Global Solutions International Inc.

Global Solutions International Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jun 7, 2002.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Global Solutions International Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateJun 7, 2002
FEI Number753064617
Principal Address
7226 Nw 56 St Suite B

Global Solutions International Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Global Solutions International Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Global Solutions International Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Caicedo Carlos Registered Agent Carlos Caicedo
949 Coral Club Dr
Coral Springs
(Broward County)

Carlos Caicedo
10648 Nw 2nd Pl
Coral Springs
FL 33071
(Broward County)

Carlos Caicedo
13194 Us Hwy 301 S
FL 33578
(Hillsborough County)

Carlos Caicedo
13194 Us Hwy 301 S
(Hillsborough County)

Carlos Caicedo
13194 Us Hwy 301s
FL 33578
(Hillsborough County)

Carlos Caicedo
4301 Sw 160th Ave # 213
FL 33027
(Broward County)

Carlos Caicedo
7226 Nw 56 St
(Miami-Dade County)

Carlos Caicedo
7226 Nw 56 St
FL 33166
(Miami-Dade County)

Carlos Caicedo
7226 Nw 56 St Ste B
FL 33166
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Carlos Caicedo
C.K. Property Management And Investments LLC - Registered Agent
Caicedo Shannon Officer (VP) Shannon Caicedo
7226 Nw 56 St Ste B
FL 33166
(Miami-Dade County)

