Retail Property Services Incorporated

Retail Property Services Incorporated is a Florida for profit corporation based in Jacksonville. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 6, 2002.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Retail Property Services Incorporated

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateMar 6, 2002
FEI Number593772273
Principal Address
2650-2 Rosselle St
FL 32204

Retail Property Services Incorporated Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Retail Property Services Incorporated. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Retail Property Services Incorporated and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Hudmon Stanton Officer (DP) Stanton Hudmon
2650 Rosselle St
FL 32204
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
1923 Southampton Rd
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
1923 Southampton Rd
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
1923 Southhampton Rd
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
1923 Southhampton Rd
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
2605-2 Rosselle St
FL 32204
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
2650 Rosselle Street Ste 2
FL 32204
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
2650-2 Rosselle St
FL 32204
(Duval County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Stanton Hudmon
1161 Lane Avenue LLC - Registered Agent
4216 Herschel LLC - Registered Agent
630 Park Street, L.L.C. - Officer (MGR)
Alamo Partners, LLC - Registered Agent
Hudmon Stanton W Registered Agent Stanton Hudmon
% Stanton W Hudmon
FL 32204
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
1923 Southampton Rd
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
1923 Southampton Rd
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
1923 Southhampton Rd
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
1923 Southhampton Rd
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
2650-2 Roselle St
FL 32204
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
2650-2 Rosselle St
FL 32204
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
C/O Stanton W Hudmon
FL 32204
(Duval County)

Stanton Hudmon
C/O Stanton W Hudmon 2650-2 Rosselle Stre
FL 32204
(Duval County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Stanton Hudmon
4162 Herschel Street, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Artillery Lofts LLC - Officer (MGRM)
Compass Property Services, Inc. - Officer (PD)
Edgewood Property Group, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Lake Francis Plaza, L.L.C. - Officer (MGR)
Madison Highway Shopping Center, L.L.C. - Officer (MGR)
Orion Property Investments, LLC - Registered Agent
Pine Street/Rps, L.L.C. - Officer (MGR)
Rosselle Partners, L.L.C. - Officer (MGR)
Westwood Properties Partners, LLC - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Retail Property Services Incorporated is located at 2650-2 Rosselle St in Jacksonville.

Companies Located Nearby

603 8th Street, L.L.C. (2650 Rosselle St) 1095 Ventures LLC (2671 Gilmore St) Team Resistance, Inc. (2671 Gilmore St) Renaissance Jax, Inc. (2671 Gilmore St) Terry Vereen Plumbing, Inc. (2690 Rosselle St) Renaissance Robotics And Engineering LLC (2689 Rosselle St) Elev8 Ventures LLC (2689 Rosselle St) Maiya Elaine LLC (2689 Rosselle St) Avondale Artworks, Inc. (2689 Rosselle St) Bold City Brewery, LLC (2670-7 Rosselle St) Wahtetah Enterprises, LLC (2670-7 Rosselle St) 1161 Lane Avenue LLC (2650-2 Roselle St) Jomama, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Trinity Fitness Riverside, Inc (2650 Rosselle St Ste 3) 6100 Philips Highway, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 1018 Alamo Street, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Artillery Lofts LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) Alton Box, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Westwood Properties Partners, LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) Alamo Partners, LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) 2663 Robert Street, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Rosselle Partners, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Equity Builders Of Florida, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 630 Park Street, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 1880 Atlantic Beach, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Cassat And Ryan, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Lfp Holdings, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 633 8th Street, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Met Properties, LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) 2689 Rosselle Street, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Beaches At Vilano Beach, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 2501 Lloyd Road, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Wme Fllc, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Edgewood Property Group, LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) Orion Property Investments, LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) Tafuri Investments LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) Philips Highway Properties, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 6600 Suemac Place, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 5154 Edwards Street, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 1333 Haines Street, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Silverback & Sons, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 5921 West Beaver Street, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Indriolo Properties LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) Boats And Homes LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) 1501 Haines Street, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 6100 Holdings, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Annie Lytle LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) 4121 Dillon Street, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 6611 Pickett Drive, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 1612 East 8th Street, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Eastport Road Holdings, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Central Parkway Holdings, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 4044 Lenox Avenue, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 533 Stevens Street, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Rolling Barrels Partners, LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) 4162 Herschel Street, LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) Wme Family Holdings, LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) 6393 Powers Avenue, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Equity Pool'S Of Florida LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) 1972 Wells Road, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Boats And Homes Development, LLC (2650-2 Rosselle St) East Lake Mary Blvd., L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Mcgirts, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) 4814 Phillips Highway, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Compass Property Services, Inc. (2650-2 Rosselle St) C.J. Mortgage Co. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Far East Properties, Inc. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Lone Pine Road, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Pine Street/Rps, L.L.C. (2650-2 Rosselle St) Amir Management Services Limited Liability Compamy (2670 Rosselle St) Skinny Water Ventures, LLC (2670 Phyllis St) Kr Mechanical, LLC (2670 Phyllis St) My Granite Guys Inc. (2640 Phyllis St) Ace Automotive Products, Inc. (584 Broward St) The Greaser Company Kustoms LLC (579 Ogram St) The Teen Idol Greaser Company LLC (579 Ogram St) Blunt Band Aid LLC (2712 Rosselle St) Acropolis Clothing Company, Inc. (2712 Rosselle St) Blue Buddha Exotic Foods, Inc. (2703 Rosselle St) A&G Machine Shop Services, LLC (2703 Rosselle St)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.