Progressive Communications Management, Inc.

Progressive Communications Management, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Sunrise. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Nov 15, 2001.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Progressive Communications Management, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateNov 15, 2001
FEI Number651155642
Principal Address
951 Shotgun Rd

Progressive Communications Management, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Progressive Communications Management, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Progressive Communications Management, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Matthews Robert H President Robert Matthews
1937 Timberline Rd
FL 33327
(Broward County)

Robert Matthews
1608 W Morrison Ave
(Hillsborough County)

Robert Matthews
2480 Princeton Ct
(Broward County)

Weisenberg David Registered Agent David Weisenberg
951 Shotgun Rd
(Broward County)

David Weisenberg
521 East Mount Vernon Dr
FL 33325
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Progressive Communications Management, Inc. is located at 951 Shotgun Rd in Sunrise.

Companies Located Nearby

Wing'S Enterprise LLC. (793 Shotgun Rd) Mmg Enterprises, LLC (793 Shotgun Rd) J-Way Enterprises, LLC (793 Shotgun Rd) Mcr Group, Inc. (793 Shotgun Rd) Diaz Enterprise, LLC (789 Shotgun Rd) Componexx Corp. (789 Shotgun Rd) Legacy Global Investments, Inc. (787 Shotgun Rd) Gara Group, Inc. (785 Shotgun Rd) Shiply LLC (785 Shotgun Rd) Delina Chill Florida, LLC (785 Shotgun Rd) Mvr, Inc. (785 Shotgun Rd) Xelliss North America Inc. (785 Shotgun Rd) Velovita Inc (785 Shotgun Rd) Decogroup International LLC (783 Shotgun Rd) Deco Building Products International, Inc. (783 Shotgun Rd) Deco Trading Inc. (783 Shotgun Rd) Developers Contractors Group Inc. (783 Shotgun Rd) Ggl International Corp (783 Shotgun Rd) Miami Magnet Company (781 Shotgun Rd) Healthpro Direct, Inc. (777 Shotgun Rd) 777 Shotgun Group, LLC (777 Shotgun Rd) Workperks LLC (775 Shotgun Rd) Vine Drop LLC (775 Shotgun Rd) Maria Baiz Photography, L.L.C. (773 Shotgun Rd) Cuyagua Everglades L.L.C. (773 Shotgun Rd) Sumiflex LLC (773 Shotgun Rd) Nextgen Landscape LLC (1079 Shotgun Rd) Nextgen People LLC (1079 Shotgun Rd) Nextgen Management LLC (1079 Shotgun Rd) Windmill Reserve Homeowners Association, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Lakeside Village Of Davie Property Owner'S Association, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Biltmore Grove Hoa, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Miramar Landings Homeowners Association, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Darlington Park Homeowners' Association, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Lakeview Courts At Jacaranda Homeowners Association, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Aquavita Las Olas Condominium Association, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Aqualuna Las Olas Condominium Association, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Fountainspring Ii Homeowners Association, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Windmill Lake Estates Maintenance Association, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Chapel Trail Corporate Park Association, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Town Center Professional Association, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Windmill Professional Campus Association, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) Hgg Enterprises, Inc. (1079 Shotgun Rd) 937 Shotgun Road, LLC (937 Shotgun Rd) Kalglas International Inc. (937 Shotgun Rd) Bas Realty , LLC (1083 Shotgun Rd) B&A Food Brokers Alabama, LLC (1083 Shotgun Rd) B&A Food Brokers Arkansas, LLC (1083 Shotgun Rd) B&A Food Brokers Tennessee, LLC (1083 Shotgun Rd) B&A Food Sales LLC, The Carolinas (1083 Shotgun Rd) B&A Food Sales Virginia, LLC (1083 Shotgun Rd) B&A Food Sales Kentucky, LLC (1083 Shotgun Rd) Brian W Davis Inc (1083 Shotgun Rd) Zuto Realty 1 LLC (933 Shotgun Rd) Milicon Arms LLC (933 Shotgun Rd) Megawattage Generator Inc (933 Shotgun Rd) Zrc Consulting Services Inc (933 Shotgun Rd) Celustore Usa, Inc. (929 Shotgun Rd) Pro Energy, LLC (1093 Shotgun Rd) Cwc Transportation, LLC (1093 Shotgun Rd) Svz Performance, LLC (1093 Shotgun Rd) Zurc Capital, LLC (1093 Shotgun Rd) Zurc Investments, LLC (1093 Shotgun Rd) Pbro Holdings, LLC (1095 Shotgun Rd) Omega 2010 Corp (1095 Shotgun Rd) Bob'S Barricades, Inc. (921 Shotgun Rd) Bob'S Barricades Equipment, LLC (921 Shotgun Rd) Spectra Group America, Inc. (1097 Shotgun Rd) Spectra Group, LLC (1099 Shotgun Rd) 1099 Shotgun, LLC (1099 Shotgun Rd) Spectra Biotech, LLC (1099 Shotgun Rd) Aviation Warehouse LLC (979 Shotgun Rd) Aviation Warehouse Ii, LLC (979 Shotgun Rd) Aviation Concepts, LLC (979 Shotgun Rd) Hawk Aviation La, LLC (975 Shotgun Rd) Shotgun Properties LLC (975 Shotgun Rd) A.M.O.S. Aerospace Inc. (975 Shotgun Rd) Bnf Agape Dream Center, Inc. (967 Shotgun Rd) Buenas Noticias De Fe, Inc. (967 Shotgun Rd) Deltamedix 1 Corporation (765 Shotgun Rd) Unidad Medico Quirurgica 60 Corp (765 Shotgun Rd) Dentimed Sao Joao LLC (763 Shotgun Rd) Ofert Market LLC (763 Shotgun Rd) Zoo Steel Inc (763 Shotgun Rd) Inversiones Franco 3000 Ca Inc (763 Shotgun Rd) Samco Engineering Inc. (761 Shotgun Rd) Rq Tax Service, LLC (951 Shotgun Rd) Romero Quintero Solutions Corp (951 Shotgun Rd) Angel Falls 82, Corp (951 Shotgun Rd) Mjr Solutions Group, Inc (951 Shotgun Rd) Gafpri Corp (951 Shotgun Rd) Brown Energy Group Inc. (759 Shotgun Rd) Kbu Logistics Inc. (759 Shotgun Rd)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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