Shannon Caicedo
7226 Nw 56 St Ste B
FL 33027
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Global Solutions International Inc. is located at 7226 Nw 56 St in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Shima Home Decor, Inc. (7200 Nw 56th St) Jes Sales LLC (5600 Nw 72nd Ave) Castor Construction Group, LLC (5600 Nw 72 Ave) Smart Automotive Inc. (5600 Nw 72 Ave) Lagtec, L.L.C. (5600 Nw 72 Avenue) Aaa Plus Business Solutions LLC (5600 Nw 72 Avenue) Trak Logistic Solutions, LLC (5600 Nw 72 Avenue) Otr Transport Inc (5600 Nw 72 Avenue) Ennovaco Corp (5600 Nw 72nd Ave) Efi Worldwide Logistics, Inc. (5600 Nw 72nd Ave) All American Fireproofing, Corp (5708 Nw 72nd Ave) Lucky Heap Corp (5595 Nw 72nd Ave) Rebate Chasers Inc. (7230 North West 56 Street) Shima Investments, LLC (7220 Nw 56 St) Tradist Corp (7214 Nw 56 St) Fws Copaboca Distribution LLC (7216 Nw 56th St) Wsm Investments LLC (7214 Nw 56th St) Hs & Sons, L.L.C. (7228 Nw 56th St) Universal Group, Inc. (7228 Nw 56th St) Universal Air Conditioning, Corp. (7228 Nw 56 St) Sanamar, LLC (7210 Nw 56th St) Cybertek Solutions, LLC. (7210 Nw 56th St) M. Schael Consulting, LLC (7210 Nw 56th St) Sobek Holdings, LLC (7210 Nw 56th St) Dilligat International, LLC (7210 Nw 56th St) Tatio Holdings, LLC (7210 Nw 56th St) M. Ocean Dream LLC (7222 Nw 56 Street) Sasind Aviation Inc. (7222 Nw 56 Street) Uniktrans, Corporation (7218 Nw 56 St) Bobgo LLC (7224 Nw 56 St) Abtech Corp. (7224 Nw 56 St) Heavenly Touch Home Health Care Corp (7212 Nw 56 Street) Skyway Cargo Corp. (7224 Nw 56th) S.A.T. Management, Inc. (7226 Nw 56th St) C. & Z. Enterprises Group, Inc. (7226 Nw 56th St) Silver Port, LLC. (7212 Nw 56 St) Building Unlimited Services, Inc. (7232 Nw 56 St) Miami Aerospace Hardware And Supply, LLC (7234 Nw 56th St) Sam2017 & Company, LLC (5559 Nw 72nd Ave) Qreativa Constructions Corporation (5561 Nw 72nd Ave) Inversiones Janak Ca, LLC (5567 Nw 72nd Ave) Representaciones Morlevi 2010 C.A. LLC (5567 Nw 72nd Ave) Multiservicios Ranberr LLC (5567 Nw 72nd Ave) Bemore Group LLC (5567 Nw 72nd Ave) The Love Of The Sea, LLC (5567 Nw 72nd Ave) Market Auto Export LLC (5573 Nw 72 Ave) Best Tile Imports Corp (5577 Nw 72nd Ave) Global Animal Health, LLC (5585 Nw 72 Ave) Americargo Freight Forwarding, Inc. (5585 Nw 72 Avenue) Euro Furniture And Design LLC (5589 Nw 72nd Ave) Marble Boutique, LLC (5589 Nw 72nd Ave) Ixtech Import Export LLC (5589 Nw 72nd Ave) 171 Emergencia, Inc. (5583 Nw 72nd Ave) Dan Enterprises Team LLC (5583 Nw 72 Ave) Integral Emergency Solutions, Inc. (5583 Nw 72 Ave) Pine Rock Builders Group, LLC (7222 Nw 56th St) Hoterfor, LLC (7224 Nw 56th St) Exec Technology, Corp. (7224 Nw 56th St) Omega Tactical Solutions, Corp. (7224 Nw 56th St) Sun Candles, LLC (5587 Nw 72 Avenue) Eden Investments Of Usa LLC (5587 Nw 72nd Ave) Mmk Americas LLC (5587 Nw 72nd Ave) Gerogari Display Manufacture, Corp. (5517 Nw 72 Avenue) Comsyer International Communications Systems And Services, L.C. (5524 Nw 72 Ave) Smart Box Export Ing (5527 Nw 72 Ave) R.P. Fast Trading, Inc. (5525 Nw 72 Avenue) Rp Fast Solutions Inc. (5525 Nw 72 Avenue) A Tiempo Cargo Inc. (5530 Nw 72 Ave) Acxa, Inc. (5525 Nw 72nd Ave) Chemcorp Usa Inc. (5525 Nw 72nd Ave) 3 Kings Moving LLC (5531 Nw 72nd Ave) P.S.I.D. Group LLC (5535 Nw 72nd Ave) Envios Catrachos, Inc. (5533 Nw 72 Ave) Family Group Distributors, Inc (5533 Nw 72 Ave) G & G American Export, LLC (5531 Nw 72 Nd Ave) Mahi Shrine Holding Corporation (5526 Nw 72 Avenue) Mahi Event Corporation (5526 Nw 72 Avenue) Florida State Grotto Association, Inc. (5526 Nw 72 Avenue) Iham Ladies Club, Inc. (5526 Nw 72 Avenue) Mi-Am-I Grotto Movper Incorporated (5526 Nw 72 Avenue) Miami Grotto Convention Corporation (5526 Nw 72 Avenue) Av Metals Corp (5539 Nw 72nd Ave) Distribuidora Dtodito 2016 LLC (5541 Nw 72nd Ave) Jvv Roofing LLC (5541 Nw 72 Avenue) Polo Express International, Corportion (5537 Nw 72 Avenue) Miami Air-West Warehouse, LLC (5534 Nw 72 Ave) C.R. Distribution Center, LLC (5534 Nw 72 Ave) M.E. Global Supplies, Inc (5532 Nw 72nd Ave) A1a Global Corporation (5532 Nw 72nd Ave) Guillermo M. Wensjoe Pa (5532 Nw 72nd Ave) Polinario'S Party Rental, Inc. (5543 Nw 72nd Ave) Airparts Depot Corp (5541 Nw 72 Ave) Pavers Factory LLC (5557 Nw 72nd Ave) Alco Automotive Parts Inc. (5553 Nw 72 Av) Gvs Transport Inc (5555 Nw 72 Ave) Pep Parts Inc (5555 Nw 72 Ave) Wood Center LLC (5477 Nw 72nd Ave) Asian Accents, Inc. (5479 Nw 72nd Ave) Tony'S Perishable Express Inc (5481 Nw 72 Ave) Levantino LLC (5491 Nw 72nd Ave) Nova Tile, Inc. (5491 Nw 72nd Ave) Yetisen Group LLC (5491 Nw 72 Avenue) Miami Travertine LLC (5501 Nw 72nd Ave) Cedar Trading, Inc. (7211 Nw 54th St) Snap Networks LLC (5513 Nw 72 Avenue) Super Packing & Crating, Inc. (5505 Nw 72nd Ave) Silk Mart, Inc. (5500 Nw 72nd Ave) Abc Miami Trading Corp. (5500 Nw 72 Avenue) Aduana Santos International Freight Forwarding Corp. (5511 Nw 72 Ave) Galaxy Pro LLC (5511 Nw 72nd Ave) Galaxy Grip & Lighting Inc. (5511 Nw 72nd Ave) Z-Gate LLC (5519 Nw 72 Ave) Ny Trading Corporation (5519 Nw 72 Ave) Vitalux Logistics LLC (5519 Nw 72nd Ave) Family Wholesale Furniture LLC (5519 Nw 72nd Ave) Dmh Nv Inc (5519 Nw 72nd Ave) Doga Construction Inc (5516 Nw 72nd Ave) Agri-Lac, Inc. (5518 Nw 72 Ave) Merflex International Inc. (5515 Nw 72 Ave) Big Jobs LLC (5512 Nw 72nd Ave) Cvm Solutions, Inc (5512 Nw 72nd Ave) Restoration Care LLC (5514 Nw 72 Avenue) Mgd Investment I LLC (5514 Nw 72 Avenue) Roofing Care Solutions, Inc. (5514 Nw 72 Avenue) Aries Spares Corp. (7210 Nw 54th St) Sea Marvel, Corp (5481 Nw 72nd Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.