355 Ne 34 Court) Itaka, Corp. (20355 Ne 34 Ct Apt #1126) Romadoors, Corp. (20355 Ne 34th Ct) Monica Zerbib, Pa (20355 Ne 34th Ct) Skyline International Realty Corp. (20355 Ne 34th Ct) 2962 W. Abiaca, LLC (20402 Ne 34 Court) Rita Regev P.A. (20416 Ne 34th Crt #17) Sas Medical Consulting LLC (20416 Ne 34th Ct) Quarzo102 LLC (20416 Ne 34th Ct) Valoro Arms Owner, LLC (20464 Ne 34 Court) Gpuertoazul LLC (20464 Ne 34 Ct) Alaytoo LLC (20464 Ne 34 Ct) Delvista Homeowners' Association, Inc. (20481 Ne 34th Ct) Tepuy Travel, LLC (20489 Ne 34th Ct) Jd.Fc Global Investments, LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Del Vista Associates, LLC (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Delvista Road Maintenance Company (20225 Ne 34 Ct) Delvista Towers Condominium Association, Inc. (20225 Ne 34 Ct) Functional Link Corp. (20225 Ne 34th Ct) Keter Consulting LLC (20214 Ne 34th Ct) Gluck Investments LLC (20214 Ne 34th Ct) Shellstone Imports, Inc. (20200 Ne 34th Ct) Gamaco Holdings LLC (20206 Ne 34 Court) Evco Holdings LLC (20206 Ne 34 Court) Clts, Inc. (20206 Ne 34 Court) Sunsplash Appraisals Co. (20466 Ne 34th Ave) Homewears, LLC (3375 North Country Club Dr)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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