Summerfield At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc.

Summerfield At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Melbourne. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 30, 1999.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Summerfield At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateJul 30, 1999
FEI Number593623476
Principal Address
1331 Bedford Dr #103

Summerfield At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Summerfield At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Summerfield At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Stise Robert Officer (PD) Robert Stise
1331 Bedford Dr
FL 32940
(Brevard County)

Fairway Management Registered Agent Management Fairway
1331 Bedford Dr
FL 32940
(Brevard County)

Management Fairway
1331 Bedford Drive #103
FL 32940
(Brevard County)

Management Fairway
Fairway Management
FL 32940
(Brevard County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Management Fairway
Forest Glen At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. - Registered Agent
Harvest Cove Homeowners Association, Inc. - Registered Agent
Sandy Pines Preserve Homeowners Association, Inc. - Registered Agent
Veranda Place Community Association, Inc. - Registered Agent
Corcoran Marie Officer (Secr) Marie Corcoran
1331 Bedford Dr
FL 32940
(Brevard County)

Reis Mike Officer (Trea) Mike Reis
1331 Bedford Dr
FL 32940
(Brevard County)

Barber Lisa Officer (VP) Lisa Barber
1331 Bedford Dr
FL 32940
(Brevard County)

Principal Location

Summerfield At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. is located at 1331 Bedford Dr in Melbourne.

Companies Located Nearby

Spoiled Rotten Properties, LLC (1299 Bedford Drive Suite B-1) Baytree Professional Center Owners Association, Inc. (1299 Bedford Dr) Wolfman & Wolfman, P.A. (1300 Bedford Dr) Free Motion Physical Therapy Of Brevard, P.A (1300 Bedford Dr) Creative Music, Art And Learning Center, Inc. (1299 Bedford Dr) Four - 10, Inc. (1299 Bedford Drive Ste B2) B. Salzar Family, Inc. (1299 Bedford Drive Ste B2) Foundations Counseling, LLC (1299 Bedford Dr) New Dawn, Inc. (1299 Bedford Dr Ste B2) Space Coast Oral Surgery, LLC. (1371 Bedford Dr) Andrew Langston, Dmd, Pllc (1371 Bedford Dr) Community Foundation For Brevard, Inc. (1361 Bedford Dr) Owens Center For Biofeedback & Psychological Services, Pa (1370 Bedford Dr) Law Office Of Sandra E. Valentin, Esq, LLC (1361 Bedford Dr) Valentin & Studstill, Pllc (1361 Bedford Dr) Law Offices Of Michelle Pruitt Studstill, P.A. (1361 Bedford Dr) Carl Jones, Dds Inc. (1360 Bedford Dr) Lean Paw Systems Inc. (1360 Bedford Dr) Ivory Wall LLC (1360 Bedford Dr) Viera East Villages District Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Lake Forest At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Magnolia Park At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Summer Lakes District Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Solerno District Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Fairway Lakes District Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Stadium Villas District Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Greystone Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Hammock Lakes District Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Fawn Ridge District Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Wickham Lakes Residential District Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Fair/Way Management Of Brevard, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Bayside Lakes Commercial Center Property Owners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Bridgewater At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Peachtree Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Forest Glen At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Monterey Cove At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Chateau In The Pines Homeowners Association Ii, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Crane Creek I Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Roig Properties, LLC (1331 Bedford Dr) Georgia Davis, M.D. And Associates L.L.C. (1331 Bedford Dr) Veranda Place Community Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Holly Trace At Bayside Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Whispering Winds Subdivision Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Suntree Viera Professional Park Owners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Harvest Cove Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Trasona East Neighborhood Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Brook Hollow Community Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Baytree Community Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Emerald Pointe Homeowners Association Of Brevard, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Windsor Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Stillwater Lakes, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Town Homes Of Brevard Owners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Deer Lakes Owners' Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Serena Shores Condominium Of Indian Harbour Beach Condominium Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Pineda Plaza At Suntree Condominium Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Baytree Corporate Park Property Owners' Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Forest Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Wingate Estates District Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Viera East Community Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr) Stephen M. Giorgianni, Do, Pllc (1341 Bedford Dr) Via Capital LLC (1341 Bedford Dr) Fair/Way Management Of Brevard, LLC (1331 Bedford Drive Ste 103) Rv Park 11, LLC (1331 Bedford Dr Ste 103) Auburn Lakes District Association, Inc. (1331 Bedford Dr Ste 103) Richard C. Singer, P.A. (1329 Bedford Dr) Jeffrey G. Thompson, P.A. (1329 Bedford Dr) Onek & Mawn, P.A. (1329 Bedford Dr) Precious Emerald Group LLC (1329 Bedford Dr) Kramer Group, LLC (1329 Bedford Dr) Law Offices Of Bryan J. Mccarthy, Pllc (1329 Bedford Dr) Kramer Group Ii, LLC (1329 Bedford Dr) Jordan H. Kramer, P.A. (1329 Bedford Dr) Dsk, Inc. (1329 Bedford Dr) Chq Properties Of Brevard, LLC (1329 Bedford Drive Suite 1) Brevard Realty Investments, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Superior Title, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Coleman Investments, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Equity Partners Of Central Florida, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Cgb Investments, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Real Property Partners, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) 90 Dl, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Mp Investment, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Wholesale Lending Of Brevard, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Ekb Dynasty, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Primo Affare, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Ss Mechanical, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Bl Group, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Ccp Properties, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Ect Partners, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Brevard Private Equity, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Jr Properties Two, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Glass Strings, LLC (1311 Bedford Dr) Sandhills Telecommunications Group, Inc. (1311 Bedford Dr) S&C Properties, Inc. (1311 Bedford Dr) Brevard Wireless, Inc. (1311 Bedford Dr) Schillinger & Coleman, P.A. (1311 Bedford Dr)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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